Chapter 26

Whatever You Want

Junhong stayed at Jongup's house for the weekend, despite his father's disapproval. They had alot of baby preparation to do. They hadn't decided whether the baby would live here or at Junhong's place. Either way they would all live together. Junhong, Jongup, the twins, and their baby.


"What about names?" Junhong asked Jongup. He sat on Jongup's bed, waiting for his answer.


Jongup shrugged. "I'm not good with names."


"Well what color should we make his room? Should he just share a room with your brothers?"


"I'm not good with colors."


Junhong frowned and looked at Jongup. "Do you think we'll need to put him in daycare?"


"Junhong, I'm not good with decisions," Jongup said, running his hands through his hair and falling back on his bed.


"What  are you good at?" Junhong asked, smiling slightly.


"I think I'm pretty good with you," Jongup said, reaching to hold Junhong's hand.


Junhong blushed. "I think so, too." He layed next to Jongup.


Jongup kissed Junhong on the cheek, then whispered something in his ear.


"That's a great name," Junhong smiled and hugged Jongup.



Youngjae hugged Yongnam. "You don't have to go to work..." He pleaded.


Yongnam smiled. "I kind of do." He waited until Youngjae let him go to give him a kiss. "I'll see you later, okay?"


Youngjae sighed, dramatically. "Okay..."


He waited for about ten minutes to pass before calling Daehyun.


Soon there was a knock and Daehyun was there again. He stood, smirking. "Miss me already?"


"Shut up." Youngjae let him in, feeling guilty for only a second or two. "Minseok's asleep, but you can still see him." He brought Daehyun Minseok's crib in his room.


"Can I wake him up?" Daehyun asked, reaching in the crib.


Youngjae didn't have time to respond, before Minseok was lifted from his crib and cradled in Daehyun's arms.


"Daehyun! You can't just-" Youngjae said, frightened suddenly.


"Calm down, I'm not gonna beat him," He said.


"How would I know." Youngjae said, remembering how Daehyun used to treat him. He cringed when Daehyun put his arm around his waist. "What are you doing?"


"Just letting Minseok see his parents together. Don't you think he deserves that?" The way Daehyun put it, almost made it seem right. But it wasn't.


Minseok was now awake in Daehyun's arm. He held Minseok in one arm, while the other was around Youngjae.


"Daehyun, you know you shouldn't be doing this." Youngjae said, looking up at him.


"I shouldn't be doing this? But it's not just me." Daehyun said. He put Minseok down and used both of his hands to bring Youngjae closer to him. He held him there, waiting for Youngjae to look him in the eye. When Youngjae finally did, he kissed him.


Youngjae tried to fight back, but stopped as soon as he realized how much he missed Daehyun. And how much he hated him. But he kissed him back anyway and Daehyun held him perfectly (like only he knew how to do).


Im back~ Sorry for just stopping all of a sudden

and for all u daejae shippers just remember what he did to him...

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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong