chapter 21

The Prince in my life

The two love birds were cuddling each other. They spent and share a sweet moment only for the two of them and seems like no one can disturb or separated them. they had the reunion since they’ve been separated for 7 months. The pregnant woman lean her back and rest her head on his embrace while the tanned guy hug her warmthly from the back and lean his head on her neck.





“I hope that this moment will last forever and I want the time to stop right now. I miss you so much, seobang.” She said while kiss him on the cheek and made the tanned guy smile.





“ you are the Jung, you can use your magic on that.haha..” he said to .





“I can’t use the magic in my world, seobang. If I can do that then I will spell on you to be with me forever!huh!” she said while pouted made him chukled.





“it’s no need the magic to make me be with you forever cause I’m already yours.” He said and kiss her cheek.





“so cheesy seobang! Hmm.. but I like it.” She smile widely and pat his hair. He just burring his head on her neck.






“but I still wondering how can you have the power to change the time? and why my dad said that you are his friend’s son?” she turn her face and stare at him curiously.





“hmmm.. about your father, i hired a fake parent to pretend to be my parent and i arrenged them to meet your father accidentally.hehehe. sometime i feel guilty with your dad, but i have to do that since i can't made him believe that i came from empire era, that'll make him would have a heart attack. and about how can i managed to reach the present time.... that’s a long story, but I’ll tell you everything.”













Yuri was coma since he has lose so much bloods. After Jessica and Tiffany were gone, Taeyeon taking cared of his ‘Your-Highness’ faithfully. He take over to lead the troops since Yuri was coma. as his daily activities to check Yuri’s condition, Taeyeon sat on the chair near the bed where Yuri was laying. Then the Jung came to him to fulfill her promised to Jessica to make him awake and erase his memories about her.







“so, this is the time?” Taeyeon asked since he knows what she want to do.





“yes, I just want to fulfill my promised. Can I do it now?”





“yes, you can.” He said while starring sadly to Yuri. When The Jung want to spell the magic, she stop her acted in a sudden,,





“Y-your-Highness??” Taeyeon shocked when he saw Yuri open his eyes and awaken from his long sleep.





“I know what you want to do, Jung. but now you don’t need to do that anymore.” Yuri said as he awake from his bed, soon Taeyeon help him to wake up.





“you need to rest, Your-highness. Don’t force yourself, you’re still weak.” Taeyeon said worriedly as he lean Yuri’s head on the wall.





“I’m okay, Taeyeon. leave us alone, I want to talk with her personally.” Yuri command him to leave them alone and made him surprised since his master never asked him to stay away. But he just nodded and leave the room.





“I’m glad that you can struggle to awake. I know you’re a strong guy.” The old woman said and smile to him.





“I will stay alive for her. I will do everything to make her happy.” He said wholeheartedly.





“I know that you really love her. Since I can see how you stare at her eyes for the first time when you met her, and the way to talk to her, I see a sincerity in your eyes. No wonder you can broke the spell early than what I expected.”





“huh? what did you say? How can y-,”

he asked curiously since he can’t understand how can she knows about that. but he stop his word when he realized something. The memories of the accident when he met Jessica for the first time, then he saw a woman keep an eye on him on the edge of the street and when he lost, a woman always help him to find the way to back home. He can get esiIy to be close with her, she knows everything about The Kwons kingdom. Then now he realized who she is,,





“Song Yi Kyung noona??” he said while starring at the old woman surprisingly. He can’t believe that she always be there to help him. he felt regret cause once he ever hate her and want to punish her. He just can looked down his face, and felt guilty.





“it’s okay, Kwon. I just want to keep my promised to your grandfather. I promised him to keep his family safe and live happily.” She said while smile to him and made him more guilty.





“I’m sorry for being so curel, I should be understand that your love for my grandfather is true. I should believe in you. i-,”





“I’m happy if you can live happily. Take care of my grandchild and your baby, I only want you to do that to redeem your guilty.”





“I will risk my life for her.” He said boldly. She just smile to him. then he dare hisself to aks her something.





“if I can ask you something, want you to help me, will you?” he asked her.





“with a pleasure, Your-Highness. Yes, I will.” She answer while bowing her head to him.





“I don’t know if I can make it trought the times dimension, but if you can’t managed to transforming perfectly, you might got trapped in the middle of dimension and you’ll not be able to get back then you’ll die sooner or later. Are you sure that you want to do it?” the old woman said to the tanned guy who was being ready on his spot to do the ritual.





“I can give my life for her if needed. Just do it.” He said boldly and closed his eyes to prevent the pain to be transformed. Then someone came and join him on the ritual made him surprised.





“Taeyeon? what are you doing?” He said curiously and glare at the baby-faced guy next to him.





“I’m your guard, I was born to be your-highness’s  guard. If you go I go, if you die I’ll die with you. let me in, Your-highness. It’s about my principle of my life as a royal guard.” The shorter guy said boldly while bowing his head and begging. The tanned guy just sighed and let him to join.





“you are so stubborn. How can I win against your stubbornness? Thanks for your dedication to the Kwons. You are my true brother.” The tanned guy smile to him and the shorter guy smile to him too. The old woman just can shakes her head seeing the scene in front of her.





“are you ready? It’ll hurts for the first process, but when you can managed to reach the gate of the dimension, you will succed to be transformed and be able to reach the present time. it’s depend on your willing to fight. And remember, your bodies will turned back to the original size only at the night. You will get your original bodies permanently when your  first children is born. Good luck.” The old woman said while starting the ritual.





“what? so I have to make a woman pregnant? Then I’ll get my original bodies back permanently when that woman giving birth of my first child? This is insane!”





“hey! Don’t you said that ‘I go you go, I die you die’? hish, this guy!” Yuri shouted to him and made him gluped his jaw.





“o-of course I will Your-highness, but that requirement is hard for me to do.” he said shyly and made the tanned guy sighed.





“don’t worry, Kim. You will meet your woman and get your first child soon.” She smile to him.





“I bet you will get addicted after you do ‘that’ once, you’ll ask for more.” The tanned guy and made him blushing madly. The old woman just chukled and laughing at them.





“thankyou for your help. tell my parents that I’ll raise their grandchild and live happily. Goodbye, grandmother.” He called her ‘grandmother’ for the first time and it made the old woman surprised then smile. And the ritual was on processing. They closed their eyes and be ready to the pain that might hit their bodies harshly.





“argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” they groaned in pain when the ritual was starting. The wizard keep doing her job to finish the ritual.





~end of flashback~











Back to Jessica and Yuri



“what?? so you will transform to your kid-bodies again? Wooaahh.. it’s like a reunion.hahahaha..” she said while laughing at the tanned guy.




“hey hey hey! How can you laughing at me like that? is it funny to see your seobang has a kid-bodies again? It make me suffer when you are trapped on kid-bodies and everybody will treat you like a little kid.” He said and pouted.





“then I’ll have two babies to be cared. Seobang, listen. I love you no matter what your sized is. don’t you remember that I fell for you when you’re on your kid-sized. Just wait for two months more, I’ll give a birth to your child and you’ll get your original bodies soon.” She said while patting his face.





“yeah, luckily.. I have accompanied with Taeyeon too, so I’m not alone now. Hahahaha.” He laughing when he knows that Taeyeon will have transformed too.





“hish..  you are so mean to him! but I’m worried and doubt if Taeyeon can make someone pregnant and give a birth to his child soon. Is it needed for us to help him, seobang?”





“woahh.. I’m not thinking that too far. Hmm, so do you have any candidate to be his baby-maker-machine?” he asked the pregnant woman. Then she just spacing out while think about someone who can be the candidate. Then she stare at the tanned guy and smirk. Her smirk made him curious then when he realized the meaning of her smirk, they’re smiling each other. Then said the name,






“Tiffany!” they said the name at the same time. they’re laughing each other since they have the same name on their mind.













~the end~




Do want an epilogue? Do you want to see Jessica’s baby? Or Tiffany’s? hahahaha give me your idea about the epilogue, guys ^^

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Chapter 22: HAHAHA XD
Chapter 17: actually I already read this before. I came back cuz I miss yulsic stories ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm reading old fics of yulsic
Chapter 32: Its good.. ^^
crazykwonyurifan #4
Chapter 32: Update plz
Aish1994 #5
Chapter 32: pleasee update..
Chapter 32: This is too great kekeke
Chapter 32: comeback and update soon ~~
Chapter 32: hope u continue soon :)
tartar #9
Chapter 21: nice story..
Chapter 32: author when will u update :)