Chapter 24

Whatever You Want

Youngjae had taken Junhong to his house. Junhong suggested that they just go up to his room. So they sat on his bed.


"Do you think you ever will?" Junhong asked.


"Have a baby with Yongnam?" Youngjae asked. Junhong nodded and stared at him, for an answer. "I don't know... Maybe."


He didn't want to think about it right now. He was afraid that they had moved too fast, already. They already lived together. What if they didn't work out? Yongnam would kick him out and Youngjae would have to move back in with his mother. And worst of all, he'd be broken hearted all over again.

Junhong just smiled and leaned back against his headboard. "You guys would make a cute baby..."


"You're not encouraging that I do it, are you? Junhong, you know I can't do that so soon. And how are me and Yongnam supposed to take care of two babies with me still in high school, without a job?"


"The same way me and Jongup are gonna take care of three," Junhong said, matter-of-factly.


Youngjae shrinked back, slightly, feeling defeated.


Junhong scooted over to sit next to his best friend and put his arm around Youngjae's shoulder. "But if you don't want to right now... That's fine, I'm just saying - Yongnam's a good guy and he's really good to you. He'd find a way for the babies to be okay."


"He is a good guy... But you've never been hurt by someone like I have." Youngjae said. Then he thought about Yongnam and how he would look with their baby.


"See you're smiling! It's a great  idea!" Junhong said, excitedly.


Youngjae's phone buzzed and he saw it was a text from Yongnam. "I have to go. Yongnam's lonely~"


"Bye," Junhong said, yawning.




Yongnam was waiting for Youngjae to come back, when Minseok started crying. He rushed into Youngjae's room and picked him up out of his crib. He held Minseok against his chest and walked around the room, bouncing the still crying baby.


He sat on the egde of Youngjae's bed and turned Minseok so that they were facing each other. He looked into Minseok's eyes (rimmed with tears) and talked to him.


"Is everything okay?" Youngjae asked from the doorway.


Yongnam and Minseok looked at Youngjae in surprise. "Uh.. I think he just missed you... alot."


"I'm glad he missed me," Youngjae said ,smiling, and sitting next to Yongnam.


"I missed you too," Yongnam said, kissing Youngjae softly. He handed Minseok to Youngjae.


"Do you not want to hold him?"


"I do!" Yongnam said, taking him back for emphasis. "Of course I do. I-I love him. I know he isn't mine, but" -he looked at Youngjae- "I love him like he is."


Youngjae leaned towards Yongnam to kiss him. When he leaned back, MInseok slapped Yongnam's cheek. Youngjae laughed out loud with Minseok.


Yongnam smiled and said, "I still love him."


I'm sorry It's been so long!...

I will update again soon, so tell me who you want

to read about!

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Chapter 14: OMO! Yah! Chanyeollie did you cheat behind your Kris Hyung??
How dare you...

Sorry Krisyeol shipper here*raise hand*
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 30: OMO
Dae dont hurt Jae....
Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 29: holy tttttttttttt
Chapter 29: Author-nim. May I know where are u ??? I've been waiting for ur update ㅠ.ㅠ
iamabaplover #6
Chapter 22: Oppss, busted!!!
iamabaplover #7
Chapter 7: I hate Junhong's classmate. If they're going to gossip, they could have do it far from him. Numb.

Huhuhu :'(Poor Junhong