Guardian Angel

Earth is a very strange place. It’s way too crowded and it has many people speaking in all sorts of languages. Thankfully since I’m an angel I can understand all languages.

I walked to this place called a dorm room, well more like wobbled to the room. I’m not used to walking since I always flew around everywhere in Heaven. I missed being able to fly around all the time but I had to stay in my human form so nobody could find out what I really am.

I slowly walked into my dorm room and saw all of my items placed neatly on the right side of the room. I was supposed to have another person in here that was to be my roommate as one of the humans stated earlier. My so called roommate hadn’t arrived in the room yet, but his items were scattered all over his side of the room. It appears that I have a messy roommate.

With a snap of my fingers my roommate’s side of the room quickly became neat and organized. This was another perk of being an angel. I smiled in satisfaction. Now we had more space to move around.

There was a small grunt behind me and I turned around to find a guy standing in the doorway of my dorm room. He is very beautiful with his olive colored skin, plump lips, crescent shaped eyes like the moon, and his messy brown hair. He would make one very beautiful angel.

“So are you my new roommate then?” The mystery guy asked as he walked closer towards me.

I just continued to stare at him. He had on a sleeveless black shirt that showed off his muscles, a pair of tight black jeans that hugged his well-built thighs, and a pair of black boots. He is a human but there is something different about him.

“Yes. I am Yoo Youngjae.” I smiled as I extended my hand.

“I’m Jung Daehyun.” He replied as he shook my hand.

Our hands instantly retracted when we both felt shocks go through our hands.

“You shocked me.” Daehyun said as he flexed out his fingers.

“I’m sorry. That’s never happened before.” I mumbled as I stared down at my hand.

Why did we both just shock each other? That was very strange. I’ve never had that happen to me before. I wonder what it could mean? How could I guard this human if I couldn’t even touch him?

“No problem. Must be a lot of static in the air or something.” Daehyun stated.

I just nodded my head not really understanding what he was talking about. My head shot towards the door when I heard footsteps approach us. This was yet another perk of being an angel.

A pale skinned male with raven black hair stood in the doorway smiling at Daehyun.

“There you are Dae. Oh. Is this your new roommate?” The male asked as he gestured his head towards me.

“Yeah. This is Youngjae. Youngjae this is my friend Himchan. He lives on the floor above us. He’s a few years older than us.” Daehyun said.

Himchan smiled at me before walking over and shaking my hand. His voice sounded very husky. A silent hiss escaped my lips as I touched his hand. This man was impure and corrupted. He lives a life of sin with another man. This is yet another perk of being an angel.

I just glared at Himchan when we let go of each other. He obviously sensed my distress and took off out of the room. I shot a confusing look at Daehyun who just shrugged at me.

Before either of us could speak another man walked into the room. This man had red hair, slightly tanned skin, and thick lips. I didn’t have to touch him to know that he is also corrupted like the one called Himchan.

“Yongguk, you just missed your Himchan.” Daehyun snickered.

“Really? Again? Dang it. Thanks man. This the new roommate?” Yongguk asked.

Yongguk’s voice was surprisingly deep as he spoke. It sent chills down my spine.

“Yepp. This is Youngjae. That’s Yongguk. He is Himchan’s boyfriend.” Daehyun pointed to Yongguk.

A low growl escaped my lips. Being with someone of the same is a sin. I scowled at the both of them before turning my back to them.

“Okay. Well uhh…I guess I’ll leave now. See you two later then.” Yongguk said as he walked off.

I turned back around when I could no longer hear Yongguk’s footsteps.

“What was that all about?” Daehyun asked.

“It’s wrong.” I stated flatly.

“Yeah. Okay.” Daehyun said in a confused tone.

Just then a younger guy with light brown hair that was slightly shorter than Daehyun and I came walking in with a really tall guy that had pink hair.

These two strangers still seemed pure and innocent so I smiled at them. They were obviously still young and untouched by sin. Normally I could name off every person in the world as well as see their future but my abilities still weren’t fully developed yet because I’m a new angel.

“Youngjae. The short guy here is Jongup. He’s on the floor below us and this really tall guy is Zelo. He’s still in high school but he’s friends with Jongup and we’re all neighbors. Guys this is my new roommate, Youngjae.” Daehyun chimed.

The kid called Zelo ran over to me with a smile on his face, “hi Youngjae. It’s nice to meet you. I hope we can hang out soon.”

I just smiled at his cuteness. He reminded me of Bom. So full of light and innocence. The Jongup guy just stood there smiling at us. He was probably a shy human, but I smiled back at him nonetheless.

“Shouldn’t you be in school right now, Zelo?” Daehyun asked.

“Yeah. I wanted to come see all of you first.” Zelo exclaimed.

“Okay. Well you should probably go now. You can see all of us later. We’ll still be here, ya know.” Daehyun chuckled.

His laugh was so melodic. It reminded me of the singing that I heard in Heaven. It was very soothing and calming.

“Okay. I’ll go now. Bye Youngjae. It was nice meeting you.” Zelo said happily as he walked off.

Jongup just smiled at me before he trailed after Zelo leaving Daehyun and I alone in our room.

“Did you clean up my side of the room?” He questioned.

“I did. I hope you don’t mind.” I replied.

“Not at all. I was going to do it later. I just didn’t want anyone to go through all that trouble.” He mumbled.

“Oh. It was no trouble at all.” I smiled.

If only he knew what I really was.

A/N: Looks like Daehyun and Youngjae had a shocking first meeting. HAHAHA!! Lame jokes. Okay, one more. Looks like there's a spark between the two of them. LOL! Ahh jeez. I had to. Anywho....comments and subscribers are very welcome here. Thanks to all of you that have already voted up this story. I friggin love you all. Thanks for all of the support. Thank you!! ^_^

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iamabaplover #1
Chapter 24: Weird but. . . . there powers.
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 19: Aww. I don't know but their 'game' funny and cute.
Chapter 26: OMG <3 THIS IS SUCH A GOOD STORY~ You have such creative ideas <3 <3!!!

I can't believe I just found this now -3-

moving on to the sequel no!!! <3
gizagame #4
Chapter 18: lindo... lindo... lindo...
Chapter 26: Oh my~ this fic is sooo good!! All the fluffs are so cuteee xD Moving to sequel~
smiles1471 #6
Chapter 26: Wow! Great story....what next???
smiles1471 #7
Chapter 14: I truly love this story and enjoying what's happening....it was a little confusing when you 1st started the flashbacks, but now i understand you a filling in the gaps - reaveling slowly. Just can't wait for the next chapter!
smiles1471 #8
Chapter 9: Wow, what an interesting & original concept. I officially in love with ur story, can't wait to find out what happens next xx
Chapter 26: Very intersting story!!! ^_^ ...I really like it...can't wait to start reading the sequel!! <3