Chapter 14

Whatever You Want

(This happens on Sunday, the same day Himchan goes around doing stuff)




Youngjae bit his nails, as Yongnam drove to his mother's house. Minseok sat in the back, mumbling to who-the-hell-knows. Youngjae was worrying about how his mother would react to another one of his boyfriends. He was sure that she would like Yongnam, though, because who didn't?


Her house came into view and all of a sudden he wasn't sure anymore.


He got out and got Minseok and they walked up to the door. Please, don't be home...


It took a while for her to answer the door. When she did, her eyes went straight pass Youngjae and landed on Yongnam. "Who is he? Youngjae, I knew it!"


"Let me answer before you start assuming things!" Youngjae said, knowing this wouldn't be smooth.


"He's your boyfriend, isn't he?" She asked, pulling Youngjae in by the ear and gesturing for Yongnam to follow. They all sat on a couch, Youngjae in the middle.


"Umma, this is Yongnam. I share an apartment with him and ,yes, he is my boyfriend." Youngjae explained in one breath.


"Nice to meet you," Yongnam said, trying to help the situation.


"At least he has manners," she mumbled, looking at him.


"I was wondering if you could watch Minseok on the weekdays..." Youngjae told her.


She frowned, "Maybe. I have a job, too, you know."


"I know... but where else would we take him? We both have to go to school." Youngjae said out loud, mainly for himself. He needed to figure out if there was someone else who could watch Minseok for him.


"There's always daycare," His mom brought up.


"I can't afford that!" Youngjae sighed, leaning back. "Could you just watch him for tomorrow? I need time to figure this out."


She nodded and stood up. "Yes, but you should go now. I have things to do," She led them to the front door. Youngjae walked out first and she pulled Yongnam back. "You better be good to him."



Yongnam had to stop at the gas station.


Youngjae waited as Yongnam went in. Youngjae got out to pump some gas. As he turned away from his car, he felt someone push him against the car.


He looked up to see Daehyun, grabbing his shirt.


"D-Daehyun, what are you doing here?" Youngjae asked. All of a sudden, he was scared for his life.


"You're here with him aren't you?!" He shouted in Youngjae's face.


Youngjae looked away, his legs shaking. "Please, Daehyun, leave me alone."


"After you admit that you don't love him and you're only doing this to get back at me," Daehyun trapped Youngjae against the car.


Youngjae shook his head, too scared to say anything.


Daehyun slapped him and yelled, "Say it!"


Youngjae tried to hold back his tears, but couldn't. No matter he went, Daehyun would find him and hurt him. He hit him again and Youngjae wished that there was someone else at the station.


He heard Minseok crying and tried to be strong for him. He pushed at Daehyun, but he had gotten stronger. So he went to what he knew best. Begging.


"Stop, Daehyun!"


Daehyun was about to hit him again when they heard a tiny cry. "Daddy!"


Daehyun stopped and Youngjae looked behind him at Minseok in the car. His face was red and he was still crying.


Youngjae felt Daehyun lift off of him and turned to see what happened.


Daehyun had been jerked off of him by Yongnam. Yongnam punched him in the face. At first, Youngjae did nothing about it. He deserved it, right?


He checked on Minseok through the window, repeating to him that he was fine.


He heard something fall to the ground and noticed how bad Daehyun looked already.


"Stop!" Youngjae shouted as he grabbed Yongnam's shoulder and pulled at it as hard as he could. Yongnam kept beating Daehyun and he tried harder, shouting louder.


Yongnam stopped and let Daehyun fall to the ground. "What? He deserves this! How do you let him beat you and then try to save him?!"


"I-I don't know, just- you don't have to do this! He's hurt, you beat him up, you made your point! Can we just go!"


"Why are you protecting him? Do you still have feelings for him?" Yongnam asked, getting quieter.


Youngjae couldn't believe that Yongnam would think that. "No! Of course not! I just don't want you to be like this," Youngjae said softly. He knew what to do then. How to make Yongnam not pick Daehyun up again. He got closer to Yongnam and whispered, "This side of you scares me."


Yongnam gulped and nodded. "Okay. Okay, I won't do it again."


"Now, can we go?" Youngjae asked, holding his hand.


"Yeah," Yongnam got into the car and Youngjae did, too.


Before they drove off, Youngjae glanced at Daehyun, still on the ground.


And finally, he wasn't smirking.




Just got this idea (with the help of my sister) and wanted to write it right away, because we got super excited. Like, I-started-singing excited. If Youngjae had to sing a song to Daehyun right now, it would probably be...

"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together~" by Taylor Swift.


*evil laughs*





It's like 4 now, I'm sorry for all of this ridiculousness, I haven't slept yet...

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