Chapter 23

Whatever You Want

They all walked out of the hospital. Youngjae's arm linked with Junhong's as he talked about Junhong's soon-to-be baby.


"They'll be life long friends - or lovers," Youngjae giggled a bit at the idea. "Do you think so?"


Junhong opened his mouth to answer, but decided on nodding.


"Youngjae, I don't think he wants to worry about his baby's future so soon... He hasn't even had him yet." Yongnam said.


"I guess..." Youngjae sighed. "Text me," He whispered to Junhong as he and Jongup went their seperate ways. Now he was left with Yongguk and Yongnam. He was thinking of the two babies as they walked to the car. "Yongnam! We have to pick up Minseok!"


He rushed to the car, pulling Yongnam along. When they were in the car, Yongnam didn't say much.



Youngjae and Yongnam walked up to Youngjae's mother's house. The closer they got, they started to hear crying from inside. "Is that Minseok?" Youngjae asked.


"Well, I don't think it's your mom."


Youngjae opened the door and ran upstairs to where Minseok and his mother were. "What's wrong?" He picked up Minseok. His cheeks were red and he was crying louder than ever. "Umma! What happened?"


"I don't know... Maybe if you would have picked him up sooner, he wouldn't be crying!" She said, annoyed that Youngjae was blaming her. She left the room and let Youngjae and Yongnam handle their crying baby.


He started rocking and bouncing Minseok, trying everything to stop his crying. He felt Yongnam come behind him. "What do I do?" He asked him, panicking.


Yongnam took the baby and held him against his chest, caressing him. It took a while, but he calmed down. They stayed in the room for a while. "We should take him to the park," Yongnam suggested.


"Okay," Youngjae agreed.



At the park Youngjae brought Minseok to the baby swings.


Minseok was now bouncing and giggling. Youngjae put him in the swing and pushed him, waiting on Yongnam to get out of the car. He was there with Minseok for about ten minutes, while Yongnam sat in the car.


Youngjae decided they should go home after half an hour.



Youngjae didn't have to rock Minseok to sleep or anything. As soon as he was in his crib, he fell asleep. He sighed, relieved that he didn't have to do anything else for now. He sat in the middle of his bed, watching Minseok.


Yongnam came in slowly. Youngjae tilted his head, a bit confused, sense Yongnam's been pretty distant all day. "Need some company?"


"It'd be nice..." Youngjae said, quietly.


Yongnam joined him on his bed and put his arm around Youngjae's waist. Youngjae leaned into Yongnam and put his head on his shoulder.


"Why didn't you come with me and Minseok?" Youngjae asked.


"I don't know... You guys looked like you were having fun like that."


That's not the answer Youngjae wanted. He lifted his head to look at Yongnam, who was staring at Minseok. Youngjae turned Yongnam's head so he could look him in the eye. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we got to the hospital."


Yongnam shrugged, looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about."


Youngjae pouted and hugged Yongnam. "You can tell me anything, Nammie~"


"I know," Yongnam whispered. He kissed Youngjae's forehead and sighed.



When Youngjae was alone he texted Junhong.



Something is wrong with your brother!!!



He only had to wait a few seconds before he got a reply.



What do u mean?



He replied,



Meet me at the coffee shop, ok?



I'll be there soon



Youngjae rolled out of bed and ran into the living room where Yongnam was. "I'm going to meet Junhong at the coffee shop."


Yongnam stood up and pulled Youngjae close to him. He ran his hands through Youngjae's hair once.


"Stop being like that~" Youngjae whined, looking down.


"Stop being so pretty," Yongnam said. Youngjae smiled. "How long are you leaving me?"


"Only for a little while..."


"You could always stay with me, instead." Yongnam kissed Youngjae out of nowhere.


Youngjae stepped away and tried to hide his smile. "You're trying to keep me from leaving!"


Yongnam pulled him back and looked at him innocently "No I'm not." He kissed Youngjae again, more passionately this time.


For a second, Youngjae almost gave in, but he ended the kiss. "I have to go."



As he walked up to the coffee shop, he saw Junhong already there.


"Sorry," He sat down at the table where his friend was.


"About time..." Junhong said, smiling. "What's wrong with Yongnam?"


"I don't know! He's been acting weird ever since we were at the hospital," Youngjae sighed. "I asked him about it, but he just acted like it was nothing."


Junhong thought for a long time and shrugged. "He gets like that sometime."


Youngjae crossed his arms. He told him more about how Yongnam had been today.


"Maybe it has something to do with babies! You said he was acting weird after the hospital and he didn't go on the playground with you?"


"Yeah. And he suggested it. Right after he made Minseok stop crying at my umma's house." Youngjae sipped a bit of coffee from the small cup he had been given.


"He might want a baby with you," Junhong said, suddenly.


Youngjae spit out his coffee to the side. A few people stared at them. "How did you come up with that?"


"Well," Junhong started, "He's good with Minseok, he really likes you, he didn't really want you talking about my baby that much... So he wants a baby with you. So that you two will be even closer!"


"Well, I'm not getting pregnant so soon... I've learned not to have on the first date any more...."



Junhong laughed as someone else came to give them more coffee. "I guess you're right."


"You know I am." Youngjae stood up and stretched his hand to Junhong. "Come on, I should probably get you home."

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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
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Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
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Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
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Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong