Chapter 9

Whatever You Want

Jongup walked home in the dark. He made it home to his two twin brothers. They were both three and he had to take care of them on his own. And now he had a son on the way. Kwangmin and Youngmin were in their room as usual.


"I brought home dinner!" Jongup yelled as he set McDonalds on the table. The twins came rushing in, almost tripping, and up to the table. Jongup helped them in their seats and let them eat. He sighed and leaned on the wall, watching them eat and make a mess he would later have to clean. And then there was the homework he still had to do.


He stood there quietly until the door bell rang. He looked up and made his way to the front door. No one was outside when he opened the door. "Who's out there?" He asked, taking a step outside.


Suddenly, someone grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth. He struggled to get free, yanking at the person's hands. Another person took his hands and tied them up. He tried kicking, biting, anything to get away from these guys and get back to his little brothers.


Something rough hit him on the side of his head and he got dizzy and his legs grew weak. The dark became darker and he saw stars as his eyes closed.



Junhong sat at home on his bed. He got a text from Jongup saying to go to his house and watch his brothers. "What?" Why wasn't he watching them? And why ask me to watch them?


He shook his head as he took a hoodie and threw it on. He had to sneak down the stairs and out the door. Soon he was jogging to his boyfriend's house.



Youngjae laid in his bed, looking through old pictures on his phone. He frowned as he found his heart aching at the sight of him and Daehyun. Then came the pain from how Daehyun had treated him.


The first few weeks they started dating, everything was great. Then Daehyun became easily agitated and started neglecting his feelings. About a month later Daehyun did whatever he had to do to get what he wanted from Youngjae. That's when he should have broken up with him, but he couldn't. Soon, Daehyun wasn't just hurting him emotionally, but physically, as well.


Daehyun cringed, remembering the pain from the first time Daehyun hit him. He used to have nightmares about the abuse Daehyun gave him.


He got a text just then. From Daehyun.


Remember how I used to make you feel? He will never make you feel that way...


Youngjae gulped and frowned. He was glad Yongnam didn't make him feel the way he felt with Daehyun.


Leave me alone


Youngjae texted him back. Hoping that would be the end, he went into the kitchen. They had all ready eaten dinner and now they were about to watch a movie. Yongnam lounged on the couch, flipping through channels. Youngjae made his way over to him.


"I think I found a movie you'll like," Yongnam said, patting the place next to him.


Youngjae sat, "What about you?"


"I'm fine with any movie." Yongnam said. "I just want you to be happy."


Youngjae smiled. "I don't think Daehyun ever said that," He accidently blurted out. He covered his mouth and glanced at Yongnam.


"Youngjae, forget about him, okay?" Yongnam said, looking slightly bothered.


"I'm sorry," Youngjae said, softly.


"It was just an accident," Yongnam said, not looking at him.


Youngjae frowned, sitting back. His phone vibrated and he saw he had another text from his ex.


Why? I miss touching you and making you squirm ;)


Youngjae kept his reply short and simple. you.


He leaned on Yongnam, who put his arm around him. The movie finally started and they were ten minutes into it when he got another text.


I'd like that ;)


"You're texting him?" Yongnam asked, suddenly.


Youngjae jumped and closed his phone. "Uh, he texted me first, I-I only told him to leave me alone."


"It didn't look like it," Yongnam said.


Youngjae frowned. "It was nothing, Hyung, I promise."


"Did you forget how he treated you?" Yongnam started.


Youngjae just shook his head, worryiing what Yongnam would do.


Yongnam stood up, suddenly, and let out a deep breath. "He's... not good for you. I don't want you talking to him, okay?"


"You're telling me who I can't talk to?" Youngjae frowned.


"Why would you want to talk to him anyway?! Do you still have feelings for someone who beat you up?!" Yongnam asked, getting louder.


"Yongnam, I'm sorry, okay? I ... I won't talk to him anymore." Youngjae said, softly.


Yongnam saw Youngjae shaking, slightly. Was he scared? Of him? He reached out to touch Youngjae's face, but Youngjae flinched.



Junhong made it to Jongup's house. His front door was wide open and one of the twins were at the door. "Where's Jongup?" He asked himself as he ran into the house. He took Kwangmin and brought him in.


He closed and locked the door. Then he searched for his boyfriend. He tried texting him, but got no reply. He was slowly starting to worry. Jongup got into trouble easily.


He put the twins in bed, while waiting for Jongup to arrive. While tucking in Youngmin, he heard something at the door.


As he got closer, he heard a scratching noise and groaning. He rushed to unlock the door and flung it open. Jongup was there, on the floor on his hands and knees. He looked up at Junhong and he saw how beat up he was.


"Jongup!" He kneeled down next to him and Jongup collapsed on his lap. "What happened?!"


"Are they asleep?" Was the only thing he said.


"Wha- Your brothers? I just put them in bed. You need to get inside..." Junhong took Jongup and pulled him into his room. He laid on the bed, while Junhong got a bag of ice.


He stared as Jongup laid there with the ice on his head. Jongup was really beaten up. The side of his head had a bump, his face, arms, and legs were bruised, and his nose was bleeding, badly.


"I don't get it. How did this happen?" Junhong asked.


Jongup glanced at him. "Let me worry about it, I'll be fine. I did something I shouldn't have and some guys made sure I knew that."


Junhong laid next to Jongup and put his arm around him, gently. "Jongup, you have to stop this..."


Jongup sighed, pain spiraling from his chest, and held Junhong closer to him. "Getting into trouble? I don't think I can do that."


"Not even for me?"




It's just been a terrible night for everyone!!!


Do you still want Daejae back together, knowing what he did???


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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong