Hitching a Bike Ride to School

Young Crazy Love

You wake up, with your eyes closed. You struggled to move because you felt something heavy yet warm on you, “The .” you croaked. You opened your yes and looked besides you, “Who is-” your eyes shot up like a growing orb, “Holy .” You tried to push Luhan off of you. Which you succeeded in but made him fall on the floor.


Luhan groaned, “What the hell?”


You sat up and hopped off your bed, “What the hell were you doing on me?”


Luhan rubbed his eyes and looked up at you, “What?”


“You were sleeping on me! ert!”


Luhan sat on the bed and yawned, “That's how I sleep. I face my back to the ceiling.”


You bit your lip, “Ugh! Never mind! Sicko.” you stomped to the door to exit, “Don't look through my stuff or you'll die.” You said to Luhan before you left the door.


Luhan heard your loud pattering footsteps down the stairs and sighed, “What's her problem?”


You scrubbed your teeth as you brushed your teeth, “Idiot. Idiot.” You heard a knock on the door, you opened the door and saw Luhan.


“Uh.... is there any other bathroom?”


“Yeah,” you say madly, still angry at what happened just then, “In my parents bedroom.” an air bubble from the foam of the toothpaste pops in front of you and Luhan. There is a pause of looking at the floating air bubble.


Luhan pops the bubble with his index finger, “Uh. Thanks?” and shuts the door in your face.


You blink then growl again as you start to spit out the foam in your mouth.


Luhan stomps on one foot, “Aish! Why are you always so mean to me?” he whines.


“Such a baby.” you laugh as you see Luhan and run down the stairs before you get beat up.


Luhan looks back, huffs, then walks away to the bathroom that you were using.


You took one slice of bread in the toaster, “Oh..” you thought, “Luhan's here.... eh he can make breakfast himself.” you shrugged and ran upstairs to change into your school uniform and quickly put your hair in a bun.


While Luhan stands there, watching you do your hair hidden in the dark on the bottom bed, “Ehem!” Luhan does.


You jump and turn around, “What the-” you looked around and noticed Luhan sitting on the bed watching you, “What are you doing there, Dude? Go away.” you quickly put a bobby pin in your hair and slowly watch Luhan while going out the room again.


Luhan jumps out of the bed and accidentally hits his head on the bed frame, “!” he rubs the bump on his head, “Ow.” he hissed, “.”


You take out your toast and spread jelly on it.


Luhan bumps into you and takes a quick bite of your toast, “And you didn't make any for me?”


“Hey! That's mine!” You snatch it away and start devouring it.


“Save some for me.” Luhan tries taking some before you eat the whole thing.


“Anthwae!” You stuff it whole in your mouth. You try to chew it but it was too big to fit in your mouth.


Luhan pulls up a fist, “Yah! So mean. And I thought I was mean.”


“Me too. But to bad, Idiot!” you chew and say at the same time, making your voice sound muffled.


“Fine! Then I'll be mean.” Luhan smirks and pokes your bun.


You give him a look and watch Luhan grab his bag and walk out the door.


You grab a bottle of water and take a fine big gulp, “Oh my god I thought I was going to die.” you cough. You look at the clock on the wall that says, 7:05. “I better hurry!” you grab your bag and dash out the door. Crossing your lawn and running to school like trying to win a marathon.


You hear a car honk and you turn your head to see Luhan's head sticking through the window, “Merrong!” he sticks his tongue out at you and the car drives off.


“Aish!” you become angry again, “That pabo!” you see someone else in front of you, biking, “Here's my only chance. Hey, you!” you yell out. The guy on the bike turns around and stops. You catch up to the person, “Can I get a ride?”


“Sure. Hop on.” he says. You hop on the bike behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.


“You go to Gangnam High school, right?” you ask, making sure.




“Good.” you whisper. “That dumb Luhan.”

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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: Authornim.....how about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ