"For The Third Time"

Love is Patient, Love is Kind
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Ms. Kim was once again lecturing the drama club members on how to improve their acting and how to improve their skills. They all cooperated and listened attentively, the others jotting down notes while the others like Kai, tried to absorb every information in without taking down notes; they didn’t even bother, honestly, but Kai still tried his best. He believed  that he could focus better  if he listened more than writing, with Luhan, Kris and Sehun complaining that he was just being a lazy . That didn’t matter that much though since he still thought his grades were okay – but were slowly slipping down these days – but that thought was shrugged off in an instant once he heard Ms. Kim’s voice boom in the room.

“First of all, when you’re on stage, all you have to do is to relax. It’s easy! Just think positive and just relax your body and your mind!” Ms. Kim explained, using hand gestures to exaggerate, her face showing that she really was focused and serious on making this play a success. “Easing the tension from your body can help steady your voice and relax your mind, so before you go on stage, make sure to do simple body exercises. Anything will do, but what I usually do is this,” she paused for awhile and demonstrated her way of doing simple exercises. She then stretched her arms, bringing them forward, and after that, she brought them up, stretching as high as she could as if she was reaching for something up in the air. “You see? This is one of my basic stretches. It actually calms me down and lets me let go of all the negative thoughts.” She smiled at all of the drama club members, scanning their faces until she met Kai’s eyes. Kai looked rather tired, but bored nonetheless, yet, he still tried to keep himself awake as he opened his eyes as wide as he could. He sat up straight once he noticed her facing him as if she was sending him daggers. She looked really, really, really stern with her intense staring, not to mention her aura.

“You should be focused!” Her voice boomed again as she told all of them, but mostly to Kai though since she was only facing him. “Don’t just think that this is all a game. No! It’s not! By doing this play, who knows? It might change you; it might change your life. And maybe you won’t even get a chance like this someday, so you might as well enjoy and savor the moment while it’s still here.” She showed a slight smile, still facing Kai, but she broke the eye contact, not wanting to make it too obvious that she was pinpointing it to Kai, which she obviously was, and Kai understood completely that she was talking to him.

“And back to the topic,” she smiled, walking over to the other drama club members who were looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue her sentence. “Other techniques are pretty much the same, but I also stretch my legs, back, and my shoulders. Stretching your shoulders is another way to reduce tension in your body.”

Everybody nodded understandingly, the others smiling as they ‘oh-ed’, the others trying their best to stay awake, the other drama club members who were much more interested in the play took more notes, like Ae Sook, who was scribbling down everything in a hurry, but still catching up with Ms. Kim’s fast lecture.

It went on and on, and Kai could’ve sworn that it felt like days. He was hungry, he was sleepy, and yes, he needed more sleep due to the fact that all the crappy homework were dumped on him, not just on him, but all of the students. It just so happened that their brains worked faster than his. He muttered a sentence before Ms. Kim spoke up, saying, “Jongin?”

He actually didn’t hear because halfway through his daydream and all those imaginations with his inner self talking to him, he found himself gazing at Ae Sook who was now looking at him.

He was caught off guard, so he looked away, just to see the other drama club members looking at him. Then it finally hit him. He was being called by Ms. Kim, right?

“Mr. Kim Jongin? Are you listening to me?” Ms. Kim asked for the nth time, and Kai finally heard it. He shook his thoughts away and let out an awkward laugh, making everybody look at him weirdly. Ae Sook was an exception though. She just gave him a smile, but he didn’t see it, and she thanked God for not letting him see it because that would’ve been embarrassing.

“I’m sorry Ms. Kim. Please continue on with your lecture.” Kai said, signaling for her to continue. “I just spaced out for a bit.”

“Well, okay then, but don’t let it happen again.” Ms. Kim told him, sighing as she continued. “I’m sorry for the disturbance. Now, let us continue.” She beamed and clasped her hands together. She then talked about simple exercises like tilting your head and all those, like inclining your head forward but not rolling your head from side to side because according to her, that technique was quite dang

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"Love is Patient, Love is Kind," I updated Chapter 33! Enjoy~ ^^


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i love this fic please update soon :)
Chapter 1: Looking Forward already! ^.^!
when r ya gonna update? *pout*
please update soon!!!!
Chapter 44: awwww
like it
theother88 #6
Chapter 45: AWWWWWWWW AAHHHH!!! >\\\< you did a good job for making me blush author-nim! i will wait for the next chap. i hope it longer and doesnt take a long time. hehe nn;
Chapter 45: my heart beating so fast for them..
it's so tense ..
Chapter 45: Lol :) fighting!! Haha
Chapter 44: She's so funny. Poor jongin.