The Girl and Mr.Lee

Young Crazy Love


“Bye-- and thanks again.” You look down at your feet with embarrassment.


“You don't need to thank me, you owe me.” Luhan gives a mischievous smirk.


“I did, I gave you the rest of my cold bun.” You reminded him.


“You still owe me something.” Luhan said again.


You let a loud sigh in frustration, “Fine. How about you tell me something you always wanted, except for the bet, and I'll do it.”


Luhan thought for a while, “Well a long time ago, when I was really mad at you, I wished that I would never ever have to see you again, but that's changed. Otherwise then... just do something.. anything..”


“Bye.” you walked away, ignoring Luhan in the back.


“Hey! You have to--”


“Be careful~!” You told Luhan before shutting the door in his face.


“Sun Young? What took you so long? I got a call from school saying you got detention and would be off at 7:15.” Your omma says as she sees you passing by.


“Um-..” you thought of an excuse, “Well I stayed after for some late homework with my teacher.”


Your appa came in, “And I got a call earlier from the Lu family saying that there was gonna be a party for one of Luhan's friends so they wanted to invite you. But the party should have ended a while ago already.”


“Oh.” You munched on an apple you saw on the dining table. “Well.. I have some homework to do so... don't make me dinner.” You ran off to your room and locked the door.


Mr. Hwang sat down at the dining table, “Jajiya~, isn't our sweetheart acting a little different lately?”


Mrs. Hwang sighed, “I don't know, Yeobo. She's just growing up so fast.”


You dropped your bag and lay carelessly on your bed as bad memories of today came back to your head, “Mr. Lee..” you shook in fright.


You came out of your shower minutes and minutes later, then your phone vibrated, meaning there must've been a message sent to you:


Hey? Have you seen Luhan? I remember him running off after saying your name. Did something happen? – baNANA


You replied:


Oh. Yeah I saw him. But don't worry nothing bad happened. I guess he should be home now. And why are you up so late? It's almost twelve in the morning. – YOUNGster


You changed into your PJ's and lay in your bed with the sensational smell of Luhan and wait for a reply.


Well the birthday party is still going on at Luhan's and everyone's worried because it's been ten minutes or so and he hasn't been back yet. – baNANA


“Mwo!?” you say, “Something must be up.”


Did the guys' try calling his cellphone? – YOUNGster


The phone's with us, some of the guys' are looking for him right now. – baNANA


You panicked, “He just took me home almost 15 minutes ago!” A few minuted later, Hana replied:


They found him! He was unconscious. It seems like he must have been really tired so he K.O'ed in the park near his home. He's fine now. – baNANA


Okay. – YOUNGster


You sighed in relief, “Stupid idiot. Well,” you yawned, “Good night.. I mean morning.” you sniffed in the faint smell of Luhan on your pillow before knocking out into a deep sleep.



“Luhan are you okay?!” Lay said as Luhan opened his eyes.


Luhan looked around, “Where am I?”


“You're dead, Luhan.” Kris said sarcastically.


“You're in the first class hospital, with the fee of $100, and with the medicine that costs altogether is about $540. But because of you're--”


“I get it, Kyungsoo.” Luhan groaned, annoyinged by Kyungsoo's explaining.


“You're welcome.” Suho poked Luhan's head, “You're parents left back to China for something so I had to pay for the fee's.”


“Yay! The billionaire shthaved the day!” Sehun cheered.


“The billionaire shaved the day?” Xiumin looked at Sehun weird.


“ the day.” Sehun innocently corrected.


“Guys! Suho shaved the day!” Kai cheered.


“Hyung!” Sehun whined to Kai.


Suho face palmed, “Here,” Suho threw some bucks at Kai and Sehun, “Go buy some quick drinks then come back right away.”


Luhan and the rest watched the two of them leave, “You gave them money to shut their mouths didn't you?”


Suho rubbed his forehead, “I have a hangover ever since last night.”


“Hey, hey!” Kris reminded Suho, “I said, the loser drinks two bottled of soju.”


Xiumin sighed, “Why did we have to play that game again?”


“What game? That was a great Leader vs. Leader game. We should play it again.” Kris winked.


“It's because you cheated!” Suho yelled.


“I'm sorry but which leader is older?” Kris reminded, again.


Suho sighed in defeat.


“That's right, dongsaeng.” Kris put his arm over Suho, “The taller, the better.”


“Hey, it's not like you used to poke people.” Suho said to Kris.


“Hey, you poke people too.. on facebook.” Kris laughed.


“I do not!” Suho waved his hands like a crazy person.


“Uh, I'm sorry but on my notifications, I got one saying ExSuho poke you on Facebook. Can you explain that?” Kris pointed out.


“Ugh.” Suho groaned, “Fine! Fine!”


“I win again. Come and give your hyung a nice shoulder massage, ey?” Kris smirked.


Suho sighed and obeyed Kris's order.


“Oh,” Luhan saw a familiar girl standing in the corner, “Aren't you...”


“Hana.” Hana bowed, “I came to visit too.” Hana blushed, “Youngie told me to go visit for you since she'd be busy today. And she told me to tell you that she's sorry.”


“Sorry? For what?” Tao pouted.


“I don't know—”


“We're back!” Kai and Sehun came in.


“So Suho, how did you shave the day?” Kai joked.


Suho sighed, “Sehun was just having a lisp problem. Leave him alone, Kai.”


“See, Suho?” Kris said to him, “You're a good leader, but not as good as me. As I said, The taller, the--”


“I get it already,” Suho cut him off.


“Aren't we suppose to be at school?” Chen folds his arms.


“That makes me wonder, why aren't the maknae's at school?” Xiumin squinted his eyes at Sehun and Tao.


“Hyung~, I wanted to see Luhan.” Sehun's eyes twinkled as he cutely stared into Xiumin's eyes.


“Fine.” Xiumin gave in right away.


You pouted, “Mom?” you said as you saw her going through the kitchen.


“Yes, Darling?”



“Are you sure you want to go to school, Young Master?” one of the butlers said to Luhan.


“I said I'm fine.” Luhan groaned, “I was just tired so I knocked out, okay?”


“Yes.” The butler bowed before leaving Luhan's room.


“Besides, I want to see if that son-of-a- (meaning the teacher, Mr. Lee) left the school. Or mostly, I would like to see him rotting in jail.”


“Maid!” Luhan shouted.


“Yes.” one of the maids came in the room.


“Where did my parents go again?” Luhan asked curiousity.


“They went to China to go order some items for the party.”


“Oh... well I'm off to school then.”



Soo Hyun overheard a couple of girls passing by him.


Hey, did you hear that Mr. Lee is in suspicion of the police?”


He should just go to jail! That !”


I overheard some janitors saying that he was beat up and there must've been a girl there.”


Jincha!? Ottokae! What happened to the girl then?”


No one knew who it was. Only Mr. Lee knows.”


“There's something up.” Soo Hyun said to himself as he went back to reading the text on his book.


“Ayo! Soo Hyun baby!”


Soo Hyun put his book down to see his only friend, Hyun Woo, “Don't say that out loud, Hyun Woo! That's embarrassing!”


“So you know that girl that you told me to hook up with,” Hyun Woo reminded, “Damn! She was a good one!”


“Don't tell me you-”


“No, Hyung. Of course I wouldn't, you dirty minded person.”


Soo Hyun growled. I'm not dirty minded, you play boy.


“Anyways~! I forgot her name... Ah! It was So You! The transfer student. When I saw her,” He snapped his fingers, “Fate was met like that.”


Soo Hyun laughed, “Oh? Fate? Or am I seeing your new girlfriend over there talking with some guys?”


Hyun Woo looked around to see his new girlfriend, So You, talk with a group of boys, “Gr. It the god damn EXO gay group again.”


“They're not gay, Hyun Woo.” Soo Hyun chuckled.


“And how do you know?”


“I have a brain. I go to school and learn. Not like you who likes to play with girls.”


“But So You is real!”


“That's what you say whenever you date one.”


Luhan looked around. Annoyed that people were talking about “the girl and Mr. Lee” rumor. Annoyed that you weren't at school. Annoyed that he couldn't even call you.


“Okay, So You Noona! Bye! Hope you and that player, Hyun Woo, last long!” Chen waved to So You before turning away.


“Luhan Hyung? Are you okay? Your eyes are red by looking around too much.” Suho, worried, asked.


“I'm fine.” Luhan growled at Suho.


“See, Suho--”


“Krease!!” Suho said in a very annoyed voice. Suho glared at him before smiling, “Would you like to come to my house after school?”


Kris's heart thumped in worry, He's gonna kill me isn't he?, “I'll pass.”


You were left home alone after asking your mother if you could stay home.




You don't need to thank me, you owe me.”


I did, I gave you the rest of my cold bun.”


You still owe me something.”


Fine. How about you tell me something you always wanted, except for the bet, and I'll do it.”


Well a long time ago, when I was really mad at you, I wished that I would never ever have to see you again, but that's changed. Otherwise then... just do something.. anything..”






There's a little “Exo moment in here, but that won't be the only one.” ~wink wink~


Anyways~ Thank you~

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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ