chapter 1

The Prince in my life


Once upon time in China *slaps* ehmmm, sorry I mean once upon time in a far far away kingdom *slaps* what again?  *punch*.. ayayaya, sorry once again. *slaps* *slaps* T.T once upon a time in Kwon Kingdom…*claps* *claps* *claps*

There live  King Kwon Hyuk Jung  and Queen Kwon Hyorin in the castle and the father of the King, Kwon Tae Sung. The king  have a son,  named Kwon Yuri. He is the one and only prince in Kwon Kingdom.

He is so charming, handsome, cool, and SWAG! *slaps* arrrgggh! Okay, okay!! I mean he is charming and braveheart, he has a kind-hearted but he’s so arrogant since he’s a prince of the kingdom.

He has a loyal servant called Kim Taeyeon. They live together since they were born. He was so faithful and so obedient. Taeyeon always be by his side like a tail. Taeyeon is quiet and cold to stranger, but he’s so kind.

One day, Kwon Kingdom was attacked by squad of Ok’s Kingdom. They are so greedy and  so cruel. They want to destroy the Kwon Kingdom and want to take over the castle and the kingdom. Ok Taecyeon was the prince of Ok’s Kingdom . He was so cruel and heartless. Since he’s jealous with Kwon Yuri’s fame, he wanted to kill him and his family. Ok’s army was not strong enough to beat the Kwon Kingdom, so they got a help from Jung, a colony of superb wizards.


“You are a bretayer, Jung! Why you help him to force my kingdom!” he shouted to the woman wizard.


“I’m sorry, Kwon. I have a reason for this, I have to kill your grandson.” She pointed her magic towards Yuri who was laying on the ground since he got injured on his arm.


“NO! Yul, get up and run!” he blocked her magic and made him faint on the ground.


“Granpha!!” he cried so hard seeing his grandfather fell and dying.


“Taeyeon, get him out of this castle. Save him from that wizard.” Yuri’s father begging him while trying to block the enemy.


“b-but, Y-your majesty,”


“just take him away! We don’t have any times! Run!”. He shouted while waved his sword to block the forces.


“ yes, your majesty. I promise to save the prince.” He said then support Yul’s body to get up and take him away from the battle. But the wizard noticed him running.


“with the power of the moon, I’ll punish you! “ she pointed her magic to Yul. then..


*Blaaakk* *blash*


They’re gone and disappeared.



In the morning of Seol city


A blonde girl wearing a high school-uniforms is busy mirroring her face upon a small-mirror which is always on her pocket everywhere she’s going.


“Oh my face, no!!! there’s a pimple!!! Aaaaaaa!” she insert her dolphin-scream after seeing a pimple on her face.


“omoo~, I can’t go with this pimple on my face!” she said again. But soon she got panic when the bus started to go.


“oh my, no! ajusshii! Don’t left me! I won’t be late to school, please stop! Ajushii!” she keep running to chase the bus. But she dropped her small-mirror on the bus-halte. With all her energy, finnaly she managed to catch the bus.


“h-uh, finally.. b-but, wait! Where is my mirror? Oh no!” she lost her beloved mirror, then she turned back to the halte.


“hey, miss! You want to ride the bus or not?! We can’t wait any longer!” the ajushi got mad.


“sorry, ajushii I lost my thing. i have to go back.” She said apologize then the bus left her.


“hisssh damn! I’ll be late again and got punished! Arrrghh whatever! I have to find my mirror.” She said cursing her carelessness while seeking her mirror.


When she reachs the halte, she saw a little boys standing in the right of the place where she lost her mirror. She feel weird with the little boy. He’s wearing a royal clothes, but oversized to his body. Then the lil boy notice her coming.


“is this yours? You dropped this. You, Just be careful next time.” He give her the small-mirror and makes the girl realized from her spacing-out.


“oh, thankyou..” she said awkwardly. But she minds with his words, cause she thought that’s unpolite since he’s younger than her.


“hey, can you call me noona rather than ‘you’? I’m older than you, by the way.”

She said mocking. But the little boy just acted cool and ignore her words. It makes her mad. But she realized that he’s just a little boy, no need to mind it. Then a bus stop again.


“oh my, I’ve to go. I won’t be late!” then she left that little boy to chase the bus.



At the school


“good morning, Jessie..” an eye-smile girl greets her when she’s entering the class.


“good morning, Jessica..” a tan-boy greets him too.



“morning, Tiff, Hae..” she said lazily.



“FYI, you’re so lucky that Mrs. Lee was absent today so you won’t get punishment.” The eye-smile girl said mocking.



“fiuuuhhh.. I know, thanks for the information.” She said release her breathe away.



“you always like this, can you be on time? What if you got an accident while you running to chase the bus every morning?” the boy said worriedly.


“you acted too much, Donghae. Jessie would be like this forever since she have to sleep 8 hours per day.” The eye-smile girl said mocking again.


“thanks again for the explanation, Tiffany. *she glare at the girl* don’t you worry, Hae. I can managed to chase the bus on time. Hahaha..” she said laughing and make her friends laughing too.



After school


Jessica waiting in a halte-bus. She shocked when she saw the little boy that she met this morning still be right here. she try to ignore his exist. But the little boy notice her, then he come closer and say something.


“hey, You again. I’ve waiting for you.” He said flat, no expression. It made her uncomfortable to greet him back since he’s unpolite.


“tsk. Thank you for waiting, but what do you want from me?” she raises her eyebrows and said coldly.


“ I just want You to show me the way to Ok’s Kingdom.” He said.


"what?!" she shocked.


“hey! Don’t you dare to shout! You betraying the rules of the kingdom! You are so disrespectful!” he said coldly and shouted back.


“tsk. Tsk. This little dump. You are the one who’s disrespectful!! I’m older than you, for a god shakes!”


“haissh! Just wait till I can get back to my kingdom, I’ll punish you!” he shouted again.


“whatever! I’ve gotta go.” She said and leaving him on his spot. But then he stop her steps.


“wait. Just give that mirror to me and I’ll not punish you.”


“what? om my.. listen, kid. Noona don’t have any times to give you my attention. I’m bussy now, get it?”


“don’t you know what kind of that mirror is?”


“huh? What do you mean, little boy? Are you lost? You can’t find your mother, right?” she tried to calm herself since she saw him as a little boy.


“m-mother…” his face turned to sad after hearing her words and it make him reminisce her parents.


“w-woaahh.. don’t cry! I’m sorry, kid. I’ll help you to find your mother.” She felt regret for being so rude to this kid.


“really??” he said with a cute face and make her blush for a while. But soon she felt so wrong since he’s just a little kid.


“n-ne.. so, what's your name? my name’s  Jessica Jung. How old are you? and where do you come from?” she asked him like a lawyer is investigating her client.


“ Kwon Yuri. I am the prince from Kwon Kingdom. 20 years old.” He said coldly.


“aisshh, jinnja this kid! Well, well, so what do you want to do with my mirror? How can you be right here?”


*silent for a while*


“you are a Jung, the descent of wizards. Your ancestry killed my grandfather, cursed me and sent me out here. I’m coming out from that mirror.”


“WHAT??!” she shouted again.





~to be continue~





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Chapter 22: HAHAHA XD
Chapter 17: actually I already read this before. I came back cuz I miss yulsic stories ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm reading old fics of yulsic
Chapter 32: Its good.. ^^
crazykwonyurifan #4
Chapter 32: Update plz
Aish1994 #5
Chapter 32: pleasee update..
Chapter 32: This is too great kekeke
Chapter 32: comeback and update soon ~~
Chapter 32: hope u continue soon :)
tartar #9
Chapter 21: nice story..
Chapter 32: author when will u update :)