Guardian Angel

(Daehyun’s POV)


I watched with a heavy heart as Jae flew off with his friend Bom. It always happened the same way and yet it still had the same effect on me. Jae’s memory was erased and he no longer knew who I was.

This time was different though. He looked at me as if he knew who I was. Even though that wasn’t possible I still had hope. I knew we would find each other again one day. Nothing would tear us apart from each other.

“Daehyun, you’re next.” The first Archangel spoke.

I knew my time was up as I approached the thrones of the Archangels. They watched me move towards them with their curious eyes like they had done numerous times before.

“Will Jae and I ever be together completely?” I questioned them.

“That is up to the both of you. Believe it or not we are on your side Daehyun. That is why we haven’t killed the both of you yet. We have faith that one day you two will be the ones that tie our worlds together. The times are changing Daehyun.” The third Archangel spoke.

I flared my nostrils before I spoke, “so wiping our memories repeatedly is better than killing us? Forcing us to be together only to be ripped apart again justifies this how?”

“Would you rather have us kill you both? Would you rather spend eternity living in Hell with Youngjae? Do you think that is what he would want? Be reasonable Daehyun. We are only thinking of what’s best for the both of you. Since you are half-demon and half-human you have always been corrupted. Youngjae has not. He was created here in Heaven. He was the last angel to be created. He is pure. Do you really want to see someone as pure and good-hearted as him spend an eternity in Hell?” The fourth Archangel questioned.

“No. He doesn’t deserve that. So what do I deserve then?” I sneered.

“You deserve a second chance. You have the power to become good. You just have to have the will to do it. You can change your fate for the better. You do not have to choose to walk the path of evil like it was planned for you.” The second Archangel replied.

“What about Youngjae?” I mumbled.

“Since you two are bonded it is out of our hands. You two are what humans call ‘soulmates’ and we cannot change that. The Maker must have sensed greatness in the both of you so that is why you both are bonded and why he remains your Guardian. We believe in the both of you. You two are the key to a much greater future. Do not fail us.” The third Archangel stated.

“Can I ask one more question?” I asked.

“Go ahead.”

“These memories I have of other people. Who are they?”

“Those are fabricated memories that we planted in your brain. Those memories are not real. The only memories that are real are the ones you have of Youngjae. The rest are false memories. We are trying to help you but we cannot interfere too much. It is against the rules. More false memories will be planted in your brain after we erase your current memories. The memories of those in your false ones will also be altered. This is how it’s always been and it’s all we can do.” The first Archangel spoke.

I just nodded my head and gritted my teeth. Could Youngjae and I really be the answer to changing life as we know it? Is that what our purpose is or is it just lies? Do the Archangels really believe in us that much?

“Daehyun please step forward.”

I shook away those thoughts and stepped forward.

I became blinded by a white light, and I managed to squeeze my eyes shut. I could feel myself become lighter until I could feel nothing at all.



I opened my eyes only to be met with darkness. I sleepily rubbed my eyes and wondered when I had fallen asleep in my bed.

I yawned and slowly sat up in my bed before I dragged myself to the kitchen for a late night snack. The cheesecake in the fridge was calling my name.

“Oh Dae. What are you doing up so late?” My mom asked as she sat at the dining table reading over something.

“Couldn’t sleep.” I mumbled.

“I see. Well you start a new semester of college in a few days so you better get in as much sleep as possible.” Mom replied.

“Yeah. I will.”

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a slice of cheesecake. I sat down at the table across from my mom. She was happily reading something in a magazine. She still had on her nurses uniform.

“So, do you think you’ll be getting a new roommate this year since the other one left?” Mom asked as she glanced up at me.

“Probably. I hope it’s someone I can actually get along with this time.” I grumbled.

“I hope so too dear. I want you to bring him home sometime if you like him.” Mom cooed.

“Sure thing mom. I’ll bring him over as soon as I can. You know how hectic school can be.” I chuckled as I shoved a bite of cheesecake in my mouth.

“Oh I know. Medical school was definitely not easy. There were times when I wanted to stab myself in the eye with a needle.” Mom chuckled.

I just shot her a horrified look before she started laughing again.

“I’m just kidding. It will be fun though. You’ll get to see Yongguk, Himchan, Jongup, and adorable Zelo again. You haven’t seen Jongup and Zelo all summer.” Mom stated.

“I know. They were busy all summer. I can’t wait to see all of them again.” I happily exclaimed.

I hope this year will be different.

A/N: I hope I didn't confuse yall even more. Please be patient with me. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have so far. Keep in mind that this is what happens right before the story takes place. The flashbacks are also what happens right before this story takes place. More will be explained throughout the chapters later. There WILL be a sequel to this story. Comments and subscribers are welcome here. Feel free to spam me. Thanks to those of you that have voted up this story. I appreciate the support. Thank you!! ^_^

Side note: If anyone has any song suggestions for this story (like a theme song) then feel free to send them my way in the comment box below. Thank you! ^_^ 

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iamabaplover #1
Chapter 24: Weird but. . . . there powers.
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 19: Aww. I don't know but their 'game' funny and cute.
Chapter 26: OMG <3 THIS IS SUCH A GOOD STORY~ You have such creative ideas <3 <3!!!

I can't believe I just found this now -3-

moving on to the sequel no!!! <3
gizagame #4
Chapter 18: lindo... lindo... lindo...
Chapter 26: Oh my~ this fic is sooo good!! All the fluffs are so cuteee xD Moving to sequel~
smiles1471 #6
Chapter 26: Wow! Great story....what next???
smiles1471 #7
Chapter 14: I truly love this story and enjoying what's happening....it was a little confusing when you 1st started the flashbacks, but now i understand you a filling in the gaps - reaveling slowly. Just can't wait for the next chapter!
smiles1471 #8
Chapter 9: Wow, what an interesting & original concept. I officially in love with ur story, can't wait to find out what happens next xx
Chapter 26: Very intersting story!!! ^_^ ...I really like it...can't wait to start reading the sequel!! <3