Chapter 12

Whatever You Want

Himchan and Yongguk left soon and Himchan put the keys in.


Yongguk put his hand over Himchan's. "Don't."


Himchan gasped as Yongguk touched him. "Why not? Do you want to just sit here?" Himchan's hand squeezed around his keys, and Yongguk's around his fist.


Yongguk sighed and sat back. He bit his lip as he glanced towards the house Jongup and his brother were in. "I don't know. Should I make him come back with us?"


"Hyung, he'll be fine." Himchan said. He was staring at Yongguk and caught himself before Yongguk noticed. "I think he knows how to take care of himself."


"Apparently not," He gestured towards the house. "Just drive."




Once Himchan and Yongguk were in the house, Himchan came up with an idea. "We should go out tonight."


"What? No. I'm not in the mood," Yongguk said, rubbing his face. He was sitting on the couch. Himchan sat next to him.


"Come on! We don't even have to go out. We could just stay here, you and me." Himchan said, smiling.


"And do what?"


"Whatever you want. This is for you, not me. You need to cheer up," Himchan punched Yongguk's shoulder.


He groaned and looked at Himchan. He seemed excited about it and didn't want to let him down. So, he nodded. "Alright." Yongguk said.


"What time?" Himchan said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.


"Whenever, I guess. We can go down to my studio," Yongguk said, making his way into the kitchen.


"If that's what you want, but I have to go right now, so see you later."



Himchan came back a few hours later. Yongguk was already in his studio, working on a song. He had headphones on when Himchan came in.


He tapped his shoulder and Yongguk turned and looked up at him.


"Yah! I didn't know you'd take so long!" Yongguk said, slightly annoyed, but smiling.


"Sorry, I didn't know you were waiting for me," Himchan sat next to him.


"Don't flatter yourself," Yongguk handed him a pair of headphones, smirking.


"Okay, well, what do you have so far?" Himchan asked, leaning closer to him.


Yongguk played what he had and leaned back as he watched Himchan listen. He nodded and pulled the headphones down around his neck. "What do you wan to do with it?"


"Well," Yongguk sat up and played with some of the sounds.


Himchan was half-listening, but mostly staring at Yongguk. Why did he make him feel this way? Himchan never thought he would think about his best friend this way, but as they grew closer and older.... things changed.


Himchan stared at Yongguk's bare arms (he was wearing a black tank top). He bit his lip, concentrating on what he was doing.


Yongguk looked over at him, his glare pulling him in.


Himchan absently leaned forward and kissed Yongguk's lips.


Yongguk's eyes widened while Himchan closed his, afraid of seeing his friends reaction. He expected to be pushed away and possibly cursed out.


Instead, Yongguk disconnected their lips, staring at him. He moved away and looked anywhere, but at Himchan.


"I shouldn't have done that," Himchan stood up.


Yongguk stood, too.


"I should go. I'm sorry," Himchan frowned and hurried out before Yongguk could say anything.



Himchan jumped in his car and drove to a place he hadn't gone to in a while. The club.


He went in and someone was performing. A tall guy, with black hair, rapping across the stage.


Everyone was bumping and grinding and he had to maneuver through all the bodies. He sat at the bar and ordered a drink, sitting and listening to the guy's rap.


"Hey, who's that guy?" Himchan asked the bartender.


The bartender looked up at the stage and waved his hand. "Uhh, I think they call him..."


Himchan couldn't hear the last part, because everyone cheered, suddenly. He loooked over his shoulder and saw the guy walk off.


He tensed up as he saw that he was making his way over to him. Heturned back to his drink.


The guy sat next to him and waved the bartender over.


"Two drinks, please," He said with a surprsingly deep voice. Himchan glanced over at the guy.


The bartender slid him two drinks. The guy passed Himchan one.


He leaned closer and said, "You look like you need one."


Himchan smiled, softly. "Thanks." He watched the guy as he took a sip.


"What brings you here?" He asked.


"Uhh, rough day, I guess."


"Well, my name's Chanyeol; here to make your night a whole lot better." He laughed and drunk some more.


Himchan smiled at him.


"Dance with me?" Chanyeol stood up and whispered in Himchan's ear.


Himchan nodded and stood, following Chanyeol through the crowd.




Himchan chapter!!

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