Chapter 19

Whatever You Want

The next day Junhong talked to Jongup about the twins again.


"I know someone who could watch your brothers, but she's pretty busy most of the time, so..." He started.


"Great. Who is she?" Jongup asked.


"My mom."


"Why would she be busy? I thought she didn't have a job," Jongup sat with Youngmin on his lap.


"She does. She just works at home..." Junhong explained.


"Then she'll do it?"


"That's what we're going to ask her."



Yongguk paced back and forth in his room, debating whether he should text Himchan or not. He had really messed things up and didn't want to lose his closest friend.


Someon knocked on his door and he muttered, "Come in!"


His mom peeked in and frowned. "Have you seen Junhong?"


"He's with Jongup," He answered just as the doorbell rang. They both went downstairs and his mom opened the door. Junhong and Jongup stood there with two twins.


"Oh my God..." Yongguk looked down.


"Umma, we have to ask you something..." Junhong said. Their mom let all four of them in and they sat on the couch. "Jongup's been raising his brothers on his own. And he doesn't have anyone to watch them, so when he goes to school, they're at his house alone."


"So you want me to take care of them?" His mom asked, surprised. "Junhong, you know what I have to do around here! I don't have time to watch some kids, I barely have time for you guys."


"But you said you wanted more children," Junhong whined.


"I meant my own, and I can't; not with this world your appa's created for us!" She calmed herself down. "I have to take care of the guys when they come in beat up, badly. Do you think I can do that when i have to worry about nap time?"


Junhong sighed. Jongup put his arm around Junhong's shoulders and whispered, "You tried. Thanks."


Their mom let out a big sigh. "Bring them over right before you head to school and you better pick them up as soon as you get out of school."


Junhong smiled and jumped up to hug her. "Thank you, Umma, I love you!"


"I have to go, I have your appa upstairs." She said, pulling Junhong away, gently.


Junhong frowned, "What happened this time?"


She shook her head, "You shouldn't worry about it." She kissed Junhong's forehead and got up to rush upstairs. Then she turned around. "Oh yeah, Junhong."


"Yes?" He looked up from Kwangmin on his lap.


"Your appa needs you," She said.


Junhong walked up the stairs, slowly, not in a hurry to see his dad. It's not that he didn't like him, they just were nothing alike. He was more like his mom and Yongguk was like their dad.


His mom brought him into the room where his father was, laying on the bed. He had bandages wrapped around his hand. Junhong guessed he had been in a fight.


"Hi, appa," Junhong said.


"Ah, Junhong, how are you?" He asked.


"Uh, good, I guess," He shrugged. Suddenly, he remembered that his father was the reason for Jongup getting hurt. "I have a question, though." His father looked at him, his eyebrows raised. "Why did you send those guys to beat up Jongup?"


His mother shook her head, but Junhong had to ask.


"Because of what he did to you," His father answered, casually.


"Appa! Why would you hurt him! You know how much he means to me! And you sent some men to beat him? What if he was hurt even worse?!" Junhong was getting upset with his father. "Did you see what they did to him?"


His father sighed and tried to sit up. He cringed and his mother helped him.


"What's wrong with you? Your boyfriend gets a little roughed up and your whole world is ruined. Man up! You're pregnant becuase of him and you're not even legal!"


Junhong tried to keep a straight face and not cry. Which was easy to do when his father got angry and started yelling. Their father rarely showed his frustation, so when he did it was serious.


"Calm down," His mother whispered to him. He nodded and she gestured for Junhong to leave.



Yongguk asked Himchan to meet him at a car shop. He was there waiting for his dad's car and Himchan.


Himchan made his way towards Yongguk, with his hands in his pockets.


"I'm here," He announced.


Yongguk took a deep breath before he started. "I'm really sorry with how I acted yesterday. I was just caught by surprise and you know I get angry easily."


Himchan shrugged. He wasn't sure what to say or even why he had come.


"Say something, please." Yongguk pleaded.


"Why were you surprised to see me with someone else? You're not the only person I know..." Himchan said.


"I know, but you didn't meet him until after... you kissed me."


"So? Do you even like me like that?" Himchan asked.


"Himchan, you know I don't... swing that way." Yongguk shifted, slightly. After Himchan didn't say anything he added, "So, are we good?"


Himchan looked down, not knowing what to say. Yongguk came closer to him and hugged him.


"Don't, Yongguk," Himchan pushed him away, gently. "I don't know how to feel about you already. I don't need your confusing hugs."


"You shouldn't be confused. I like you as a friend and just a friend. You should feel the same way about me; nothing more." Yongguk told him.


"Okay," Himchan said, even though he felt anything, but okay.



It's only been a few days since my last update, but it feels like weeks! haha

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Chapter 30: OMO
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