Chapter 15

Whatever You Want

Chanyeol woke up with Himchan at his side. He heard voices and realized the other guys were home.


"Wake up, Elf!" Tablo hit him, waiting for him to wake up. "Come here!" He led Chanyeol into the living room, where everyone else was.


TOP, Zico, and Jihoon all sat on the couch, looking at the two. "Does he have him?" TOP asked.


Tablo nodded. "He's asleep right now." He smiled at Chanyeol, "Good job."


Chanyeol nodded, still tired and worn out. "Thanks."


"How long do you think this will take?" Jihoon asked.


"Not long. He's already into me," Chanyeol mumbled.


"Good. We need his gang gone. So, if we mess up him and we mess up the leader." Tablo explained.


Chanyeol's eyes got wide and he put one finger up to his lips.


Himchan slowly, stumbled into the living room, rubbing his eyes. "Chanyeol, who are these people?"


Chanyeol smiled, "Just some of my friends. You guys, this is Himchan." He gestured to the sleepy man.



Junhong had spent all of Sunday with Jongup and now they hurried to get ready for school.


"I can't believe you take care of your brothers and still have time for school! Who watched them?" Junhong asked.


Jongup didn't want to tell them the truth, but he couldn't lie to him now. He answered quietly, "No one."


Junhong tilted his head. "No one? You don't just leave them alone, do you? That's crazy! Jongup, you have to find someone to watch them!"


"Like who? I can't pay anyone!" Jongup said. He tried to stay calm, becuase he knew Junhong was right. He was terrible for putting his little brothers in that kind of situation, but what else could he do? 


Junhong frowned, looking away. "We should just go now..." He didn't want to leave the twins alone, but he couldn't be late.



Junhong saw his brother and Daehyun where they usually hang out, but no Himchan. He was about to go over there, but Jongup reached for his hand.


"I hope you understand why I have to do this," He said, looking straight into Junhong's eyes. "If I could find someone to care for them, I would, but I can't."


Junhong nodded, still wishing they weren't alone. "I know. It just worries me."


"They're not your problem," Jongup said, honestly.


"Yeah, they are. I'm going to help you take care of them." Junhong answered back.


Jongup was glad he was finally going to have help, but didn't want Junhong going through what he had to.



Youngjae dropped Minseok off at his mom's house and left for school. He had taken a bit longer, having to cover up the mark on his face.


Yongnam wanted him to stay home, but he convinced him that he'd be fine. He would just have to hang around lots of people and go nowhere by himself. Not like he wanted to.




Well, this chapter was completely uneventful...


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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong