If You Kick Taemin You Get.....

I'm Never Falling For You!


Chapter 42

YunJi’s Point of View


In the restaurant….


            “Aish… How are we going to get Jonghyun and EunMi together when they both feel awkward with each other?” I asked.

            “We can set up a date with them?” Eunhye said running out of ideas.

            “We can probably kidnap EunMi then put her in a room with Jonghyun. We won’t let her out until they talk to each other!!!” Onew said putting a thumbs up.

            “Onew hyung, even I know that’s a bad idea…” Taemin shook his head from side to side because he was embarrassed of Onew’s failure.

            “Then what do you want us to do?” Onew asked.

            “Ummm… we can probably have a day where we each spend some time with EunMi. We let her dress up all nice when she doesn’t know it. We tell her that we’ll all meet in the restaurant.. I’ll be the only one there and then you guys go on stage and sing. Maybe Jonghyun can sing some songs for her and she realizes that it was stupid of them to be mad at each other..” KyungMi entered the conversation. All of our eyes lit up. We smiled and nodded our head with satisfaction.

            “Who agrees with KyungMi’s idea?” EunHye asked.

            “ME~” Everyone yelled in unison.

            “Then that settles it… but when are we going to do this special day?” Taeyeon asked.

            “Umm… Maybe… The day after tomorrow?” Minho was unsure if they were going to agree.

            “Okay.. That gives a day to get ready.” EunHye smiled giving her positive look.

We put our hands together then said “Operation JongMi Hwaiting!”.


Jonghyun’s Point of View


            “I should’ve said something..PABO! PABO!” I kept hitting my head repeatedly. I walked inside the restaurant and all I saw everyone was yelling “HWAITING!!!”. I looked at them.. Having no clue what was going on.

            “Jonghyun!!” Taemin hugged me.

            “We have a plan to get your EunMi, back~” Taemin clapped his hands.

            “Omo, really?!” I smiled.

            “Neh~” Everyone yelled in unison.

Taemin explained me the plan.

            “Ahhh.. The plan sounds really good… but I’m sure.. I think EunMi likes Joon…” I sighed.

            “That’s what we forgot!!! We forgot about Joon!!” EunHye did a facepalm.

            “Ugh… An obstacle in our plan….”Onew sighed.

            “What are we going to do about this??” YunJi started getting worried.

            “Oh, EunMi is coming!” Taeyeon yelled.

We all acted normal as EunMi walked with Joon by her side.

Stupid Joon who’s trying to steal my EunMi. I’m going to stangle that boy!! GRRRRRR!!!

            “Annyeong EunMi and Joon~” EunHye smiled.

            “Annyeong Everyone~” EunMi waved.

            “Annyeong Everyone~” Joon waved.


            “Jonghyun?! Are you okay?!” Taemin waved his hands in front of his face.

            “Good…” I answered.

            “Okay, because your face looks like you’re going to kill someone..” Taemin said which made me stomp his foot.

            “OWWWW!!!! What was that for?!” Taemin whined.

            “Awww… I’m sorry!! It was an ACCIDENT!!!!” I glared at him.

            “Something’s telling me it wasn’t an accident..” Taemin whispered.

            “No really…” Minho whispered sarcastically.

            “Yeah! Because he was glaring at me an- YAH!!! YOU’RE USING SARCASM ON ME AREN’T YOU!!! YOU ARE SO MEAN TO ME, MINHO!!!” Taemin kept whining.

            “You are such a baby…” Key rolled his eyes.


            “Yeah sure.. We’re jealos of you..” Minho said again.

            “YES YOU ARE!!! PIKACHU AND I ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!!” Taemin threw his fist in his air.

Okay… This is what happens when I simply stomped on Taemin’s foot… Wow…

            “Can we order food now? I’m getting hungry..” Taeyeon rubbed her tummy.

            “Okay..” EunMi smiled.

We sat down. EunMi and I sat next to each other… Joon was on her other side…  Grrr…  Stupid Joon…

            “Hyung, are you alright?!” Taemin waved his hands.

            “Yes, I’m perfectly fine, Taemin..” I answered.. Here it goes again.

            “Then why is your fa-“ I kicked Taemin’s leg.

            “OWW!!” Taemin yelled.

            “Oh Taemin.. I think.. You have a problem..You should see a doctor for that problem..” I glared at him.

            “There’s nothing wrong with me?! Is there?! Onew, is there something wrong with me?!” Taemin’s eyes got all big.

            “Taemin, there’s nothing wrong with you. Now, just be a good little maknae and be quiet or else I’m going to take your Nintendo DS from you.” Onew ate some bread. “This would be perfect with chicken.” Onew then suddenly pulled out of chicken out of his bag.

Everyone’s face changed. -_-“

            “I don’t think you have the problem.. I think it’s Minho..” Onew whispered to Taemin.

            “Umm.. says the person who pulled the chicken out of his bag.” Minho replied…


            “This is what I get for just kicking Taemin…” I sighed.


Sorry you guys for the very late update!! I've been busy with school! There's this big test and I've been studying that I didn't really have time to update!! Here's my update!! MIANHE! MIANHE! I know it ! Please forgive me!! I promise I'll try to update as much as I can!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!!!! MIANHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bows 2,000,000 times* I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! I hope you have a sweet day~ MIANHE!!

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Chapter 60: OH MY GOD IT ENDED
.... update soon >< I reread this and it's awesomeeeee <3
shineebae1323 #3
Chapter 60: Cant wait for the new chapter plz update plus this story is just DAE TO THE BAK
SHawol_Gal #4
Chapter 60: Please update~
I literally read this whole story in one day
Gonna read it again<33
Chapter 60: Love this story^^ it's cool, well done author-nim!!
Chapter 60: Omg this story is very awsome I just love to read this story..
I can't wait for the new capter... i hope you upload soon ^^
SHINee_flamer13 #8
I hope you update soon!! HWAITING ^_^
loverworld #9
Chapter 60: so sweet~ i love this story really.. update soon! hwaiting(is that even right?)
Chapter 60: it was really really really good, could you please update really soon... i'm so curious. i wanna know what happens next..:))