Look a Deer!

Young Crazy Love

Sorry for the long update! Since I haven't updated for so long. I decided I need to owe you guys something. This chapter is long. It may be long but it's worth it. At the end you can't help but admit that this chapter is 100% awesomeness. MWAHAHA! Enjoy! ;)




“Okay, mom. Just pick us up at-”


You looked at Luhan talking on his phone before looking back at the bench inside the garden, “Creepy. How did that old man just randomly show up....” then your eyes widen as chills went down your spine, “Oh, hell no I didn't just see a-”


“Sun Young.” Luhan interrupted you.


“Huh?” You looked back at him.


Luhan stared at your lips, “Ehem. Uh.... my mom will pick us up... and take you home.. don't go running off like that again. I got in trouble because of you.” Luhan mumbled, almost saying it embarrassingly.


“Oh, sorry I caused so much trouble.” You hung your head down in guilt.


Luhan soften and admitted forgiveness, “You'll never be forgiven.. by me.. unless you break that bet.” Luhan cackled.


You looked up and hit Luhan hard in the shoulder, “There is no way I'm going to break a useless bet that will never work.”


“Who knows. I can already imagine you begging me that you miss me. Mwahahaha!” You couldn't help but look as his eyes turned into cute crescents with small eye wrinkles. Luhan looked at you, “What?”


You blushed and looked away, “Nothing.”


“Oh~ let me guess, you were checking me out. I know I am-”


BEEP! A horn honked, “Kids! Get inside, you guys will catch a cold out there.” Luhan's mother called as she poked her head out of the window.


“Get inside.” Luhan ran ahead of you as you followed behind him.


“Aigoo! Sun Young-ah!?” Luhan's mother scolded.


“N-nae?” You say hesitantly.


“You should have just told Luhan to send you home!” Mrs. Lu tsked as she started driving back on the road. Luhan snickered “oh-so-quietly-”.


You bowed, “Sorry, Mrs. Lu.”


“And I told you to call me Aunty.”


“Aunty.” You repeated.


“Well.. We should hurry you home so you won't get a cold.”


“And what about me?” Luhan rose a brow.


“You'll survive even if you have a cold!” Mrs. Lu yelled at Luhan from his reflection in the mirror.


Luhan made a scowled face while looking out the window, “Thanks, mother.” Luhan said slowly, but in a more irritated tone of voice.


“You're welcome.” Mrs. Lu teased. Luhan scowled more. You giggled along with Mrs. Lu as “Aunty” teased Luhan even more the whole ride back to the Hwang resident.


“Well.. see you at the party next month.” Mrs. Lu bid a goodbye as you stepped out of the car.


“What party?” you asked but Luhan shut the door in your face. You watched the car drive out of the drive way and back into the road. What party?



Luhan came in the kitchen to see his mother and some chefs cooking together, Luhan ruffled his damp hair from the warm shower he had just now, “You're cooking?”


“Of course! D.O came over because he felt lonely at home so he came over here. We're learning how to make steamed dumplings for Xiumin's birthday party tomorrow.” Luhan's “always cheery” mother jumped in happiness. With D.O nodding along.


“Why? Can't we just buy him a large chocolate cake like what Tao said?” Luhan suggested.


“Or do you want to eat deer instead? BOOM! There goes a Lu!” Luhan's mother teased again.


Luhan jumped in shock as he just imagined the worst thing ever, “No. Let's just go with the buns then.”


You rubbed your eyes, “Ugh. I'm so tired but I need to finish my homework! Ottokae!?” You flexed your finger and started writing again, “Sol, Sul, Sam, Saem, Sang, Saeng, Sung....” You dropped your pencil and scooted out of your chair, “I give up. I can just wake up earlier than my alarm can and sleep now.” You yawned before switched the lights and falling back into the bottom bunk of your bed. “Smells like Luhan.” you groaned. Then you started smiling again as memories of Mrs. Lu teasing Luhan in the car.


Look! A dear!”


Where!?” Luhan looked in his mothers direction and see nothing but a field of grass.


Made you look.” You and Mrs. Lu laughed again.


Mom!” Luhan whined then growled.


Just kidding son! Oh, there's some snacks in the bag. Have some.”


With Luhan's usual large appetite, he opened the bag to see a large bag of flour and some other ingredients, “What? This is the snack?”


Yes, dummy. You've got to make it first.” Mrs. Lu laughed again.


You smiled again before dazing into a fun dream land.


Look, Bambi! You're twin brother! Hahaha!” Your sweet baby voice laughed as you saw a baby dear passing by.


Luhan growled, “I'm not bambi!”


Are you sure 'Lu' Han?” You teased.


Grr! Shut up, cry baby!” Luhan's little arms pushed you to the bottom of the grassy field.


Tears started forming fast in your eyes and cried loudly out of no where, “Wah! Omma! Omma!” but no one could here besides yourself and Luhan.


Thought so.” Luhan huffed and started walking away, almost leaving you deserted in the large grassy field. Luhan stopped half way and took a small steamed bun out of his pocket and took a small bite. But suddenly, guilt hit him as he heard your cries again.


*Hic* Uhhhhhhwahhhh...” You cried, knowing that no one was gonna help you. Until a bun cam in front of your face.


Here,” Luhan said, almost in a shy tone, “I was going to eat this but I decided to save it for you-... I lost my appetite, eat it and stop crying.”


Happy, you took the bun and bit into it, “Th*hic*ank you.” tears formed again.


Luhan crouched in front of you and started your hair, “My omma says that when someone cries, you pat their head and tell them something nice so they will stop crying.” Luhan kept patting as you started to feel better, “It's okay, Youngie..” Luhan said a his best soft kiddie voice, “I'm here for you to lean on. Don't cry.”


You flinch.


Huh? You won't tell me!?” The girl pulled your hair and smashed your head on the bathroom stall again, “You better tell me the truth now or else!” The girl threw you on the ground, causing your elbow to slam the floor with a loud thump and a small crack.


Y-yes...” You cried as hard pain hit your elbow, or more like your body, “He's living with me.”


The girl scoffed, “That's enough. Let's go now.”


You watched them leave the girls' bathroom with wet eyes. You slowly and painfully started to stand up, holding your elbow in pain and went to the mirror to fix yourself with badly injured arms. Then you carefully tried not to limp to the nurses office, “Dr. Seo, c-can you help me cast my arm?”


Yes, Sun Young. Tell me what happened.”


...” you paused to think for an excuse instead of “I got beat up in the girls' bathroom”. “I slipped and fell.”


Ah~ an accident.”




Your body flinched as you opened your eyes. Your body shook in fear and sweat was all over you. You wiped your eyes and knew that you cried. You opened your eyes and looked for the alarm clock but didn't see any. I forgot.. Luhan broke it.


You shook as you tried to get out of bed and look for your other clock on your desk and saw that it was 6:50 am. You sighed, “I-I'll be late.”


The school bell rung after about a few minutes and students started heading to class.


Luhan and Lay sat behind and in front of each other as usual.


“Where's Sun Young?” Luhan mumbled quietly to himself.


“Where's that girl, I ate her ice cream with Kai yesterday.” Lay asked Luhan in Chinese.


Luhan sighed and faced back at the front as the seongsaengnim came in, “Who cares about her?”


“Oh.” Lay muttered sadly. I still need to apologize to her about her ice cream.... if I remember.


You stopped for large gasps of air as you stopped running, “I'm totally late! Ugh! I should have remembered that my alarm clock broke! But it's no use when my phone broke too! Ugh!” You kept running. “Ugh! Class is three floors up!”


Luhan tapped his finger impatiently as his thought were just on you, “Where is she?” he thought, “Is she sick? Or maybe she just skipped school and lied to her-” His thoughts suddenly burst when the door opened.


You stood there and came in with a tired out bow, “Sorry, Seongsaeng-nim.”


“Sun Young? Late? Ha! Wow. Sit. Detention after school in the history room.”


“Nae.” Your hands turned into fist as you heard some side snickers and side-gossips. You sat down and quickly took out your books.


Hana tapped your shoulder as the teacher started teaching again, “What happened to you? You look so tired?”


“I ran for ing 15 minutes, tried my best to get over a tall fence that's twice my size, ran across two yards of the school lawn, ran up three flights of stairs, and ran the last of me just to get here. What do you think!?” You hissed.




School is over...


“Hey, Youngie? Want to go to Xiumin's birthday party? Tao said he'll take us there.”


You sighed, “No. I can't remember, detention?”


“Aw~ well I guess. Bye! I'll tell you how it went!”


“Bye.” You waved goodbye and headed your way to the history class.


You opened the door to History Class and bowed, “Annyeosayo.”


Mr. Lee turned around and smiled, “Hello there. Do you need something?”


“N-nae. I'm here for detention.”


Mr. Lee his lips as he stared at your body, “Uh-....oh. Nae! Nae! Have a seat and do what you do.”


(Sorry. Ima skip past the singing “Happy Birthday to Xiumin”. We are stopping to where everyone is just chatting with each other.)


“I'll be right back. I'm gonna get some more of those steamed buns.” Xiumin ran out of the group.


“OKAY!” Baekhyun, D.O, Sehun, Hana, Tao, and Luhan chorused.


“So why couldn't Sun Young come?” Tao asked Hana.


Hana let a small frown, “She has detention today. That's why.”


D.O eyes widened a bit, looking almost scared of his life, “With who?”


“I don't know. But all the teacher said was in the history class.” Hana shrugged.


“Our classes can be really messed up,” Baekhyun spoke, “Math in our grade is on floor 3 but History is on the floor above Math. Psh!”


“Jeongmal?! She went to the history class next to hers though.” Hana gasped.


Mwo!?” Sehun, D.O, and Baekhyun all choked together.




“that'th the higher grade'th Hithtory clathhh.” Sehun looked at D.O.


“I heard that Mr. Lee teaches that class.” D.O said.


Baekhyun clapped his hands once, “Oh! I had a friend that was a girl, and she went to Mr. Lee's classroom for detention, but the next day she moved out of the school. I didn't know why she suddenly moved out but I heard rumors saying that Mr. Lee her.”


“Oh!” Sehun gasped, “I heard rumorth like that a few monthhhh ago too. Stupid lithp.... thhh..” (he's trying to sound out the “s”)


Luhan's eyes widen, “What!? Where's Sun Young right now!?” Luhan yelled.


“I-In Mr. Lee's classroom for detention.” Hana's shoulders went up.


“!” Luhan dashed out of the house and started running back to school, “Sun Young, Sun Young, Sun Young.” He repeated your name.


You flexed your fingers as you finished the homework you forgot to do yesterday.


Mr. Lee (creepily) smiled at you, “Finished?”


“Yep. Can I take my leave now?”


Mr. Lee started approaching you, “Just a little longer, student.”


You looked out the windows, “It's getting a little dark. I don't want my parents to worry.”


Mr. Lee went behind you and played with your hair, “It's fine, sweetheart. As long as you're with me.”


“Hehe.” You said uncomfortably. You suddenly jumped as your felt the two of his hands suddenly your shoulders, almost touching your “twins”.


“Don't be scared.” Mr. Lee's hands touched your waist and went south, getting nearer to the center of (ehem) You know what.


“D-don't touch me!” you stood up and pushed him away.


Mr. Lee tsked as he went up to the door and locked it with a key, “You've been so naughty, little girl. Getting yourself into detention for me, huh?”


“N-never!” Tears start to form into your eyes.


“It's okay, Honey. You don't need to keep lying since you're already with me.” Mr. Lee his lips another time. “Come here.”


“Anthwae!” you moved away as far as possible.


Luhan huffed and puffed past the halls and stairs, “Sun Young.”


Mr. Lee came closer and closer, his shoes tapping against the glossy floor, “C'mon. It won't hurt after a while.”


“No.” you cried and kept trying to find a way out, but ended up almost to the corner of the room.


“C'mon, Babe. I love you.” Mr. Lee stepped closer to corner you.


“No. No!” You crouched on the floor and tightly held yourself as tears stained your skirt, “Get away! Get away!”


Mr. Lee crouched in front of you and touched your arm, “Don't cry.”


BANG! The door banged, “Sun Young!” The door kept banging.


“L-Luhan?” you heard the familiar voice as you looked to the door with Mr. Lee.


Mr. Lee looked back at you and smirked as his hands started touching you again, “It's okay. He can never get in.”


“No! No!” You screamed again. Fighting back to get out of his grasp.


“Argh!” The door slammed open, making a large dent in the door. Luhan came in and spotted the both of you in the corner. He ran to the corner as fast as he could and picked up Mr. Lee and threw a punch in his face, “Don't you dare touch her!” he growled. (wink wink)


“I-I did nothing. She was just crying so I-”


“Shut the up, you !” Luhan upper-cut the teacher in the guts and threw another hard punch in his face, causing Mr. Lee to knock out and fall to the floor. Luhan looked at you and pulled you up by your hand, “Let's go.” He dragged you out of the school as fast as he could and stopped at one of the walls of the school.


Tears and weeps suddenly start again as you couldn't stop thinking of what happened in that class room and what could have happened, “Heeuuuhuuuuuhhuh~” You cried loudly, “Waaahhaaaaaaa~!”


Luhan smirked as he gasped for air, “You still cry like a little baby. Cry baby.”


“Waaaaah~!*hic* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh~!” You cried in front of Luhan, “*hic*Th-..thank you*hic* Luhan.”


Of course! If it wasn't for me, you would've been to the core! Are you stupid! This is the reason why people believe in rumors! Because some of them are actually true!” Luhan growled loudly at you. He stopped as he noticed he just made you cry more. He sighed and crouched in front of you, “Shut up, cry baby.”


“WAAAHHH~!” You cried louder


Luhan came closer to you and your hair on your head, “I'm sorry.” he said in a soft tone, “I shouldn't have yelled at you just now.”


“*Hic* Uhhhhhhwahhhh...” You cried, knowing that Luhan was just hurting you more with his scolding and lies.


“Here,” Luhan pulled out a steamed bun out of his pocket, “I was going to eat this but I decided to save it for you-... I lost my appetite, eat it and stop crying.”


You looked up at him, curious.


“Eat it. Hurry before it gets colder than how it is.” Luhan growls again.


You take the bun and start taking bites out of it, “Thanks.” With your soft heart, tears formed again at his sudden kindness.


Luhan grunts in frustration and keeps petting your hair, “Stop crying!” You look up at him and sniffled, “It'll be okay, Hwang Sun Young.” Luhan's voice got softer, “It's okay because you have me to lean on..... for today.. so don't cry. Okay?” You nod, “Promise?” Nod again. Luhan sits next to you and leans your head on his shoulder, “Are you still sad?” A sad nod replied back. Luhan sighs, “I said don't cry. You have a strong heart, Youngie-”


He called me Youngie..


“You're heart is so strong that... that whenever I'm the reason why you end up in the bad position, you're-.. you're so strong that you just keep smiling no matter what, even if it should've been me to be punished.” You look up at him, confused by his weird saying. “N-never mind. … hey, you owe me. I ran for ing 15 minutes, tried my best to get over a tall fence, ran across two yards of the school lawn, ran up three flights of stairs, and ran the last of me just to get here, and saved your life. If you don't have anything than just break the bet-” the rest of the steamed bun came flying into his mouth. Luhan chomped on it, “Thanks.”


You stood up and bowed shyly, “Thanks... thanks for saving me, and... just thank you.” You turned to walk away.


“Wait!” Luhan stood up with you.


You looked back, “What?”


Luhan blushed, but since it was dark, you couldn't see it, “I-I'll take you home.”


“No I'm fi-”


“Just let me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you again.” You couldn't say anything but a simple nod. “Well, what are you waiting for. Let's hurry.” Luhan grabbed your hand and you both started walking back hand-in-hand.


You smiled as you looked at Luhan's perfect side-profile.


Luhan saw you looking, “What?”


“Look a deer!” You pointed the other way.


“I'm not falling for that.” Luhan growled.


You laughed as you thought back at his face reaction.


“Stupid.” Luhan looked at you and his heart started fluttering again, he smiled, “Very stupid.”





What did I tell you? 100% awesomeness? ;P

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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: Authornim.....how about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ