
My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!




Break time-

Finally Jiho and me escape for a while from this punishment and make our way to a cafe . As we enter the cafe, I run to our usual seat and Jiho go to buys her food first .

I can see the cafe almost full but no one didn't dare to touch or sit at our place . That the best advantage for us because we didn't need to scramble with other student to find the empty place especially 'The Queenkas'.

After Jiho done buys her lunch , I go to the counter to buy my lunch as well . I choose some of delicious foods and quickly pay at the main counter .

I marching at Jiho with a lot of foods on my both hand . Jiho knows me very well so she didn't suprise when she looks at our full table .

We share the foods together since the break time was nearly end . Then , all students start to get into their own class but Jiho and me still in the cafe , eating . Mr Yoo come toward us and asks us to eat quickly . He smile and leave the cafe.


''In this huge school , I only like Mr Yoo .'' Jiho say with a full mouth

''Me too ! He's the best .'' I nod to show that I'm agree with her


We eat greedily and I guarantee if someone look at us , maybe they'll think that Jiho and me didn't eat for 10 years . I stop from eating by the sudden and hit my head hardly .


''Yahh , waitt ! We still in punishment right ? If we finish early , we still need to stand outside the class . Yahhh , no pabo !!'' I hit Jiho's head hardly this time

''Yahhhhhh !!! You're right but how can you hit my head while I'm still eating . You little brat !'' Jiho yell slowly and both of us chuckle . 

''Just take our time to finish this foods .'' I point at the food

Yeah , don't rush again .'' Jiho continue eating her food


After having a 5 minutes conversation , our foods already finished and we walk happily since we're full and stand outside our class .

Then , a few of girls pass by us and I can hear they say about new students who will enter this school . I didn't mean to heard their conversation but their voice are too loud until other people can hear it , so this is not my fault .

Finally , after tired of standing , teacher asks us to enter the class . I feel very relieved as we can enter our class . I can see Yoona and Yuri smirk at us . *What the hell with that face ?* I thought while sit on my cozy seat .

The teacher start to teach in front and Jiho already sleep at the back . Her place is safe since a tall guys sit in front her . I feel very jealous because I can't sleep since the teacher always keep an eye toward me . *Aishh , this is so annoying !* I doodle my book . 


''Ringggg , Ringggg !!''


The school bell singing loudly and it's mean that the school time already end .

I need to go home alone since Jiho needs to stayback for her new task . I exit the school and walk along the street .

Then , someone stop me with her leg . I raised my head and smirk . They're the loser gang who's lost in fighting with Jiho and me yesterday . Now , they bring their boyfriend to challenging Jiho and me . One of them asks us to fighting at Gangnam's famous alley .

I just agree with them since I didn't scare at all . They tell me that they want to meet Jiho and me here at 9 p.m tomorrow . I smirk and leave them .

I plug in my earphone and make my way to my home sweet home . I reach my house and as I want to enter my house , I can feel that someone staring at me from far away . I keep looking around and found nothing . I enter my house and close the door hardly . 






L joe POV

Did I just saw that girl who step on my feet at the shop ? I keep following the girl who's in uniform .

Waittt, is that Kirin High School's uniform ? I will transferred to that school tomorrow . It will be fun if that girl attend the same school with me .


''Hyungggg ah , what are you looking at ? We need to go to CAP hyung's house . Pali !'' Ricky say while pull L joe's shirt

''Arasso , arasso !'' I follow him and keep looking at that big house

End of POV 


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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3