Chapter 3

Whatever You Want

As Junhong led Jongup towards his room, he was stopped by his older brother.


"Junhong, where are you going?" Yongguk asked. 


Junhong looked back and frowned. "To my room..." He tightened his grip on Jongup's hand.


"Why do you have to go to your rooom? What's wrong with the living room?"


"Ah! Hyung please stop..." Junhong whined. "I do need some privacy okay? Calm down." He turned and pulled Jongup to his room. Once they were both in, Junhong shut the door and sighed. "Sorry, my brother can be like that..."


"It's okay," Jongup said, taking Junhong's hand. He sat on the edge of his bed and pulled Junhong down on his lap. "Now that we finally have some alone time, I wanted to ask you something."




"We've been together for six months, is there something special you want to do?" Jongup asked, wrapping his arms around Junhong's waist.




The next day Youngjae woke up with Minseok sleeping next him in his bed. After Minseok had called Daehyun "dada", he wanted the baby to know that he was his dad, too. 


He also woke up to his mom's usual shouting. "Youngjae, wake up!!! I made Minseok breakfast! Hurry so it doesn't get cold!"


"He isn't awake and I'm not waking him up," He told her as he made it into the kitchen. 


"Why was that boy here yesterday?" She asked.


Youngjae looked at her, surprised. He had tried to make sure his mom didn't see Daehyun. And as far as he was concerned, she didn't.  "Why do you think he was here?"


She turned around to face her son. "You don't talk to yourself, Youngjae!" 


Youngjae sighed in defeat. "Fine. He was here to see Minseok..."


"Honestly, Youngjae... You let him play with your heart, leave you, and still let him be around Minseok?"

"Umma, he is still Miseok's father. This isn't even about you!" Youngjae yelled and stormed out of the house and went on his way to school.



Junhong waited until Yongguk left for school, before he and Jongup left. 


"He's gone, Junhong," Jongup said, closing Junhong's curtains. 


Junhong nodded and took Jongup's hand in his. "Jongup, I love you."


"You said that last night, baby," Jongup said and kissed his boyfriend. "I love you, too."



Once Jongup and Junhong were in the school yard, Jongup stopped. "I'm going straight inside. Do you want to come, too?"


Junhong shook his head. He still couldn't find Youngjae. "I'll stay out here."


That wasn't the answer Jongup had been expecting, but he nodded and kissed Junhong's cheek. "See you later."


"Alright," Junhong watched as Jongup left. He turned and looked over the groups of people talking. He saw a car drive by and park. Daehyun came out and Junhong sighed. "Where is Youngjae?"


Just then he saw Youngjae slide out of the passenger seat of Daehyun's car. 


Junhong couldn't believe his eyes. He walked up to Youngjae who was walking towards him. 


When they met, Junhong just looked at him. 


"Hi," Youngjae said softly.


"What were you  doing in Daehyun's car?" Junhong blurted. 


Youngjae looked down. "I didn't plan on having him drive me to school. I was walking and he drove up to me. I told him I was fine and I kept walking, but he continued to ask and I gave in. It's only a one time thing, though. I promise."


Junhong rolled his eyes and smiled. "Whatever." Him and Youngjae started to walk closer to the school.


"Remember how I asked Daehyun to come see Minseok?" Youngjae asked.


"Yeah," Junhong said.


"Well, he came." Youngjae continued, Junhong looking surprised. "And everything went fine, I guess. He saw Minseok, he held him. Then he called him dad. After that we talked a little about him. And before he left he tried to kiss me."


"I told you!" Junhong shouted. 




"I'm sorry, but I knew he was trying to get with you again! Youngjae, what are you going to do?" 


Youngjae scratched his head. "I don't know. I'm not going to let him play me again, though." 


"So you won't date him?" Junhong asked leaning against a tree. 


Youngjae shook his head. "I think I'm in love with someone else, anyway."


That took Junhong by surprise. "In love? With who?"


"I can't tell you," Youngjae muttered.


"I thought we told each other everything..." Junhong frowned. "What if I kept a secret from you?"


"It's not that I don't want to tell you, I'm just not 100% sure and I don't want to tell you unless I am."


"Well, I have a secret, too." Junhong said. "But I won't tell you until I'm 100% sure." 


Youngjae smiled and elbowed his friend. "Or we could both tell our secret tomorrow..."


"I don't think that'll be enough time..." Junhong said. 


"Why what do you need to figure out?" Youngjae shifted his books into his other hand.


"I can't tell you, it would ruin the surprise!" 


Youngjae nodded. "Something tells me your secret is alot more important than some crush..."



Youngjae was at Junhong's house again after school. This time he had Minseok with him.

Junhong and Jongup were out together, Youngjae's mom was angry with him, and he needed to get away for a while. So he came to see Yongnam.


Yongguk had answered the door and for a second he was afraid Yongnam wouldn't be there. But Yongguk said he was, so he waited in the living room. 


When he got back from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand, he saw Yongnam. He was crouching next to Minseok. Youngjae walked quietly to him and watched as he played with Minseok.


"Hey, Yongnam," He said. 


Yongnam turned around and smiled up at Youngjae. He stood up and chuckled. "Hey. He just looked bored so I..."


"It's fine. I think he likes you, too." Youngjae said, looking at the smiling Minseok. 


"Who else likes me?" Yongnam asked, quietly, almost a whisper.


Youngjae blushed and realized what he had said. He stuttered before smiling, sheepishly at Yongnam. "I- uhh.. I meant that... that he likes you. That's all."


Yongnam took Youngjae's hand and tugged him closer. He sat with Youngjae on his lap and wrapped his arms around him. "I was hoping you liked me, Youngjae. Because I like you..."


He rubbed his nose against Youngjae's, Youngjae closing his eyes and cherishing the moment.


"I want to take care of you," Yongnam whispered. "Will you let me?"


Youngjae opened his eyes, surprised and looked at Yongnam's face, so close to his. He raised one hand and touched his face, absentmindedly. He nodded and whispered, "Yes."



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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong