Chapter 29

Whatever You Want

In a couple weeks, school was over and Junhong, Youngjae,  and Jongup met right outside of the building. 


Youngjae showed his report card with all A's, smiling with pride. Junhong rolled his eyes, jokingly, along with Jongup. 


“What? I worked hard!" Youngjae took out his phone, about to call Yongnam. 


Daehyun came up behind him and took his report card. “Hmmm... I'm glad you still care about school." Daehyun said, examining the piece of paper. 


Junhong and Jongup stood back, confused and looked at each other then Youngjae. He turned to Daehyun, frowning. “I care about a lot of things." He snatched his report back.


Daehyun laughed and backed up. “Alright. I know when I'm not wanted." He tugged Youngjae closer by his arm and whispered in his ear. “It's been two long. When are you gonna let me hold my baby again?"


Youngjae sighed as Daehyun walked away. He shuttered, because he knew he was talking about him not Minseok.


“What was that about?" Jongup asked. 


Youngjae shook his head. “Just him being him."


Yongnam drove up and blew his horn. He smiled and gave a small wave at the three. Jongup helped Junhong sit in the front and him and Youngjae sat in the back.


“Nammie, where are we going?" Youngjae asked.


“We should get Minseok! Isn't he at your mom's?" Junhong said.


Yongnam nodded and they rode there in silence.


Yongnam parked in front of the house. Jongup leaned forward and said, “Me and Junhong will stay in here."


“Are you sure?" Yongnam asked, looking at his brother. 


Junhong nodded and gestured for the other two to leave. 


Youngjae walked up to the door, holding Yongnam's hand. He knocked on the door and they both smiled when they heard Minseok laugh from the inside.


Youngjae's mom answered the door and smiled, and hugged Youngjae. They greeted each other and stepped inside. “Alright. Let me see your report card."


Youngjae showed her and they walked over to Minseok sprawled on the floor. Youngjae picked up Minseok and looked over at his mom. Her smile never left her face.


“You're doing so well in school! You and Minseok should stay over here for the summer. I can watch the baby while you prepare for college."


Youngjae sighed and backed into Yongnam and handed him Minseok. “I'm not moving back in with you, Umma."


Her smile faded. “How do you think you're going to take care of Minseok? Who's going to watch him when you're gone?"


“You won't?" Youngjae frowned. “Can't you watch him until I graduate next year? I know you're mad at me, but don't take it out on my baby!"


Yongnam tapped Youngjae. “We should go now. Just give her some time to think about it, okay?"


Youngjae shifted towards the door. “Bye."


Youngjae held Minseok in the car. He mumbled, “We need a car seat..."


Junhong looked back at Youngjae and said, “Jongup and I found out the baby will be due in a couple of months. Right before school starts." 


“Are you nervous?" Youngjae asked.


“Not anymore. Jongup got a job! And I'm gonna move in with him."


Yongnam jumped in, this being the first time he's heard of this. “What do you mean? Do mom and dad know?"


“I was hoping you would help me tell them." Junhong smiled at his older brother.


He kept a straight face, his eyes on the road. “When are you telling them?"


“Tonight at the dinner."


At the end of every school year, their family had a huge dinner and invited lots of people. Since Yongguk graduated this year, the dinner  was expected to be even bigger than usual. The plan was to tell Junhong's parents while around company so they wouldn't freak out.


Yongnam sighed. “I'll help if it starts going the wrong way."


“Great. Take me to Jongup's house."  Junhong leaned back, twirling his finger around his stomach. In a few minutes, Yongnam stopped the car in front of Jongup's house. 


“Thanks, hyung." He smiled and got out with the help of Jongup. “See you guys later."


Inside, they went into the room they shared. Junhong had been slowly bringing clothes and things to Jongup's house. 


Junhong sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Jongup to get out of the bathroom. “You're not meeting the president!"


Jongup came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. The skin that was showing was covered in beads of water. “Your dad already hates me. I want to show him that I'm not a bad guy."


Junhong blushed a bit, but spoke anyway. “He doesn't hate you..." Both of them knew he was lying.


“His gang almost killed me." Jongup said, walking towards Junhong. Once he was in front of him he looked down and caressed Junhong's face. “I'll make your dad understand that I love you." They both smiled and Jongup planted a quick kiss on his cheek.


He returned to the bathroom. Junhong  crawled to the head of the bed and laid down. 


In a few minutes, Junhong was drifting off to sleep. He felt the bed lower beside him and an arm wrap around his waist. In a minute or so he was asleep with Jongup.



Jongup woke up before Junhong and checked on the twins. They were both fast asleep and Jongup watched them for a bit. He picked out outfits for them and went to wake up Junhong.


He shook him, softly, and whispered, “Wake up." 


Junhong opened one eye and looked up at him. He groaned and tried to get up.


“Come on, it's already 8." Jongup was ready and told Junhong he'd get the twins ready. 


Junhong called Yongnam to pick them up and in half an hour  were on their way to dinner.


Yongnam came in first, followed by Junhong, then Jongup and the twins. 


They saw Junhong's mom and lots of company. Everyone was in conversation and there was a constant mumble. No dad, though. 


Junhong pulled Jongup along and greeted his mom. “Umma!" 


She turned to them both and hugged Junhong. She smiled at Jongup and hugged him, too. “You're not a stranger anymore. No matter what happens or what my husband thinks, you're family." She smiled and returned to her company.


Junhong smiled and saw Jongup was, too. “I'll take the twins upstairs. That's where most of the kids are." Junhong said.


Jongup shook his head, “I can do it. Find Youngjae." He  took Youngmin and Kwangmin by the hand and led them upstairs. Junhong was right. As soon as he was on the second floor, he had to dodge playing kids. The twins let go of his hand and ran off to play.


He turned to go back downstairs and saw Junhong's dad coming up the stairs. They both stopped as they made nee contact. 


Jongup waited, not knowing what else to do, as Mr. Bang made his way to him. “What the hell are you doing here?'


“Junhong invited me," He spoke surprisingly calm. 


From downstairs Mrs. Bang yelled, “Dinner!" Jongup was shoved by Junhong's dad and took a second longer to get downstairs. Yongguk came out of his room and said hey to him. They came in the dining room together and split ways as Jongup joined Junhong and Youngjae.


The table was a lot longer than average and sat almost half of the guests.


Junhong's parents sat at the head of the table. On the long side was Yongnam and the across him was Yongguk. Next to him was Junhong then Jongup and Youngjae sat beside Yongnam.


Mrs. Bang called for everyone's attention and congratulated them all for passing another year. And pointed out that Yongguk had graduates at the top of his class.


Soon dinner was passed around and conversations were struck up.


Yongnam looked at Junhong with one eyebrow raised. 


“Not yet," he mouthed. Junhong looked away when Yongnam showed disappointment. He turned to Jongup, “I think I'm going to tell them now."


Jongup looked up from his plate with his mouth full. “Befire dessert?"


Junhong rolled his eyes. “Ne, I need something good to come afterwards."


“Umma? Jongup and I have something to say."


Mrs. Bang glanced at her husband, who was already staring them down. “Maybe this should wait..."


“No." Mr. Bang interrupted. “Anything they need to say, they can say now."


“Our baby is due in a few months... and we think it'll be easier if we're in one place, so we can help each other and the twins and-"


Jongup cleared his throat and spoke up. “What he's saying is he's moving in with me."


Junhong, Youngjae and Yongnam stared at Jongup in shock. He was in the middle of staring down Junhong's father. 


“Is that so?" Mr. Bang replied.


“Well, yes. I just wanted you to know-" Junhong started.


“Why? It seems like you two are going to do whatever you want." Mr. Bang spike louder and a couple if other conversations died down.


“Appa, please don't act like this..." Junhong begged. “I'll only do it if you want me to."


They all looked at him, waiting for an answer.


He stood and glared at Jongup. Suddenly he pulled his hand back and swung at him.


Junhong reached up and stopped his hand in time. “What are you doing?!"


Everything got quiet and alk eyes were on the end of the table.


Mr. Bang looked from Jongup to Junhong, calmly. He put his hands to the side and said, slow and clear, “Get your and get out." 

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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
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Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
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Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong