The Only One For Me

I'm Never Falling For You!


Chapter 50

Jonghyun’s Point of View


            “So EunMi… Where are we going today?” I asked while Eunmi was in the bathroom.

            “ Where do you want to go? I’m fine with anything?” She answered back.

            “Hmm.. Do you want to go to the beach today? We didn’t really spend much time there.” I sat on the bed.

            “ What about the ice cream?” She asked.

Still don’t understand how ice cream can make this girl happy but whatever.. I love this girl..

            “ Haha… We can get some ice cream while we’re on the beach.” I smiled.

            “Okay!” EunMi sounded so excited. It almost sounded like she was dancing in the bathroom..

I waited until EunMi came out with shorts and T-Shirt. The T-Shirt was fine but the shorts… were… too short… revealing too much legs.. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around EunMi’s waist.

            “Much better…” I smiled.

            “Why did you just do that?” She asked.

            “Because… it looks nice…. Like that..” My answer sounded more like a question.

            “Okay? Well I don’t really care if it looks nice or not.. It’s gonna be hot.. so.. I’ll just carry the towel… Araso?” EunMi took the towel off her waist and folded it..


            “Yah?! Are you still alive?” EunMi waved her hands in front of me. I gave her a peck on the lips.

            “You know.. A simple“ yes” or “ I’m alive.” Would be just fine…” EunMi wiped her lips.

            “Yeah.. but where’s the fun in that?” I smiled.

            “Whatever…” She rolled her eyes.

            “Let’s go now..” I grabbed her hand.

            “Alright!” She nodded.

We walked in the elevator and stood there waiting. I was still holding her hand. She started swinging our hands together, I just looked at her and started to laugh.

            “Why are you doing that?” I asked.

            “Cause I’m bored..” She kept swinging our hands.

            “Why? Is it bothering you?” She started to stop.

            “No.. I just find it cute.” I smiled.

She gave a small smile. After the small the small conversation the elevators started to open then we started heading to the beach.


At the beach…


I noticed some guys were staring at her… well not her… her legs… You stupid guys.. I’m going to kill you if you go near her. She is my girl! GET YOUR OWN! Grrrr… I just got her back.. I do not want her to be taken away from me again.

I brought her closer to me and glared at the guys staring at her. We sat on the sand, guys were still staring at her..

Maybe… If I go swimming with her.. They would stop staring because the water is practically covering most of her body…. Yes! You are smart Jonghyun! *pats his back*

            “Let’s go swimming..” I stood up and took off my shirt.

            “Okay..” She took off her shirt and revealed her bikini top. The one… that… she wore when she went swimming with Yoogeun... -.-“ Stupid bikini..

I looked at the guys were staring at her… Now… now they were drooling. I decided to show them that EunMi is MY GIRL!!!! I carried EunMi bridal style and ran to the water. I didn’t care if EunMi was surprised… I want those guys to stop staring at her.

            “Yah!” EunMi yelled wrapping her arms around my neck.

            “Hahah~ I love you..” I kissed her cheek.

            “ YAH! Why did you just do that?!” She held me tighter.

            “Just for fun.. Why?” I asked.

            “Nothing…” Her arms were still wrapped around my neck.

            “ Are you going to let go now?” I asked.


            “Is there something wrong?”

            “A-aniya..” She stuttered.

            “Okay.. If there’s nothing wrong.. then let go of me…”

            “Anyia!” She squeezed me tighter.

            “What’s the matter then? Afraid of sharks or something?”

            “…can’t…. swim…” That was all I heard her mumble.

            “You can’t swim?” I looked at her. “ How were you swimming with Yoogeun?”

            “I was in the shallow end… you went to the deep end… and SHHH!!!!! People are going to make fun of me because I can’t swim!!”

            “Ahhh.. Okay.. I will keep it our little secret…” I whispered.

            “ Promise?”


            “Plus… I love how you’re hugging me..” I laughed.

            “You are having too much fun with this..” EunMi looked at me. I pecked her cheeks.

            “Yes.. yes I am..”

She gave me a mehrong.

            “Can you bring me back now?”


            “Ehhh? Wae?!” She panicked.

            “Because.. I don’t want to~” I sang.

            “Aish… If I knew how to swim.. I would’ve swum back.” She pouted.

            “and I don’t like how other guys are staring at you..” I mumbled.

            “Jonghyun… Those guys should know that you’re with me..”

I was shocked that she heard me..

            “Y-you h-heard me?”

            “Duh.. I’m holding onto you really close so I can hear what you said.”

How come I couldn’t hear her mumbling? I think I have bad hearing…

            “And don’t worry about those guys because you are the only guy I will love so no one will replace you.. Araso?” She looked at me.

I couldn’t believe what I just heard right now… She actually… I’m so happy!

EunMi, you don’t know how happy I am right now.. It just feels like my whole heart is complete. I have the feeling of absolute happiness right now…

I couldn’t help but smile..

            “Can we go back now?” She asked.

            “Sure..” I started swimming back to shore.

Now.. I’m not worried about anyone taking you away from me. I love you, EunMi.. More than ever.. 


It's that time!!! SUPER NINJA UPDATES!! I'm going to update 3 or 4 chappies!! MWAHAHAHAHA!! THANK YOU SPRING BREAK~ I'm finally having a break from school!! How are all you of doing?! Sorry for the late update!! I made this chappie pretty long!! I'm going to update a lot so you better get your reading glasses and get ready to read!! Mwahahaha~ I hope you guys like this chappie.. I think I made it cheesy.. heh heh.. Haha.. You gotta love cheesiness~ Hope you all have a sweet day~

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Chapter 60: OH MY GOD IT ENDED
.... update soon >< I reread this and it's awesomeeeee <3
shineebae1323 #3
Chapter 60: Cant wait for the new chapter plz update plus this story is just DAE TO THE BAK
SHawol_Gal #4
Chapter 60: Please update~
I literally read this whole story in one day
Gonna read it again<33
Chapter 60: Love this story^^ it's cool, well done author-nim!!
Chapter 60: Omg this story is very awsome I just love to read this story..
I can't wait for the new capter... i hope you upload soon ^^
SHINee_flamer13 #8
I hope you update soon!! HWAITING ^_^
loverworld #9
Chapter 60: so sweet~ i love this story really.. update soon! hwaiting(is that even right?)
Chapter 60: it was really really really good, could you please update really soon... i'm so curious. i wanna know what happens next..:))