
┘Why Me?┌

~Min-Hee POV~

I can’t believe I told him that. But I actually liked the kiss, I even freaked out it. Tonight dinner started kinda late so when I finished dinner it was already late, so I decided I wouldn’t text Kyuhyun because he might me sleeping this time. I’ll just text him tomorrow, anyway tomorrow’s Friday! Yay I get to hang out with Eunji ^_^ hope fully tomorrow is going to be a good day for everyone.

“I’m going to bed.” I said as I said goodnight to my parents as I walked up to my room. As I got closer to my room Jiwon walked out of her room.

“Hey what did you and Kyuhyun talk about when you two were texting? You’re lucky I had to do chores so I didn’t get to read, let me see your phone.” Jiwon said as she tried to grab my phone from my hand.

“Maybe later, I said later okay? You better go to sleep we have school tomorrow, anyway it’s Friday! Goodnight.” I said as I walked in my room and closed the door behind me and got my uniform ready for school and then jumped in bed and turned the lights off. I started to close my eyes but many thoughts ran through my head. Why did Kyuhyun even start being nice to me? Why did he help me when I got hurt? Why was he worried about me when I was cold? Why did he kiss me? This week has been very interesting; I wish I could just ask him why. I know I already asked him about why he kissed me but he just said why not and he didn’t know why. Plus he tried to hide the message he sent me when he said he couldn’t control his actions. Does this have a meaning to something? I am curious. I looked through my phone and played games until I noticed it was 11:00 p.m. already, I better get some sleep, and I still have to wake up early tomorrow. I closed my eyes for a while until I drifted to sleep.

*Beep Beep*

I lazily open my eyes as I turned off my alarm clock and sat up. School, ugh I want to go back to sleep. I got up and got ready and put my hair into a loose bun and walked downstairs for breakfast. You know the usual routine every school day. After I ate my breakfast I got my backpack, out on my jacket and earphones on. I walked as I listened to TVXQ’s Keep Your Head Down which woke me up. I listened to my music as I walked to the corner where I usually bump into Kyuyhyun, I stood there waiting a minute to see if he was coming. I looked around and I didn’t see Kyuhyun at all, how strange. Maybe he already got to school. I should just keep going, I don’t want to be late for class. As I started to walk I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked around to see it anyone was there but no one was in sight. So I shrugged it off and kept walking towards school until I felt another tap.

“Okay if anyone is there just show your face. I’m getting tired with this.” I said but there was no answer, so I walked on.

“Pssst…” I heard since I was only wearing on earphone bud.

“What is it? Is it you Kyuhyun?” I asked.

“Hi!” He said as he jumped in front me.

“Woah, how did you do that? Where did you hide? I didn’t see you anywhere.” I said.

“The reason you didn’t see me is because I’m a ninja like that.” He laughed.

“Okay, so you were the one tapping my shoulder and stuff right?” I asked.

“What are you talking about? I just said psst.” He answered.

“Huh? No it was you, I swear it was you. If it wasn’t then we better run.” I said scared.

“Don’t worry it was me.” He replied.

“Wow, -_- you’re so mean you know, and after you said you wouldn’t be mean anymore. Shame on you.” I said as I made the shame sign.

“What? I was just joking.” He replied.

“That wasn’t very nice. You scared me.” I said as I playfully hit his arm.

“Psh and you were calling me mean. You just slapped my arm.” He pouted.

“No I’m not, I did the same thing you did I was just joking as well.” I said.

“Sure, you did. Aha I know you got payback I got you.” He laughed as we walked to school together. “So do you have any plans during the weekend?” He asked.

“Yeah, well only today I guess unless something else comes up.” I replied. “I’m going to the mall with Eunji today.” I replied.

“I see, and you didn’t invite me? Ugh, such a mean friend.” He said as he crossed his arms with his head up high.

“Kyuhyun, I’m not mean.” I pouted as I held onto his arm the whole way but he just kept quiet. “Okay fine, you want to play the silent game I see. Well two can play that game.” I said as I let go of his arm and put in both of my earphones and listened to music this time I listened to MBLAQ’s This Is War. I love this song.

“Aha you lose!” Kyuhyun said as he pointed at me.

“No, you lost! You’re talking!” I yelled.

“Now I am because you just lost, you’re not supposed to make any sounds, and you were humming!” He answered.

“Dang it, I lost.” I said as I crossed my arms and pouted all the way to school.

“Fine, you win.” He said as we arrived.

“I win? But didn’t you win?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, but I feel bad and I don’t like making people sad.” He answered.

“Okay, so you hate making people sad, what about when you pick on me? I get sad, or what about those other people you bully or something.”

“No, you’re the only one I pick on.” He laughed. “But now, there’s no one.”

“Only me huh? But why did you pick me?” I asked.

“Ummm…” He said as he looked away and covered his mouth. “Kyuhyun!” He yelled while he covered his mouth. “Coming!” He yelled back.

“Yah! No one even called you, you called yourself.” I said.

“Are you sure about that? Well I gotta go, see you during lunch.” He said as he ran away. Is he embarrassed of me or something, or he just didn’t want to answer my simple question I soon walked to my friend Eunji and talked.

~Kyuhyun POV~

That was a close one, I don’t want to say the only reason I pick on her is because I like her, she would probably think I’m stupid or something to make that reason, and that we could have been friends before. Now I think about it, it would actually have been better if I started off being nice to her. But then what if we become friends, then I would be stuck in the friend zone. So I guess it was bad and good I picked on her? I walked to my class where I saw Sungmin.

“Kyuhyun!” He yelled at me as I walked over to him.

“Hey Sungmin.” I smiled as I sat next to him.

“How are you and Min-Hee? Anything new?” He asked.

“Nope not that much progress lately, we texted last night and walked to school together.” I answered.

“Oh, at least you’re getting her.” Sungmin said positively.

“I guess that’s true. But then she told me she liked this other guy.” I said as I lowered my head.

“Hey, maybe that guy’s you.” Sungmin said.

“I wish, but she asked me for tips like on how to make a guy like her or how to start a conversation with them. You know dating advice.” I said.

“Oh, that , but I know how you feel. Girls come up to me and ask me for dating advice as well, I don’t think they even think of me as a guy. I mean they trust me a lot, they tell me who they like and stuff. But the list of guys' names. I hear never end up with my name in the list.” Sungmin sighed.

“Tough love.” I said as I patted his back and went to my seat since the bell rang. I saw Min-Hee walk into class in her seat and smiled at me. I waved at her as she chuckled and waved back and faced back to the front.

“Kyuhyun, can you please pay attention?” My teacher asked.

“Uh, yes sorry.” I apologized as Sungmin elbowed me and laughed.

“You looking at Min-Hee?” He chuckled.

“Shut up.” I chuckled and continued to listen to the boring lecture. 

“Okay class, turn in your reports that’s due today.” He announced as everyone passed up their reports, I’m glad I got partners with Min-Hee, if I didn’t then I wouldn’t have finished my report early and known her better. I just got to say, it’s been a good week except when Min-Hee said she likes someone. That part just killed me.

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Sorry I won't be able to put music in the chapters anymore. The website I got the music from took off the playlists and made them into stations T-T sorry


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ShinhwaStar #1
You story is gread! Good work, keep up with it!
lulu88 #2
Chapter 21: So they finally together and love each other ^_^
And it's already done T_T
can't wait for the next stories from you :)
Chapter 21: Just like? Not love? That's superficial.
Chapter 20: I missed this.
So was Minhee a naughty girl before coz she teased Kyu a lot?
Chapter 19: is there a chapter where they kissed already? by the way, nice story :). update soon
Chapter 19: It was cute when they were teasing each other. :)
Chapter 19: Aww cute ^^
FYI, the KRY song is called "Promise You".
Chapter 18: Aaaw~
There first date is sweeet.
Kyu so naughty.
lkimgirl #9
Chapter 17: evilkyu all the way. haha. i didnt know you're can act as a diva though. :)
even though it's short, still enjoyed it.
Chapter 17: haha. omg. kyu as a diva? oh please... this is killing me!! thanks for the update author-shiiii~~ ^^