A day with Ljoe

My annoying tutor is L joe ?!!


A day with Ljoe



''Why did you stand in the rain ?'' Ljoe looks at me

''Huh ? I...I..'' He cut me off

''It's okay , don't need to tell me if you don't want . If you ready to tell me , I will listen like a good dog.'' He smiles

''Oh, okay.'' I nod a bit


The atmosphere become silent as both of us didn't speak . Ljoe tries to break the silent by clear his throat.  I look at him and our eyes meet. I quickly look at other place and I heard Ljoe smirk.


''I think I need to go back home .'' I say still avoid eyes contact with him

''It still raining heavily out there. Just wait until the rain stop.'' He looks outside the window

''It's okay with you ? I mean I don't disturb you ? Maybe you want to do something but you can't since I'm here.'' I titled my head

''Yea, I'm okay.'' Actually I like when you're here.

''Um, what are we gonna doing now ?'' I ask him

''I tell you at school today that I'm going to teach you right ?'' He rub his back neck

''Oh yea, but do you still want to teach me right now ? Can you teach me tomorrow ? Pleaseee..'' I rub my palm together

''No, now let start with chemistry.'' He take out his chemistry book and put in front of me

''Haish, I'm really lazy right now until I didn't able to move an inch.'' I whisper to myself

''Just follow my instruction if you want to pass your exam.'' He search the question for me to answer it


How can he heard me ? Unbelievable


He pass me a basic question and I rolled my eyes.


''This is a basic question , of course I can do it. Who the hell can't do this question ?'' I smirk

''Don't bragging . Just solve the question.'' He looks at me


I hold the pen and start to read the question. Oh, it's hard .

I try my best to solve it but I can't. Ahh, brain , please work now !

Then , I look at Ljoe as I really don't have any idea to solve it. What a shame . AHHH , I'm so embarrassed right now!

He laugh loudly when he looks at my blank face.


''Yahh, don't laugh at me. I know how to solve it but I forgot the formula.'' I try to cover myself

''Just admit that you didn't know even though it just a basic question.'' He laugh even loud right now

''Yahh , Ljoe ah !'' I poke his right arm

''Okay, okay . I'll show you one by one to solve it.'' He wipe his tears since he laugh too much just now


When he explain the answer to me , I found it very boring so I decide to doodle on the top of my hand. I didn't pay attention to Ljoe and continue to doodle on the paper. 


''So , do you understand ?'' Ljoe asks me

''Umm..'' I'm humming slowly

''Yah , Jang Nara ! What are you doing ?'' He pat my head

''The lesson is very boring so don't blame me if I didn't pay attention.'' I say lazily

''How if I'm doing like this ? Maybe you can pay attention.'' He come closer to me and I can feel his warm breathe


I automatically close my eyes and I really don't know what on earth I'm closing my eyes. The last thing I heard is Ljoe laughing again.


''Yah , stop laughing !'' I say to Ljoe while pull him away from me

''You're really funny.'' He say between the laugh

''If you don't stop laugh , I will..'' I hold my anger

''What do you will do for me ?'' He still laugh

''I will tickle you until you can't breathe.'' I try to tickle him


He didn't ticklish at all and I fell like idiot . Then , he start to tickle me and I laugh so hard while try to hold his hand.


''Ljoe ah ! St....stop....tic....tick...tickle..me...'' I continue to laugh


He smile and still tickle me. Awww, she is so cute when she's laughing

Now he's on top of me and my eyes widen when our face are very closer. I pull him and start to blushing badly. I fan myself with my hand and take a look at him. He also blush a bit and I found it very cute . 


''Don't ever do that to me again.'' I pretend to be angry

''I can't promise since I like to teased you.'' He pinch my cheek

''Just don't do that again.'' I fold my arm

''Okay, okay . Let's continue our lesson.'' He say and sit at his place

''Ohh, not again.'' I sigh


2 hours had passed and I'm stretching my hand . My brain can't accept the lessons again so I decide to rest . Ljoe looks at me and keep all the books .


''We're going to stop here since you already tired .'' He say

''Yeah , I'm really sleepy right now.'' I yawn

''Do you want me to send you home ? It's already late now.'' He looks at the watch

''No, it's okay . I can go back alone.'' I stand and bow at him

''No, I will send you home .'' He stand and walk to the door


I take my cloth and put it in the bag since my cloth are still wet. I rush to the door and walk beside Ljoe.

The road is very dark since the street light broken. I walk closer to Ljoe as I don't want to part from him.

Suddenly I feel something hold my hand and I look at it. Ljoe hold my hand tightly and I don't know why but I feel very safe.


Ljoe POV

The road is pretty dark and I see Nara is trembling. I quickly hold her hand tightly to prevent her from trembling.

I want to protect her and comfort her.

As we're walking to her house , I can feel something wrong.

Or maybe it just me. I ignore that feeling and try to think positively.

Then, we reach her house and I bid a goodbye to her.

She smile and wave at me . Cute

Before she enter her house , I quickly pull her hand.


''Wait , you forget this.'' I kiss her forehead gently


She looks surprised with my sudden action but she didn't push me.

End of POV


I stunned for a while when Ljoe kiss my forehead. I look at him and his brown eyes went smiley when he sees me and that make my stomach flip over.

He waves at me and disappear from my sight .

I enter my house while hold my chest and smile like idiot. 




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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 33: chappie 33: such a nice ending!!!!
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 32: chappie 32: kyahh!!!!!!!!!
such a sweet style to confess!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 17: chappie 17: i think that the problem can be solve easily if jiho just tell it to nara.........
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 13: chappie 13: T^T
poor l.joe......
chanbaekii #5
Chapter 33: This fanfic is so flawless
Mincheol #6
Chapter 33: I'm addicted to this fanfic !! So sweet. I can't
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 33: Awwww . Ljoe is so sweet :)
Chapter 33: aww cute + sweet too much :))
byuntaehunny #9
Chapter 32: So cute and romantic~it ,makes me crying~
aishani146 #10
Chapter 32: Sooo cute!!! I love your stories author-nim... Keep it up!! FIGHTING.... :3