Chapter 5

Whatever You Want

Jongup walked Junhong home. They barely said a word to each other, both not knowing what to say. Junhong was having a baby. He felt like it was a terrible mistake.


Junhong stopped Jongup once they were on his porch. "Hyung, what am I going to do about Yongguk?"


"Don't tell him," Jongup suggested, knowing that that wouldn't work.


"How do I not tell my brother I'm pregnant! He's going to kill me no matter how soon he finds out!"


"If you keep shouting he'll find out now." Jongup held Junhong's hand. "It'll be okay, I promise."


Junhong nodded and soon he was curled up in his bed, gripping his phone. He started thinking aloud, "Do I call Yongguk and tell him now? Or Youngjae?" He groaned and threw his phone on the dresser near his bed.


I never thought I'd make the same mistake as Youngjae. And I thought having a baby was supposed to be exciting, not terrifying! What is Yongguk going to do?


He didn't want to think about it. So, he texted Youngjae, telling him that he needed to see him tomorrow.



Yongnam drove Youngjae to his mom's house. "So tomorrow after school?" Youngjae asked him.


Yongnam nodded and brushed a strand of hair out of Youngjae's face. He leaned towards him and Youngjae blushed a bit.


Oh my God, it's finally happening! Youngjae thought as he looked into Yongnam's eyes. They were so close, Youngjae had to hold back the urge to just kiss him. He closed his eyes as Yongnam kissed him.


On the cheek.


Youngjae opened his eyes and saw Yongnam smiling. "See you tomorrow," Yongnam said.


Youngjae chuckled and smiled, too. "Okay, bye."


As he got out of the car, running up to his house and to his room, he felt his phone vibrate. "Junhong?" He had almost forgot about everyone else except for Yongnam.


As he read Junhong's text, he frowned.




Sorry, I have to meet up with Yongnam tomorrow! Maybe some other time.



He sighed as he realized he was blowing off his friend. But if he was going to be out of this house in a week, he needed to make some sacrifices.


All of a sudden, Youngjae was daydreaming about how life would be living with Yongnam. He would finally be closer to him, which was great. And he wouldn't have to live up to his mother's expectations anymore.


Were there any negative things about moving in with him?


"No~" Youngaje said aloud, answering his own question.


Then he started to think about what he should move out of his room first. He mentally started organizing the entire process.


Tomorrow he would come back home and collect everything he packed today (all the small things like books, picture frames, and stuff like that). He would also ask his mother if he could take his bed, hoping she would say yes.  The next day he would pack all of him and Minseok's clothes. The last day, Yongnam would help him move his bed and dressers; all the heavy stuff.


He sighed with relief, glad all that thinking was over. Then he fell back on his bed and stared at his ceiling. He was thinking about the kiss. Even though it was only on the cheek, it was amazing. He couldn't help but wonder how the next kiss would feel.


Just then his mother came into his room.


"Umma! You didn't even knock!" He yelled, sitting up quickly.


The sudden noise made Minseok wake up. Youngjae rushed over to his baby and picked him up, cradling him, before he could begin to cry.


"Youngjae. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday..." She started.


Youngjae shook his head. "Don't be sorry, you said what you had to say. It's fine, though."


"But where will you stay?"


"I found a place," He answered. He hoped she wouldn't ask where, but of course, she did.


"Where?" She frowned, looking surprised.


Youngjae sighed and put Minseok back in his crib with a teddy bear. When he turned to his mom, she was still waiting for an answer.


"I'm going to look at it tomorrow," He answered.


She walked over to him and rubbe his head. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." She smiled, softly.


"No, I need to go. You were right." He layed back on his bed and covered himself with the cover. He stayed that way until he heard her leave the room.


He sighed and wiped away a few tears.



Youngjae still hadn't texted back Junhong.


Junhong walked into the kitchen, checking his phone for any messages from his friend.


"What's wrong?" His older brother asked.


"I told Youngjae I need to talk to him, but he isn't answering," He grabbed the box of cherry tomatoes and sat at the table.


Yongnam sat next to him. "You can talk to me..."


Junhong looked up at him with a mouthful of cheery tomatoes. He shook his head, giving him enough time to swallow. "I need to tell him first. So I know what to do. He's been through this before."


Suddenly, he wished he hadn't said the last part. Yongnam looked at him funny and asked, "Are you okay?"


Junhong just nodded.


"Is there something me and Yongguk should know about?" He continued.


Junhong stood up. "You two aren't my parents!" He quickly went to his room and shut the door. He sat on the floor, not knowing what to do.


So he pulled up his shirt and looked at his stomach. What do I do when this blows up? How do I hide that?



At school Junhong spotted Youngjae and stumped to him. "Youngjae, how come you never text me back?!"


Youngjae looked at him through tired eyes. "Huh? Oh, Junhong, I'm sorry."


"I need you to come to my house after school." Junhong explained.


"I-I can't. I have to do something later," He yawned.


"Hyung, why do you look so tired? Didn't you sleep last night?" Junhong looked at Youngjae with concern.


"I was up all night packing..."


"Packing? For what?"


"That's what I need to explain to you. So remeber how I told you about my mom?"


Junhong nodded.


"Well, remember my secret?" Youngjae asked.


"Just tell me!" Junhong said, tired of waiting.


"Okay. So the person I like is Yongnam, your brother. We started dating like two days ago. And I told him about my mother issues as well. And he fixed everything! He said I could move in with him, because I guess he is moving out as well. And today he is taking me to see the apartment. So that's why I can't go with you later. And who I like. And why I was packing."


Youngjae waited for Junhong's reaction.


"Your dating my brother? Yongnam likes guys? He's moving out?" Junhong fornwed. "Why is he moving out? Hyung, he never said anything about moving out..."


Youngjae was confused. He was sure Junhong knew about his brother moving out. "He never told you?"


Junhong just shook his head.


The bell rang.



After school, Junhong took his time going home. He didn't want Jongup to walk him in case of what Yongguk might do to him.


He opened the door and called Yongguk's name.


He heard his brother come out of the living room. "Yeah?"


"Hyung, I need to talk to you..." He said, sitting at the table.


Yongguk sat near him and waited.


"You know hiw Jongup and I are dating?..." He started.


Yongguk rolled his eyes. "Yes."


"Well, uh... We've been together for six months and we- he..." Junhong tried to tell him, but he couldn't. He also tried not to cry, but that didn't work out either. He started to cry, hard, realizing how bad he had messed up.


Yongguk was shocked by his younger brother crying. He moved next to him and held him close to him. He tried to comfort him, and calm him down. Usually, him and Yongnam would do this together, but he wasn't here to do that.


Junhong grabbed onto Yongguk, crying into his chest, completely embarassed, but not caring.


As he began to calm down, Yongguk asked, "What happened?"


"I'm pregnant." Junhong said, between breaths.


Yongguk's grip on Junhong loosened.






"Wh- how??" He gave up. He stood up and ran his hands through his hair. "Junhong, how could you let this happen?!"


"Please, Yongguk, don't get mad! Jong-"


"Of course..."


Junhong stood and pleaded. "Please, don't get mad at him. It was my fault, too."


Yongguk bit his lip, trying not to say anything. Just the thought of what Jongup did to his little brother, hurt him.


"What are you gonna do?"


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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
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Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong