Chapter 25

Whatever You Want

Youngjae woke up to his phone ringing. He heard Minseok mumbling to himself in his crib. He peeked over in it to make sure he was fine and answered his phone. "Hello?"


"Uhh.. Hey, Youngjae it's me."


He didn't have to say who it was. He knew who this was from the nights they used to spend on the phone. "Daehyun?"


"Yeah," Daehyun replied, huskily.


"It's like 8 in the morning, don't you have some gang meet-up to go to?" Youngjae asked, sarcastically.


"Actually, yes, I do. And that's why I was gonna ask if I could come over later."


"What?! No!" He was sitting up now and Minseok stopped mumbling. "Umma umma," He said.


"I want to see Minseok," Daehyun said. "I am still allowed to see him, right?"


"Y-Yes, but-" Youngjae started.


"I'll come over at 1."


Yongnam would be home by 1, Youngjae remembered. "You can't come then..." He sighed. "Can you come over around 11:30?"


"I'll be there." Daehyun said and hung up.


Youngjae frowned. He had wanted to talk to him longer. He wasn't sure why. What would they even talk about?


"Maa Umma," Minseok was now wide awake, calling Youngjae.



Youngjae got him and Minseok ready for when Daehyun came.


He heard knocking at exactly 11:30. Youngjae rushed to get to the door and stopped before he opened it.


"Hey, can I come in?" Daehyun asked, smirking slightly.


"I wouldn't have opened the door if you couldn't." Youngjae answered, stepping aside for him.


"Ohh, attitude. Where's Minseok?" Daehyun asked, running his hands through his hair.


"Here," Youngjae led Daehyun into his room, where Minseok was on his bed.


Daehyun smiled when he saw Minseok. It was the widest smile he'd seen on Daehyun's face in a long time. He walked towards Minseok, who was now staring up, confused. Daehyun sat on the edge of Youngjae's bed.


Youngjae sat, too, bringing Minseok between them. "He called me umma, earlier." He didn't quite know why he was telling Daehyun this. He felt like he should know, though.


Daehyun was still looking at Minseok when he said, "That's good..." He held out his hands for him. Youngjae gave Minseok over to Daehyun.


Minseok whined at first, but got over it as Daehyun made him warm up to him.


Daehyun asked everything about him. How he was, how often he got sick, what could he do, what could he say. And Youngjae told him everything. Before he knew it, he was sitting right next to Daehyun - their legs touching. Minseok stood on both of their laps, giggling as Daehyun made him bounce.


At one point, Youngjae had to stop himself from putting his head on Daehyun's shoulder. For an hour they stayed there with Minseok. Daehyun even fed him.


"I think it's time for a quick nap." Youngjae said. Daehyun held Minseok until he fell asleep in his arms.


Youngjae took him and put him in his crib. When he turned to Daehyun, he saw that he wasn't looking at Minseok anymore. He was watching Youngjae.


Youngjae shifted for a second. "You should probably go now, it's 12:45..."


"Alright," Daehyun stood up and stretched. He followed Youngjae to the front door. He stood in the doorway for a second.


"When are you going to come over again?" Youngjae asked. He looked down because he was annoyed with himself for falling for Daehyun again.


"Whenever you'll let me," Daehyun said. He knew he had won today. And to top it off...


He kissed Youngjae's cheek before walking away.



Everyone has their own opinion on who Youngjae should end up with, so here's a poll~

Remember what's best for Youngjae...



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