House Mates for Now

Young Crazy Love

You blinked, “Mwo? How do you know my name?”


Luhan let go of your arm and laughed, “Chinja!? You don't remember me?”


“Who the are you? Creeper.” you muttered the last part.


“Mwo?” Luhan heard your mutter, “Say it again. Remember? When we were little you were Jerry and I was Tom.”


You thought for a while. You eyes lit up as you suddenly remembered who he was. You looked up and gasped, “Oh .”


Luhan smirked, “Now? Jeez, slow poke. Took you a while.”


“No wonder why that name sounded familiar... what a dumb I am.” you said to yourself.


“No kidding.” Luhan rose an eyebrow.


“So you were that one stupid guy waving and smiling as you got out of the limo, and the one staring at me in class? Damn.” you laughed, “It sure does look like you.” you laughed again, then looked up at him, “Well leave me alone. I'm late for class now because of you.” you started walking away from him.


Luhan caught up next to you, “What class are you going to now?”


“Why do you care?”


“Just saying. Jeez, idiot.” Luhan mumbled.


You yawned, “Math.”


Luhan let out a sad exhale, “Darn. I'm in the same class as you.”


“Then switch your schedule, I don't need you to be bothering my perfect life.”


Luhan huffed, “Perfect? Remember, Hwang Sun Young? When we were only 10, We took a shower together because you wanted to. Was that perfect?”


You blushed as you remembered that day, “Shut up. We were only ten.”


He laughed again, “And when you grabbed my balls hard when I took your teddy bear?!”


You sighed and closed your eyes as you reached the door to math, “Shut the up and get inside, oh sir Luhan.” You mumbled madly at him.


Luhan smirked and whispered in your ear, “My pleasure.”


You rolled your eyes and walked in behind him.


“Why are you both late?” The math teacher asked as he saw you and Luhan.


Luhan stopped you, “She showed me directions. I was lost.” You nodded, playing along.


“And are you in math right now too?” The math teacher looked at you.


“O-oh. Nae, susaeng-nim. I am.” You said calmly. Luhan snickered. You pinched his back and walked to an empty seat.


Luhan sat down by Kai, they both had math together.


Kai tapped Luhan's shoulder and whispered, “Is that the girl you always talk about?”


“Nope.” Luhan said sarcastically.


It was time for lunch, you shut your locker and started heading to the cafeteria when a pair of arms wrapped around your neck, “Annyeong, Youngie!”


You looked over, “Oh. Hi, Hana. And stop calling my that.”


Hana pouted, “But it's cute.”


“Damn. I wonder how we even became friends.”


“I thought the same while I was bored in class. I thought, why is a boyish girl and a girly girl friends. And I think that it's because we found each others heart's.”


You looked at her, horrified, “That's so cheesy, Nana.”


“See? You call me by my nickname. Hypocrite.”


You sighed in defeat, “Fine. You can call me by my nickname then. Eesh.” you sit down while Hana sits across from you.


“Give me money.” Hana opens her hand. You hand her a few dollars.


“Give me the same as yours.” say before Hana starts walking to by food.



You open the door, “I'm back home, Omma...nim...” you say slowly as you see him again.


Luhan smiles and waves to you, “Hi! We're going to be house mates.... for now.” then smirks.

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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ