blessing on a disaster

The Prince in my life

“Seobang-ah.. stop pouting! It doesn’t suit you well.. you look more handsome if you grinned like a dork.. hmmmm.. my lovely dorky seobang.. they are just kids, come on..”

Yuri still mad at his naughty sons. He was pouting and keep silent along the day like a spoiled kid.


“how can they prank me like that? This is just too much! Ckckck.. how can I have sons like the-.”

*insert ice princess death-glare*


He slipped his mouth, he didn’t realized that his wife gave him her death-glare.


“w-wooahh.. i- I mean how can I h-have handsome sons like t-them.. y-yeahh.. t-that’s what I mean! Hehehe”

He stammered and said nervously. Jessica just raised her eyebrows but soon she changed her mood to be a ica again. Yuri felr released that she didn’t mad at him.

What a bipolar woman. Fufufu! - Yul


Jessica gave her husband seduction to calm him down while sitting on his lap. Yuri just gulped and pretend to deny it. But she was so damn hot hot to resist. Jessica wrapped her hands on his arms while rubbing his tigh with her butts.


Hold on, buddy! Don’t be so easy on her! – Yul


Seeing her husband’s reaction, she knows that he was seducted. Then she smirk, she has a plan to more.


Hihihi.. you are so cute, my ert seobang! I know you can’t resist me – Sica


“I’ll give you more tonight if you stop your tantrum and being a good boy today..”

Jessica said as she his ear ily. Yuri can’t hold it anymore, then he threw her on the bed.


“nghhhh.. naughty boy.. I said tonight baby..”

Jessica said as she moaned and push him off and get up from the bed. Yuri just pouting again.



“I will go and check the kids, they want to spent their weekend at Taeny’s. don’t forget to give them a ride and pick them safely.”

She said as she made her way to go.


“you are so mean, Sica! I want it now and you just teased me like that?! I swear I won’t have another child anymore! They are devils!!!!”

Yuri said while pouting and crused on the bed.


“then no more anymore.”

She answerd shortly, flatly, and coldly but full of meaning. Yuri was shocked hearing her statements. No child means no . Oh no! BIG NO NO!


“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I m-mean we can use pro..p-protection..”

He said to defend himself.



“*sigh* serve you right, -man! You are the one who get me pregnant!! Now you can’t regret it or deny it, THEY ARE YOUR CHILDS! If you still want o have with me, take your responsibility as a daddy!!!”



Jessica said coldly as she bammed the door, Yuri was frozen. But she just giggled at the back door and left him frozen alone.

YES! I’m succed to stop his mad obsession about having babies. Hihiihi.. no more pain.. no more fatSicca! – Sica






~at the Kim’s~


Taeyeon was clothing in his room while Tiffany helped the maid to prepare the food. Kim Seohyun was ready on her seat while fixing her ponytail. But she dropped her bag, and she wants to grabbed it then she bowed, but in a sudden she hitted the table when she was about standing up.




“ouchhhh! My head!”


Hearing the little princess’s groaning, Taeyeon and Tiffany were shocked and panic. Soon immediately they were running crazily to check their daughter.



They shouted as they got her under the dinning table and patting her head. Hearing her parent shouting, she looked at them and saw their messy faces. Tiffany cames with her spatula in her hand while Taeyeon appeared with untie suits and he only wearing a underpants. Instead of hushing in pain, the little girl just giggling and hold her laughs. The parents were confused with her reaction, Tiffany raised her eyebrow at her husband and mouthed ‘why? What’s wrong with our daughter?’ while Taeyeon just replied ‘I don’t know’ and raised his arms.



“appa, hihihihi.. do you wanna go to work with that?hihihi”

Seohyun just giggling as she pointing at her father’s lower part. Taeyeon widened his eyes as he looked down on his lower while Tiffany do the same.


Oh .



Tiffany shouted madly while Taeyeon just run away and blushing. In the other way, their daughter laughed at them.


“oh my gosh.. princess, please don’t ever copying what your father did. That’s not good, okay?”

Tiffany said to her daughter as she help her to sit back on her chair. Seohyun just nodded while giggling.




~at the school~

Yoona and Jisoo were standing in front of the gate after their parents dropped them. Yoona was spinning worriedly, while the younger just looked at his brother confusedly.

“hyung? Stop spinning around! You make me feel dizzy!”

He complained to his brother.




The younger groaned as the older hit his head rudely.


“husshh! Just keep quiet! I’m waiting for her! Usually she is on time.”

Yoona said as he hushing his little brother.


“oooh.. you’re waiting for Seohyun, right? She told me that today she would come a little bit late cause his father can’t dropped her to school,-“




“ouch!! Hyung!! What’s my fault? Why are you hitting me?”

Jisoo protest to his hyung.



“hish! Why don’t you tell me this, pabo?!”



“he? You didn’t ask me before, so this is not my fault!”



“hishh! *he wrapped his hands on the younger neck and pinched his head*”



“yah! Hyung! Let me go! Hyung! Arghh!”


While they were having a brothers-childish-fight, they were interrupted by someone.




A girl yelled calling Jisoo’s name, the boys moved their attentions to the girl who was coming out from the car.


“I’m come in, umma, appa. I won’t be late. Bye, muaaahh~”

Seohyun said as she gave her parents kiss. Seohyun and Jisoo and Yoong were going at the same school. Seohyun and Jisoo have the same grade, while Yoong is their senior.


“wait, baby.. appa want a real kiss, why are you in hurry?”

Taeyeon protest to his daughter. Tiffany just gave him a suspicious glare.


“oh my gosh, appa.. here ~chu~ for appa *she move to her mother*  ~chu~ here for umma.. bye2, love you all!”

She run away after gave her parents kiss on the lips. Tiffany and Taeyeon smiled at their daughter.


“she’s my daughter.”

Taeyeon said proudly


“hey! She’s my daughter too..”

Tiffany shouted, and made Taeyeon chuckled then wrapped his hand on her wrist. They really proud of their little princess.





~at the kids~

Yoona was nervous when Seohyun approached them as he released his brother. Jisoo just sighed and breathe heavily.



Seohyun called the younger and smile while Jisoo just gave her a weak smile.


“hi, Seohyun.”

Yoona said as he fixing his clothes.


“oh, hi Yoong oppa.”

She greets him as she smiled.


Oh my rillakuma.. her smile is as sweet as yours, even more! – Yoong


“let’s go to the class, Jisoo-ah!”

Seohyun said as she asked him to get in within. it made Yoong pouted and jealous. Then he grabbed his little brother’s shirt to stop him, but he got the wrong shirt, it was Seohyun’s. He was shocked when he saw Seohyun was going to fall because of her unbalance, then he grabbed the latter to prevent her from falling. But, they were ended of the girl was on his while their lips was touched. Seohyun was widened her eyes when she realized what happened while Yoong just frozen. Jisoo was covering his face with his hands.



~back to the Taeny’s~

They were still in front of the school gates to make sure that their little princess was arrives at her class safely.


“Tae-tae.. I think it’s too much. She is going to school, for a god shake! She once complained about our over-protective acts, I think that she’s right about that.”

Tiffany said to her husband, but the latter didn’t gave his attention to her. She just sighed and pouted.


“okay, no for tonight.”

Tiffany said coldly with a low voice. But Taeyeon gave his reaction.




“hish! You ert! Why you only care about that such thing!! I hate you, Kim!”

Tiffany said as she mad at him. He just stared at her confusedly.


“w-woahh.. what’s wrong, pany-ah? Really, I didn’t hear you-,”

He said nervously as he explaining to his wife, but he stopped when he saw the scene in font of Seohyun’s class. His eyes widened, he was boiled and going to explode. Tiffany was starring at him confusedly.


“what’s wrong Tae-tae? Why y-,”

Her words stop when she looked at what Taeyeon saw. She dropped her jaw when she saw the scene in front of her.




Taeyeon shouted angrily as he run to approache them. He got his blood boiled, he was like a mad rhinoceros ready to plow.














~to be…. continue~



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Chapter 22: HAHAHA XD
Chapter 17: actually I already read this before. I came back cuz I miss yulsic stories ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm reading old fics of yulsic
Chapter 32: Its good.. ^^
crazykwonyurifan #4
Chapter 32: Update plz
Aish1994 #5
Chapter 32: pleasee update..
Chapter 32: This is too great kekeke
Chapter 32: comeback and update soon ~~
Chapter 32: hope u continue soon :)
tartar #9
Chapter 21: nice story..
Chapter 32: author when will u update :)