Tickle Monster

Young Crazy Love


Luhan stops and looks around with big gasps of air, “Where is she?”


You smile brightly as you see a little girl and a little boy playing around in the large water fountain, “Kyeopta.” You walk up to the fountain and feel the cold water. Then walk away to find home.


Bored while walking in the middle of nowhere, you take out your MP3 Player and plug your ear buds in your ear, listening to soothing music, “Where am I?” Thinking you would be able to find away home, you walk further.


“Sun Young, Sun Young, where are you?” Luhan, worried, runs around. Even when his feet hurted, he kept running.


You followed a large garden of flowers, “Wah~ yeppotha.”


“Ma'am?” You hear a low voice say.


You jump and turn around to find an old man looking at you, “N-nae?” I didn't see anyone when I passed the bench.


“These flowers are beautiful, aren't they?” The old man smiles.


You smile with him, “Nae. Very beautiful. Whoever put so much effort into making this is incredible.”


The old man chuckles, “I did. I am the one who put effort into all of this. Three years ago I did. I promised myself that even if I die, I will take care of the garden.”


You look at him, “You are awesome then.”


The old man picks out a lily and puts it behind your ear, “You and the flowers are so beautiful that you almost blend in with them.”


You slightly blush, “Thank you.”


“Would you like one?” The old man pulls out a box of chocolate pocky, “Take this box for yourself.”


You take the box, “Thank you. Well, I need to go now. I hope I get to see you again.” You bow and walk off. Wanting to thank him again you turn around, “Thank-... he's gone.” You shrug it off and look at the box of pocky, “But I have his pocky..”



Luhan runs and runs. He stops as he see's a large water fountain with no one there, “Ugh. Why are you so stubborn?” and runs off again. Luhan ends up running right in front of a large flower garden, “Would she be in here?” He shrugs and runs in, following a path. The sun starts to set and shadows start to move.


Drip, drop. You hear light rain pattering on the playground slide, “Ottokae!? It's raining.” You run to a kids play house and close the open plastic windows and door. “How am I suppose to get home?” You take out your phone and see that the battery's dead, “Ugh. I knew I should've charged it before I left to go shopping with Hana.”


“Sun Young!” Luhan yells in the rain.


“Huh?” You listen closely, “Is that.. Luhan?” You open the window and see Luhan looking around in the rain. “Yah!?”


Luhan looks over and sees you waving to him from the inside of the small play house. Luhan opens the door and closes it as he gets inside, “Where the hell were you!?”


“I- I was going home.”


“You should have told me to take you home, Idiot! Did you know how worried I was running around and looking for you!? I came all the way here just find you in case if you get lost! Don't ever do that to me again or I'll kill you!” Luhan says in one breath.


You stare at him for a while, “Why did you do that?”


“Do what!?” Luhan yells again.


“Why did you come for me?” You ask.


“I was worried that you'll get lost in the middle of no where! If you go missing then who can I blame on? Who can I have fun arguments with? Who can I make fun of? Can't you see?” Luhan groans in frustration.


“Oh.” You look away as Luhan sits across from you. Knees almost touching because of how small the house was. “Do you want to listen to music with me?” You take out a bud for him.


Luhan sits next to you and put the bud in his ear. The song “Kiss the Rain” by Yurima plays.


In silence, you take out the pocky box and give Luhan one, Luhan takes the pocky stick and chops on it.


You take one yourself, feeling awkward just in this position. You take out another pocky stick, bored, you take the pocky stick and stuff it in Luhan's mouth, “Eat it.”


“What the .” Luhan mumbles as he chews. Luhan takes a stick on stuffs one in your mouth, “ it. Hahaha.” Luhan laughs.


“Byuntae. You poke a stick on his side. Luhan flinches and blushes by what he did. “Ticklish?”


“No.” Luhan acts if nothing happens, “You?”


“Nope.” You start tickling him.


“Yah!” Luhan jumps while laughing, his head hitting the roof, “That- BWAHAHAHA!” Luhan squeals as you start turning into the tickle monster.


“Ahahaha!” You watch him being tickled by you.


“I'll get you.” Luhan starts tickling you back.


“Go away!” You start pushing him but end up being held against the wall. “Ahahaha!”


“Haha! You're ticklish too!” Luhan doesn't notice and keeps tickling you.


“You...” Both of your lips rub across each other. You both freeze in the awkward position. “Yah!” You push him away from you, “Byuntae!” You sit down with a red face.


Luhan sits beside you, not looking at you, thinking back at what he did and saw. He touched his lips and his heart started to beat again.



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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: Authornim.....how about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ