Big Brother

EXO's Biggest Fan (B.A.P's Stylist Sequel)

Lena tapped her feet against the metal chair. She was waiting at the airport patiently for her brother's arrival. Lena arrived 2 hours earlier just in case. When her brother got mad, he turns into the hulk. Lena shivered just by the thought of it.

A gush of people started to come out of the pick up area. Lena jumped up and down trying to find her brother. It was difficult to spot. She was short and there were too many people to find just one person.

Someone came running over and gave Lena a hug. He picked her off her feet and spun her around.

"My little sister! I missed you." He cried and put her back down.

Lena grinned. She longed for an embrace from a family member.

"How is my little munchkin?" Bii ruffled Lena's hair. Lena pouted and fixed her long, brown locks. "Your little munchkin is good, thank you. And how is my big brother?"

Bii chuckled. "I'm good. Glad to finally see my little sister." He rolled his suitcase over to the side where they could talk more instead of blocking the way. Bii smiled lovingly at his sister. 

"Why'd you come all of a sudden?" Lena asked. Bii raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to see your brother?"

Lena let out an annoyed breath. "You know that's not what I mean."

Bii chuckled. "I know, I'm just playing with you. My dad, remember? I think it's about time I visit him." Bii's eyes wandered off. He hasn't seen his dad since he was 5 years old.

"Let's go to my place. You'll have to sleep on the couch!" Lena grinned.

At Lena's place, Bii quickly made himself at home. He looked around the place nodded, impressed. "I didn't think you had it in you to buy such a nice place. All the houses you showed me back home ." He mocked.

Lena scoffed. "You're not getting dinner." She crossed her arms.

Bii chuckled. "I'm joking!"

Lena huffed and sat down on the couch. Bii said down beside her. "How's Korea for you? I'm glad you learned Korean."

Lena nodded. "I'm glad too. I'm doing good." She grinned. "Did you meet some friends?"

Lena froze at the question. Should she tell him about EXO? Would he mind? Lena knew her brother very well. Whenever she got close to boys, he wouldn't go easy on them. Every time Lena would bring a boy home, as a friend, Bii would question him.

"Yeah, I did." She decided to tell the truth. Bii turned to her, curious now. "Who?"

"I'll introduce you to them some other time." Lena smiled. She stood up and searched her fridge. "Curry sound good?"

Bii shook his head. "Actually, I was thinking of going out for dinner."

Lena tilted her head. "Out for dinner?"

Bii nodded. "With my dad." He said softly. Lena hasn't met his dad ever. Bii hardly talks to him and even when he does, it was over the phone in private.

Lena hesitated before answering. "So fast?" She asked with a smile, not wanting to show her worried face.

Bii squeezed Lena's cheeks and grinned. He knew that Lena was worried. "It'll be fun, I promise."

Lena sighed and closed the fridge. "Okay."

Bii hugged her again. He caught a glance of inside the fridge before Lena closed it. He held it with his foot and peered inside. He saw three take out bowls. "You sure eat a lot." Bii raised an eyebrow.

Lena shuffled her feet towards the fridge and closed it. "Haha, yeah. I get hungry at night." She tried to cover up. Bii narrowed his eyes at his little sister. He knew she was hiding something. Lena always turned her sentences into questions when she was hiding something.

Lena gave in. "My friend came last night and we ate together."

"Boy?" He eyed Lena.

Lena paused but nodded. Bii's eyes widened. "What's his name?"


Bii threw his hands in the air. "Great! My sister has been dating behind my back!"

Lena shook her head furiously. "I'm not dating anyone!"

Bii rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "No one would just come in the middle of the night and buy you food. Delivery too!" Bii exclaimed.

Lena flinched at Bii's loud voice. "We're not dating." Lena explained once again. This time Bii was quiet. He sighed and slumped down onto the couch.

"Do you like him?" Bii's eyes were still closed but Lena could see Bii's distressed face. She sat beside him carefully and nodded. "Yeah."

"Let me meet this guy. If I don't approve, you're not dating him." Bii stated. Lena gaped at her brother. "Oppa!" She cried.

"I told you before! If I don't like the guy you date, you're not allowed to see him! Remember Jaehyung? You don't want that happening again." Bii reminded Lena.

Lena scrunched up her face in the memory. It wasn't a pleasant one. "Okay, but give me time."

Bii scoffed. "What time? Tomorrow night. We'll go for sushi."

"He's not free like that!" Lena cried. Bii raised an eyebrow. "He wouldn't even move his busy schdeules for me?"

Lena looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "I mean, he's a busy man. He can't just make time so suddenly." She said softly.

"What do you mean?" Bii asked before the thought hit him. "He doesn't deal drugs or anything, right?!"

Lena shook her head. "No, of course not!"

Bii nodded, relieved. "Okay, then what does he do? He has a job.. Right?"

Lena pursed her lips. "Oppa, let's talk tomorrow." She massaged her temples. Her brother bombarded her with questions on the first day, she was exhausted.

"Hey, Lena. I brought this." Bii called from downstairs as Lena was halfway up the stairs already. She turned around to see Bii holding a book. It was all battered up and old.

Lena ran down and held it close to her chest. "Oppa! You brought it!" She grinned and flipped through the pages. There were words and music notes written on each page.

"I saw this in the corner of your room and figured you forgot to bring it with you." Bii smiled. Lena looked at him with glittering eyes and nodded. "I did."

Bii looked at Lena lovingly. He thought back to the days when they wrote songs together and Bii would sing them. "Do you still write? I've looked in it. You haven't wrote in a long time."

Lena nodded and frowned. "I don't have any inspiration."

Bii furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sure you'll find something." He tapped Lena's head and smiled. Lena smiled back at him.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Bii asked his little sister. Lena was panting and hyperventilating at the door of the restaurant. It was a very nice Chinese-Korean fusion restaurant. Bii furrowed his eyebrows and tried to calm Lena down.

"I don't think I can do this." Lena shook her head. Bii chuckled and patted her back comfortably. "He's not scary."

Lena looked at Bii pleadingly. Bii smiled an encouraging smile. Lena took one last step and opened the door. Bii spoke to the waitress there. The lady lead them into a private room.

She opened the door. A man with ruffled grey hair sat with his back facing them. It was a round table. He stood up and turned around.

He had glasses on and had a handsome face.

At first his stern face surprised Lena. But almost immediately after seeing the two, he grinned a big wide smile.

"Bii." He said softly.

"Ba." Bii replied.


Sorry guys. I've been away. I got back from San Fran and had school the next day. It's been pretty hectic. It's very stressing so I don't think I'll be able to update as much, as you can tell already. But I also have no inspiration to write. I honestly don't know why I'm writing anymore. Before it was fun, I loved to write and read all your comments. But lately, I haven't been getting comments. I would love to hear all your thoughts on this fanfic. Also, I think people don't recognize me since I have changed my name. It was my actual name before but I decided to change it since I was getting more subbies. Thank you all who supported me from the very beginning, I know who you are. =) Thank you for always commenting and telling me your thoughts about this story. I really appreciate it. I hope you all enjoy this story and if you are not, then please tell me what I can do to improve it! I am writing this for you guys, not for me.

So to sum this all up. I won't be writing as frequently. I really would like it if you all did comment. And I hope you stick with me to the end!


*I changed it to his dad because I realized it wouldn't make sense if I put his mom. lol. whoops..*



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Ideas keep popping up but it's real messy.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 21: Oh, now we know her dream.
LadySyndra #2
Chapter 21: Looking forward to the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 21: YAYY KRIS please make him remain her love interest /begs/ pleaseee oo and throw sungyeol in hehehe
Angie143 #4
Chapter 21: Please update this! I love this fic and i want to know what happens! Good luck
Yay an Exo fic wooo!!! Subbed as always. Still waiting for the real sequel to BAPS Stylist pretty please :3
Heyinpiniteu #6
Chapter 21: omg you stories are theeeee best
Nefarie #7
Chapter 21: Glad you updated, but totally understand. :33
I hope our comments can give you some inspiration~ Writing is supposed to be fun. Especially when EXO is involved XD
Take your time and don't over do it :33
Chapter 21: I;m kinda confused. Bii and Lena are half-siblings...? Anyhow,amazing job! I can't wait to see his reaction when he meets Kris and the rest of EXO! Keep up the amazing work!
Chapter 21: Take ur time~ :3
Chapter 21: ohhh i can't wait to see Bii's reaction when he finds out that his cute little sister is hanging out with 12 hot smoking guys that are celebrities!