
┘Why Me?┌

~Min-Hee POV~

"Aww, Min-Hee too bad your boyfriend had to leave." My sister, Jiwon said.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend of mine. We're Science project partners."

"Sure, Science project partners. Okay, working on chemistry. Okay." Jiwon winked.

"Yah! Jiwon! What's wrong with you? Can't two people of the opposite work together as partners?" I asked.

"No..Aha just kidding, you can. But I have to admit." Jiwon said while looking around if people were listening. "Kyuhyun is so cute!"

"Aha, why did you have to look around? We're at home, not at school." I laughed.

"True, but don't you think so too? Do you like him unnie?"

"Maybe.." I looked away covering my face.

"I knew it, I could tell the first thing when he sat down, the way you look at him."

"What do you mean, the way I look at him?"

"I'll tell you but let's go to your room for girl talk you don't want JaeWan to hear us and tell Kyuhyun."

"Good point, let's go." We walked up to my room and sat on my bed and talked. "So what do I do that made you notice?"

"Well your face turns red, your voice kinda gets higher like you can't breathe or something."

"What! Is it obvious?"

"Ermmm...Kinda, if he pays attention, but c'mon I'm your sister I know you well."

"True, but nooo! He can't notice. Do you think he knows?" I asked nervously.

"I'm not sure, he might, But he's not sure, maybe he's doubting about that."

"Oh, okay, what matters to me now is that he doesn't think I like him even thought I do.. Anyway, Jiwon, it's getting late you should go to bed, we still have school tomorrow. Oh and plus I'm going over Kyuhyun's house to work on the project."

"Okay unnie, I'll go to bed and really? We'll talk more about this in the morning okay? Goodnight."


"Night unnie." Jiwon smiled and closed the door behind her. I looked through my drawer and saw a few clips and such. Should I curl my hair tomorrow? But I don't want him to think I'm only doing it for him. But I mean, some girls just do it if they feel like it right? So he better think I'm just doing this because I feel like it.

I went to sleep a few minutes later, I have to admit i was kinda excited for tomorrow.


*Beep* *Beep*

My alarm went off, it's 5:30, time for school. School starts at 7, better get dressed, don't want to be late to school. I fixed my bed and took a shower and changed into my uniform. I walked into my bathroom and started to curl my hair, I didn't put that many curls. I sprayed some hairspray after I finished and went downstairs.

"You curled your hair for Kyuhyun?" Jiwon asked smiling.

"Psh, no. What if I just wanted to for no reason? Many girls do that." I replied.

"Sure, okay whatever." Jiwon winked and ate her breakfast. I sat down next to her and ate as well. I ate breakfast for 20 minutes, it was time for me to leave for school, I grabbed my jacket and backpack, don't forget earphones. As I walked out I took a deep breath and put on my earphones and listened to Super Junior, Mr.Smple and walked.

As I walked I wasn't paying any attention, I just walked towards school. When I was a few blocks away from school I heard some mumling noises. I couldn't hear because the music was blasted in my ear, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked and saw a man, probably a student, he was wearing a backpack. But I didn't know who, he was wearing a hood and he was wearing shades as well. Now why would someone wear shades, it's not even that bright today.

I took out my earphones and looked at him. "Excuse me? Do you need any help?" I asked.

"No, but don't you think your music is playing too loud? Next thing you know you're deaf."

"It's my decision on how loud the music is, I'm sorry if the music was bothering you, but you could have kept that to yourself."

"Excuse me, but that's kinda rude don't you think?" He replied. "Plus, I wasn't ordering you to lower the volume, I was just saying."

"True, but anyway, I have to go bye."

"Aren't you a student at that school at YooSung Highschool?" He asked.  

"Are you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I think I saw you before."

"Oh, well hi, my name's Min-Hee." I said while offering to shake his hand.

"Hi." He shook my hand.

"What's your name?" 

"I'll tell you my name later." He shook his head. "Now let's get to school."

We walked together and talked about each other, we have a few things in common like liking Super Junior, B.A.P and many other groups. As we arrived we separated. When we separated he walked towards Kyuhyun's group but I didn't see Kyuhyun with them. He stopped and greeted some people with handshakes, he must be popular. I saw him walk towards the middle of the group.

"Hey, K-" I didn't hear the rest Eunji was calling me. 

"There you are Min-Hee, how was the Science project you were working with Kyuhyun yesterday? Was it fun? Was it torture?"

"Nope, it was okay. Today we're going to his house."

"Oh, okay his house for what the project?"

"Yes, and why did you say it like that?" I asked.

"Aha, just for no reason." As she said that I turned around and say Kyuhyun in the middle of his group. He was wearing the same jacket that guy was wearing, could it be? No, that's impossible. I walked towards my classroom and sat down as the class started. While I was sitting down Kyuhyun looked at me and crumpled a piece of paper and threw it at me. What was that for. I gave him a glare as him and his friends snickered. They looked like a pack of hyenas stalking their prey, which is me...

Okay, Min-Hee just ignore those boys, then a few more came, until one went into my shirt. >:0 I couldn't take it anymore. I gave them a glare and took the crumpled paper out and threw it away. I don't have time for these boys. I'm starting to hate Kyuhyun even more.

Finally a few minutes passed by and the bell rung, finally the hummiliation is over. Kyuhyun walked over to me.

"Hey, Min-Hee sorry about that." He apologized and smirked. Haha, that's hard to believe. I rolled my eyes at him and walked towards the door. "..." Kyuhyun whispered under in breath.

"Yah! What did you say?" I yelled at him I heard his friends laughing in the backgroud. "Did you just call me a ?"

"What? No, why would I?"

"I'm pretty sure, I'm not deaf. Now tell me what did you say."

"You sure you're not? Not with you blasting music in your earphones."

"How did you know about that?" I asked curious.

His face turned red and he looked away. "I heard the music from your earphones yesterday. They were really loud."

"Mhmm...Sure whatever." I replied as I hit him on the head and left the classroom. Glad that's over, he was getting on my nerves.

~Kyuhyun POV~

Glad that was over I was almost caught. I feel bad now. I embarassed her infront of my friends. I'll just apologize later, hopefully she'll still come over for the Science project, hopefully. I went to my other classes until lunch came. I saw Min-Hee sitting my herself probably waiting for her friend. I walked up to her.

"Hey Min-Hee."

"What do you want?" She asked harsly.

"Okay, jeez sorry I just wanted to ask if you're still coming over for later."

"Yeah, is that it?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I replied.

"Then yeah it's still on. Oh and can you go away, my friend's coming." She said harsly and rolled her eyes.

Yes, she's still pissed. I didn't know she would take it in like that. I walked towards my friends and ate lunch, still focused on Min-Hee, she keeps looking at me and rolling her eyes. Until she walked towards me.

"Can I help you with anything?" 

"No." I replied.

"Okay then, can you stop looking?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." I replied.

"Thanks." She walked away and talked to her friends. Who knew she could be so mean as well.

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Sorry I won't be able to put music in the chapters anymore. The website I got the music from took off the playlists and made them into stations T-T sorry


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ShinhwaStar #1
You story is gread! Good work, keep up with it!
lulu88 #2
Chapter 21: So they finally together and love each other ^_^
And it's already done T_T
can't wait for the next stories from you :)
Chapter 21: Just like? Not love? That's superficial.
Chapter 20: I missed this.
So was Minhee a naughty girl before coz she teased Kyu a lot?
Chapter 19: is there a chapter where they kissed already? by the way, nice story :). update soon
Chapter 19: It was cute when they were teasing each other. :)
Chapter 19: Aww cute ^^
FYI, the KRY song is called "Promise You".
Chapter 18: Aaaw~
There first date is sweeet.
Kyu so naughty.
lkimgirl #9
Chapter 17: evilkyu all the way. haha. i didnt know you're can act as a diva though. :)
even though it's short, still enjoyed it.
Chapter 17: haha. omg. kyu as a diva? oh please... this is killing me!! thanks for the update author-shiiii~~ ^^