Guardian Angel



“I think we should break up Dae.” I mumbled as I stared lifelessly out at the ocean.

I could hear silent footsteps behind me before I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

“Why?” Dae whispered.

“Because we can never truly be together. Maybe we should take the Archangels advice and stay away from each other. Nothing good will come out of this. You and I both know what happens when we start to get too close to each other.” I frowned at the thought.

I heard Dae sigh behind me, “I don’t care. We belong together, Jae. We have the power to change our fate. History won’t repeat itself forever. We can change things, and if we can’t then we’ll defy anyone to tries to stop us.”

I turned my head around quickly to be met by a pair of piercing black eyes. Dae always kept his demon side in check but there were times when it would come out when he got overly emotional about something.

“You want us to defy….all of them?” I asked in a shocked state.

“If that’s what it takes for us to be together then yes. I love you Jae. I’m willing to give up everything if it means I can spend eternity with you.” Dae murmured in my ear.

“You would even defy your….father?” I questioned.

Dae bit his lip as his black eyes turned a fire red. A low growl escaped him as he stared out at the ocean. He let go off me as he walked to the edge of the water. The sun was slowly setting and his fire-like gaze stayed trained on the sun.

“Especially my father.” Dae stated as he spat out the last word.

I walked over to Dae and intertwined our fingers. I didn’t care about that shocking feeling we had each time we touched.

“Do you really hate him that much?” I asked softly.

“Yes. I’m nothing more than a tool to him. I shouldn’t even exist and yet here I am. Why me? Why us?” Dae asked as he turned to look at me.

His eyes still had that burning look in them as he quickly looked away.

“Because we’re the ones that will change the future. We are the ones that they all fear. They’re scared of us Dae. They all know what we are capable of and it scares them. We can’t keep living like this. Constantly on the run all the time. I know we don’t have much time left before they separate us again. I hate this.” I grumbled.

This time Dae pulled me into him for a quick kiss. The butterflies in my stomach never went away even after our lips lost contact with one another. Our foreheads were pressed together as we stared at one another. Dae’s eyes had gone back to their original black color.

“Of all the ones to be bonded to it had to be an angel.” Dae teased.

I just rolled my eyes at him, “well I’m bonded to a demon. That’s not any better. Guess we can thank your father for that.”

Dae shut his eyes when I mentioned his father, “yeah. That’s the only thing I can thank him for. I wish I knew what he was planning. I don’t like being used as some tool. I want to be…..normal.”

“Normal doesn’t even exist anymore Dae. Nothing in these worlds are normal.” I mumbled.

Before we could say anything else, a burst of white light appeared from the sky revealing the four Archangels. They were dressed in solid white robes with their large white wings stretched towards the heavens.

“Looks like our time is up, Jae.” Dae grumbled as he grabbed my hand.

I interlocked our fingers and watched as the four Archangels glared at us.



We stood in the center of the white room surrounded by the four thrones of the Archangels. The thrones looked like golden skyscrapers as the Archangels glared at the both of us.

“Youngjae and Daehyun. You both have been summoned here once again to receive punishment for your actions. How do the both of you plead?” The second Archangel questioned.

“Guilty.” We both said in unison.

“Very well then. As punishment your memories of each other will be erased. The memories of everyone you have ever been in contact with will also be erased. Neither of you will be allowed to see each other. We have given you both plenty of chances to recognize and change the error of your ways, yet you Youngjae being Daehyun’s bonded Guardian Angel makes things more difficult.” The fourth Archangel sighed.

I turned to look at Daehyun. His eyes were that burning flame again and he furrowed his brows together. His sharp vampire like teeth were sticking out as he stared at the four Archangels. It looked like he would rip them to shreds at any given moment. I hated it when his demon side came out.

“Dae?” I whispered.

He snapped out of his animal-like trance before he turned to look at me. A smile graced my lips and Dae instinctively smiled back at me.

“I love you.” I mumbled as I stepped forward.

A single tear rolled down my face as I prepared for what was going to happen next.

“Youngjae, I love you too. We will be together again. I promise.” I heard Dae call out behind me.

I knelt down in front of the four Archangels. I didn’t look up at them but I could feel their eyes on me. Watching me to make sure I didn’t do something stupid. I could hear Dae mutter protests behind me before the room grew completely silent.


A burst of blinding white light filled the room and I felt myself getting lost in the light. I heard someone hissing behind me but I didn’t know who it was.

My mind was being completely emptied and I suddenly felt lighter. There was a slight tingling sensation and then I felt nothing.

I glanced up to see the four Archangels staring at me. I stood up and spread out my solid white wings. The four Archangels nodded at me in approval.

“Bom, you may come in now.” The third Archangel stated.

My one and only friend Bom came gliding into the room. There was a saddened expression on her face as she looked at me.

“Let’s go now, Jae.” She said as she smiled sweetly at me.

I took her hand and smiled. The warmth that radiated from her felt good.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw someone staring at me. His eyes were full of sadness and they had flames burning in them. My eyes widened in shock. A demon. This guy was a demon, and he was staring straight at me. He looked hurt for some odd reason. I just glared at him before I slowly started to fly off with Bom.

“Daehyun, you’re next.” The first archangel spoke.

Daehyun? Why did that name sound so familiar?

A/N: So I really hope I didn't just confuse yall even more with this chapter. This flashback takes place the last time they had their memories wiped...basically a day after they had . So this is what happens write before this story starts. Comments and subscribers are welcome here. Feel free to spam the crap out of me if ya want. Thanks to those of you that voted up this story. Thanks so much for all of the support. Thank you all!! ^_^

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iamabaplover #1
Chapter 24: Weird but. . . . there powers.
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 19: Aww. I don't know but their 'game' funny and cute.
Chapter 26: OMG <3 THIS IS SUCH A GOOD STORY~ You have such creative ideas <3 <3!!!

I can't believe I just found this now -3-

moving on to the sequel no!!! <3
gizagame #4
Chapter 18: lindo... lindo... lindo...
Chapter 26: Oh my~ this fic is sooo good!! All the fluffs are so cuteee xD Moving to sequel~
smiles1471 #6
Chapter 26: Wow! Great story....what next???
smiles1471 #7
Chapter 14: I truly love this story and enjoying what's happening....it was a little confusing when you 1st started the flashbacks, but now i understand you a filling in the gaps - reaveling slowly. Just can't wait for the next chapter!
smiles1471 #8
Chapter 9: Wow, what an interesting & original concept. I officially in love with ur story, can't wait to find out what happens next xx
Chapter 26: Very intersting story!!! ^_^ ...I really like it...can't wait to start reading the sequel!! <3