I Love Her

I'm Never Falling For You!


Chapter 9

Jonghyun’s Point of View


I walked when I thought what Minki said to me

“No.. not really.. she thinks you’re a stalker. Jonghyun, try not to stalk my sister. For me.. that’s just plain weird.. since it’s my sister… so no stalking.” I said.

*Am I really a stalker to her? I wonder if I should see her right now.. I think I was getting a little attached to her.. I bet she’s getting really annoyed with me.*

I sighed when I saw her reading in the library.

*Maybe I am annoying to her.. I don’t deserve someone who’s really pretty, smart, and funny like her.*

I got a little depressed and walked away from the library. The bell rang and I did the usual. We practiced for the graduation when I saw EunMi again. She was the valedictorian. I was happy and sad at the same time.

*Dang it, EunMi! Why did you make me fall for you?!*

I got depressed the rest of the day…

School’s over..

        “Jonghyun… why do you look so depressed?” Key asked.

        “What do you mean? I’m fine. See!” I faked a smile.

        “I’m not that stupid. I could see it through your eyes that your depressed.” Key went in front of me.

        “I’m fine! I told you!” I brushed past Key and started to walk fast.

I walked home and threw my back pack on the wall. I slammed the door then lied on the bed.


        I did a face palm…


        “Hyung, are you alright?” Taemin was knocking.

        “Yeah.. I’m just tired..” I yelled.

        “LIAR!” I heard Key’s voice.

        “Open the door!” Onew yelled.

        “I’m fine! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” I raised my voice.

Everything got quiet.

        “OPEN THE DOOR!” They yelled in unison.

        “NO!” I yelled.

        “Bu we have to practice.. today..” Taemin whined.

I walked towards the door and yelled.

        “You guys think I’m that stupid! We don’t have practice until Wednesday!” I leaned against the door.

        “Dang it..” Onew said.

        “HYUNG! YOU BETTER COME OUT!” Minho demanded.

        “I’m going to come out when I want to!” I walked to get my Ipod and headphones then I put it loud enough for me to not hear the member’s voices.

I stayed in my room that day..

I couldn’t stop thinking about her..

*Should I visit her? Should I talk to her?*

        “Hyung! Come out!” Minho yelled.

        “No!” I yelled.

        “Why? Are you depressed because of EunMi? If she doesn’t like you then find a different girl!” I heard Key’s voice.

        “No! All the other girls I met never have that weird feeling They never made me nervous like EunMi!” I yelled.

They became quiet.

        “Whenever I see EunMi, my heart beats so fast. Whenever I see her, I just want to hug her and kiss her. I’ll say “I love you” to her because I want to let her know I really do love her.” I leaned against the door.

        “Hyung, what are you trying to say?” Minho asked.

        “I’m trying to say that EunMi… is the one that I will only keep my eyes on. You may introduce me to other girls that are really pretty but honestly they’re the same. The only girl I want is Kim EunMi.”


Taemin’s Point of View

The other members and I went to the living room..

        “Woah.. Hyung is saying some weird stuff..” I laid down thinking what he said.

        “Well.. You can’t stop how he’s feeling. I think he’s found the girl.” Onew smiled.

        “WHAT?! My Honey found a girl?! NOOO!! He’s mine!!” Key was being all dramatic.

        “Well of course he’s found a girl… because there are girls around the world.” I tried to sound smart. Everyone became quiet.. -_-“

        “WHAT??” I looked around. The other members were shaking their heads from side to side.

        “He doesn’t get it..” Minho’s eyebrow twitched.  

        “It’s okay… he’s young..” Onew patted Minho’s back.

        “He’ll understand it later on his life..” Key’s head was down.

        “Understand what?! Yah!!” I started to shaking them.


Hahah!! So how’d you guys like it?! Jonghyun, really loves her as you can see… Hmm.. I wonder what will happen next? GOING NINJA~ HI YAAA!!! QK (If you turn your head to the side, it’s a ninja!! Hahaha!!)



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Chapter 60: OH MY GOD IT ENDED
.... update soon >< I reread this and it's awesomeeeee <3
shineebae1323 #3
Chapter 60: Cant wait for the new chapter plz update plus this story is just DAE TO THE BAK
SHawol_Gal #4
Chapter 60: Please update~
I literally read this whole story in one day
Gonna read it again<33
Chapter 60: Love this story^^ it's cool, well done author-nim!!
Chapter 60: Omg this story is very awsome I just love to read this story..
I can't wait for the new capter... i hope you upload soon ^^
SHINee_flamer13 #8
I hope you update soon!! HWAITING ^_^
loverworld #9
Chapter 60: so sweet~ i love this story really.. update soon! hwaiting(is that even right?)
Chapter 60: it was really really really good, could you please update really soon... i'm so curious. i wanna know what happens next..:))