Chapter 4

Whatever You Want

That night, Youngjae went home, smiling to himself. He had completely forgotten about the arguement between his mother and him.


"Youngjae, were you with that boy?" His mother asked, from her seat in the living room.


He turned to her and answered, "Uh, no. I was at Junhong's house..."


"You looked awfully happy. Are you sure?"


"Am I sure? I think I know where I've been, okay?! Why are you acting like this? Even if I was with Daehyun, it's for Minseok, not me." Youngjae walked into the living room, holding Minseok.


"It's for you, Youngjae! You're just so naive and childish! You're going to let him get close to you again and have you pregnant, leaving you for someone else to take care of!"


"I can take care of myself," He said, quietly.


"Oh can you?" She stood right in front of him. "If you can take care of yourself, I want you out! You have until next week to be out of my house." She walked around him and left him.


Youngjae ran into his room, quickly putting Minseok in his crib. Then he sat on his bed and thought. She can't be serious, can she? She wouldn't let me go out there alone with a baby...



"My mom is putting me out... Junhong, I'm only 17, what am I going to do?" Youngjae complained to his best friend.


"I don't know, I've never been kicked out before. You can stay with me!" Junhong smiled, as they continued their walk to school.


"I couldn't. You don't have enough space as it is." Youngjae frowned. He looked around, wishing that Yongnam went to the same school as them.


"I guess..." Junhong said, disappointed. Just then, Jongup ran up and back-hugged Junhong. 


"Hey, I missed you~" He whispered in Junhong's ear. Junhong just blushed and smiled at him. "I also have something for you."


"Huh? What is it?" Junhong asked, eagerly. He turned and faced Jongup, who held a bouquet of flowers and a box of, not chocolates, but cherry tomatoes.


"Surprise!" Jongup smiled and kissed Junhong.


Junhong hugged him, making sure not to crush his unexpected gifts. "Thank you, Jonguppie~"


"Your welcome," He said handing him the gifts. "You should probably put those in your locker."


"What? Why?" 


"So I can hold your hand..." Jongup said.


Junhong thought for a second, then gave Jongup the flowers. He held the cherry tomatoes in his the hand farthest from Jongup. "Now we can hold hands."


Jongup smiled and nodded. "Okay, let's go."


"Wait," Junhong turned. "Where did Youngjae go?" 


Jongup shrugged and took Junhong's hand in his. "He left a while ago."



Youngjae stood alone next to a huge tree in the school yard. He had his phone out and was texting Yongnam.



I miss you :(



He sighed as he sent it and waited. Of course, Yongnam was at schoo, too, and probably wouldn't get it until later.


As he walked into the school, his phone vibrated and he took it out of his pocket. It was a text from Yongnam.


Miss you, too. Can I pick you up from school later?


Youngjae smiled and texted back a yes.



After school, Youngjae waited in front of the school. About five miutes later, Yongnam arrived.


He opened the door for Youngjae and they drove off.


"Where are we going?" Yongnam asked Youngjae.


Youngjae sighed, "Anywhere but my house."

Yongnam looked over at him. "Why not?"


"My mom is really mad at me..." Youngjae wondered whether to tell Yongnam about her kicking him out. He decided that he should. If he couldn't tell his boyfriend, who could he tell? "And she wants me out of the house in a week..."


"Why would she want you gone?" He asked as he parked the car at a cafe. "Want to tell me what happened?"


They went inside and sat at a table near the window.


"I brought Daehyun over once to see Minseok," Youngjae began to explain. Yongnam already knew about the situation between him and Daehyun, but he still felt weird talking about him. "And I guess she was upset about me seeing Daehyun after what he had done to me. Then I told her I can take care of myself and she told me to be out in a week."


He hadn't realized how much of a mess he was in until now. He wouldn't have a place to stay in a week. He sighed and started to cry.


Yongnam put his arm around him and held Youngjae against him, tightly. "Don't, Youngjae... This may sound weird, but it may be a good thing that you have to move out."


Youngjae looked at him. "What? Why would that be a good thing, Yongnam?"


"Because I'm moving into an apartment... A two-bedroom apartment that'll be really lonely..."


"Are you saying, we move in together?" Youngjae asked.


"Only if you want to, baby," He whispered and kissed Youngjae's cheek. "And wouldn't it be good for Minseok to have someone else to look after him?"


"I guess," Youngjae agreed. He wiped his tears and smiled softly. "Okay, I'll do it."


"Great, I get the key tomorrow, so I'll take you there after school." Yongnam smiled and rubbed Youngjae's back.


Youngjae just leaned on Yongnam's shoulder. 


Finally, everything started to make sense.



Junhong and Jongup sat on a bench at the park.


"Do you know what this means, Jongup?" Junhong whispered.


"Yes, Junhong," He said with his arm around Junhong's shoulders. "I want to do this, okay? When I said 'I love you' I meant it."


"I love you, too," Junhong said softly. "But..."

"We can do this, okay?" Jongup reassured him. 

Junhong sighed and nodded. 


I can't believe I let myself get pregnant. . . 




*doesn't know what to say...*

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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong