
Young Crazy Love

Chapter 23:




You woke up the next day with your head throbbing. Opening your eyes you see a girl in front of you and jump, “Holy !” You look down to see that your torso is and quickly cover it up with a small squeak.


The maid smiled and blushed a bit, “Morning, miss. Luhan told me to tell you to take a shower, change into your washed uniform and come down to eat breakfast before you go to school.”


Your eyes widen, “I have school! Oh wait, where's Luhan? And what happened to me?”


“At school, ma'am. And uh.. you don't remember? I may take my leave now.” The maid bowed before walking to the door, when she was about to leave, she turned her head back at you, “There's a note on the table from Luhan.”


You nod and take the note on the side table after the door closed shut.


Good Morning, babe. Sorry to leave you hanging in pain alone. I tried to wake you up but I guess you knocked out hard after we slept. Don't slip when you're in the shower... use my toothbrush if you need to. But you might have to. Heehee. Se you at school.


from your boyfriend,




“Boyfriend? Since when did he become my boyfriend?”


You scoot yourself off of his bed but as you stood up a throbbing pain, more than your head, hit you right in the pelvic area, “.” You hissed. You limped your way into his bathroom and the hot water.


You totally forgot what happened last night with you and Luhan. All you remembered was Luhan kissing you then-- wait a second.


You gasped, “Oh no. We did not just--.... no. no. no. no. Don't believe it, Sun Young. It just happens so that you wake up in Luhan's bed with your hurting like a boss.” You told yourself.


After the painful shower you brushed your teeth extra, cleaned yourself extra, and headed downstairs for breakfast after your changed into your school outfit.


“Good morning, miss. Breakfast is at the table for you.”


You nodded and sat down alone at the table and quietly ate your breakfast.




You limped your way up inside the school, up the stairs, and into the principals office.


“Sun Young!” The principal said, flabbergasted.


“Sorry. I um...” You thought for a while, “I had a doctors appointment so uh.. don't mind my limping.”


“Shot in the leg, huh? I know how you feel, well you can start to to lunch since class is almost done.”


“Thanks.” You bowed before limping your way out the office, through the halls, and into the cafeteria.


“Finally.” You said as you sat down at your table.




The bell rung for lunch and a few minutes later, students started coming in.


Hana gasped and ran to you and hugged you tightly, “Youngie! You're here! Where were you!?”


“D-doctor's appointment.” You lied.


“Oh. Well, I'm glad your back!” Hana sat across from you, “Want some lunch?”


You shook your head, “No I already ate before I came.”


“Okay.” Hana observes you a bit.


You start to feel heat rush up to your cheeks, “A-are you okay? Is there something on my face?”


Hana hummed, “You looked like you lost weight. And your lips look puffy. Did you get a lip injection?”


“No. Why would I. That's gross.” You replied back with a disgusted face.


“And there's like a bruise or something on your neck. Did you burn yourself with the curling iron again?”


“H-huh?” You touched your neck, “Yeah. It hurt bad.” You lied again.


“Want to go outside now?” Hana changed the subject.


“Let's go.” You replied, wanting to avoid more questions.


While you and Hana were walking outside, you saw Luhan and the others playing.


Luhan looked at met eyes with you. He smiled a bit, hoping you would share back, but you looked away.


“That .”


“Who?” Hana asked.


“Nothing. So did I miss anything while I was gone?”


“Yeah. A ton of homework in Geometry. We have to do this like project thingy for History, and for the other classes... I don't know. I didn't pay attention.”


“Oh. Well I better get that stuff later after school.” You pouted.


“Eek!” Hana squealed, “It's Hyun Woo. He's so handsome.”


You huffed, “You like THAT player? Ew.”


“I know he's a player, but he's irresistible.” Hana cutely bit her finger.


“But he has a girlfriend already. It's that transfer student, Soyou.”


“So?” Hana exclaimed, “At least I can watch him from afar. Now hush, let me look.


You and Hana watched Soyou leave Hyunwoo for her friends. Hyunwoo then looks around and stares at you guys.


“Wait a second, something's wrong... Oh hell no he's-”


“He's coming over here! Do I look okay?”


“Yep. You're getting married to an old man, remember?” You reminded.


“I'm fine!” Hana told herself and faced back smiling as Hyunwoo stands in front of you both.


“Hello there, ladies.” Hyunwoo gives off his infamous smile.


“Hi.” Hana stutters shyly.


God, Hana is so shy you can see the sparkles shining in her adoring puppy eyes.


“Did you lose weight, Sun Young? You look a bit thinner from yesterday.”


“I'm fine.” You remembered: You totally forgot what happened yesterday. Hashtag: Forrealzzz


“And you look as cute as always, Hana.” Hyunwoo came to touch her but you held his arm from letting him touch her.


Hyunwoo chuckled, “I didn't know you could be so touchy?”


You backed your hand off and glared at him, “Oh really?”


“Getting feisty now, Youngie?” Hyunwoo teased and stepped closer to you.


You stepped back a bit, “Don't call me that.”


“You're so cute when you're mad, Youngie.” Hyunwoo says in an irresistible baby voice.


“Stop.” You say but Hyunwoo steps a bit closer.


“Don't be scared of me, Youngie. I would never hurt you.” Hyunwoo brings his hand up to your shoulder but another hand from beside grabs it.


You look who's hand that belongs to and see Luhan standing there with a pissed face, “What are you doing?”


Hyunwoo smiled to Luhan, “Luhan! I can't wait to see you during soccer practice tomorrow. You're joining, right?”


Luhan tightened his hold on Hyunwoo, “I said: What are you doing?”


Hyunwoo laughs, “C'mon, Luhan. You know I would never break a lady's body.”


“Yeah? But you break their hearts so back off before you hold her in your possessions too.” Luhan growls at him.


Hyunwoo gets his hand released and puts them in the air in defeat, “Fine. It's not like you own her either.”


Your's and Hana's dropped jaw's close.


“Wah~!” Hana clasps her hands together, “Did Luhan really just save Youngie? That's so cute! I've never seen Luhan save a girl from a guy before.”


Luhan walks up to Hana but your hold his arm and look into his eyes, hoping he would understand that you don't want him to hurt your best friend.


Luhan looks back and backed off just like that.


“Thanks.” You hang your head low.


“Don't I deserve a hug?” Luhan asks.


Hana's eyes widen.


“What?” You look up at him.


Luhan opened his arms, “If I save a girl, I deserve a hug all the time. Now hurry or this will be the last time I'll ever save you.”


Without thinking, you pull to him with your arms wrapped around a familiar feeling of his torso.


Luhan smiles and secretly, with no one looking, kissed the side of your head.


You break the hug with red nudged against your cheeks.


“See ya.” Luhan waved coolly before running off into the field again.


Hana finally speaks after a while, “That's so cute! You know, I would not-- would never mind if you and Luhan started dating.”


You blushed as you thought back the the note from Luhan, “Ew. That's gross.” Avoiding Hana from mocking you about your heated up face, you turned around and walked/limped away.


“Wait up, Youngie!” Hana caught up to you in the same speed, “Why are you acting so weird today?”


You were walking to your next class when Luhan suddenly shows up in by you, “Hi, kiddo.”


“What do you want?” You tried walking past him but with your sore upper thighs, you couldn't do anything.


“Sorry.” Luhan looked guilty.


“For what?” You asked.


“For leaving you there just like that. You must've been lonely.”


“Luhan,” you hiss. “I don't remember a single thing about what had happened to me! To-to us!”


“What?” Luhan's arm hangs by his side.


“I'm serious. I don't remember anything. Maybe it was because that I was so tired yesterday that my conscious made me lose most of my memory from yesterday.”


Luhan looked around, there were still people in the halls, “Meet me at the top of the school after school.”


“What?” you turned around as soon as Luhan started running off. “But the rooftop is like.. four floors up.”




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MissDevilAngel #1
Chapter 28: about a sequel? Lol
Chapter 28: hahahahaha aww luhan ....sehun such a ers hahaha
Kittypewdude #3
Chapter 20: HAHAHA!!! The last tect from Luhan in Ch.20! HILARIOUS!
EXOtic9977 #4
Nice... This story is so~~~~~~~~ amazing..
Really love it <3 <3 update soon author-nim
Aryahegde #5
Chapter 27: Update soooooooooooon jebal~ I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. ... guess u could say that this story's veryyyyy close to me.... n I'm seriously in luvvvvvvvv wid dis one ^.^ So update soon! N please don't dare to go berserk n go on hiatus on this story coz ill hunt u down n make you complete the story! Jk dude ;) looking forward to the UPDATESSSSSSSSS :D
Chapter 27: hahaha author nim please update update :')
karkrae #7
Chapter 27: omg lolollolool
Chapter 27: Addicted to your story! Update soon :)
Chapter 27: Aissshhh authornim..I really laugh hard read this chap..I hope nextr chap will have a lot of fluff and moment ㅋㅋㅋㅋ