
The 20th


Sorry for making you waiting!!


Anticipate for the double update





7 – Speculations

D – 14.

Its been two weeks already!

Kyuhyun and I went studying again. He bought me couple pencils, with the same keychain. It was my turn to teach him History, and I’m ready for skinship if he starts to get lazy. He listened to me, but I think he was actually staring at me.

Then, we cooked dinner!

It was so fun. Kyuhyun was trying to make a ramyun, but turns out the ramyun was too much of water! Aigo... and so we decided to grill the beef. Kyuhyun looked scary when he cut the beef. I screamed as if I was the one he cut. I know, I’m crazy -___-

By the way, I have to send this journal back to Kyuhyun, so he can write on the next day.

Kyu loves Sunshine and Sunshine loves Kyu.


Han “Sunshine” Jiae.

Jiae giggled as she read her writing on the couple journal. Kyuhyun, who tried some experiments on dating, gave her on the day after their first date. They passed the journal among themselves, taking turns on writing the journal. It was like writing a diary for them.

“I want to remember our memories” he simply said that when she asked why. However, they liked to do the journal. Sometimes, Kyuhyun would write a love message for Jiae, and vice versa.

And they always wrote the same ending.

Kyu loves Sunshine and Sunshine loves Kyu.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She quickly answer it. It must be Kyuhyun.

“Morning” she smiled.

Its been two weeks” Kyuhyun said.

“What? Two weeks anniversary?” Jiae asked. “Kyu, its too fast. Yet we still have to go to school”

Don’t forget the journal” Kyuhyun said on the phone.

“Of course I won’t” she answered. “Kyu, don’t forget to eat breakfast. I don’t want you to be sick on your P.E.”

Then I’d like to be sick” Kyuhyun smirked . “So you can come and treat me

“That’s delusional” Jiae laughed. “Come on, Kyu, don’t skip meals, alright?”

Yes, sunshine” he nodded. “And today...

“What?” Jiae asked in curiosity.

We’ll sit together” Kyuhyun smirked upon his words. “For lunch. Is that fine? We haven’t tried this, and its much better than sneaking out to the rooftop just to eat together

“Do you think it’ll be alright?” Jiae sounded afraid, since not everyone knows they’re dating.

I’ll protect you if someone’s trying to harm you on this” he said. “It’ll be fine. I promise

“There you go again with promises” she replied. “Well, if that’s what you want”

Its what I want” Kyuhyun said. “See you at school

“See you at school” Jiae nodded.

She wondered how would everything go for today.

Kyuhyun came to the school with bruises and blood running on his face. The whole school was watching him, frightened. But he didn’t care and kept walking. He’s not even in the mood to start the school.

He was beaten up by the loansharks, who has been calling him for two weeks. Kyuhyun was grateful that he didn’t go to school with Jiae today. Its not that he doesn’t need a help. He doesn’t want Jiae to get involved. His past was locked up,  no one knows. Because he’s trying hard to cover it.

Haksaeng, are you alright?”

Kyuhyun looked up and the teacher was watching him. “You need to get some rest and clean the wounds” the teacher told him.

Half-concious, Kyuhyun nodded as he stood up and walked through the class’s back door. He tried hard to walk to the nursery room which is two floors below. It was all going with his plan. He wanted to be alone for now. He thought studying can suppress his pain, but its just hurts him more.

“Omma...” he mouthed slowly as soon as he lay on the bed. He sighed in relief, looking that no one was in the nursery room. He gripped on the windmill necklace harder, as he tried to suppress his pain.


I wish you were here.

I wish...

A tear came out from his eye. After all his pain that he felt along his life, he doesn’t feel wrong to cry. Its not even enough to cry, even for a minute. That time, he only wish that his mom’s here, calming him down. How he wanted to graduate and moved away from the loansharks.

But no one seemed to see the helpless Kyuhyun.


Remembering his mother, it has somehow brought him to sleep.


Han Jiae dashed out as soon as the class ends. Something, no, someone has made her worried along the period. It was no other than Kyuhyun, her boyfriend. He’s nowhere to seen, although he called her that they’ll meet in school. But they started in different classes and he was no where to be seen.

“Where’s he?” she murmured as she rushed along the hallway, blocking the huge wave of students who are going to their next classes. Some girls stepped on her foot purposely, but she didn’t care. She, then, found a familiar glimpse at the end of the hallway.


She approached to Yuri and Yoona, who happened to stop in front of a certain room. “Guys, what are you doing?” Jiae asked them.

They exchanged gazes before they answer. “Phew. The mad girls had gone” Yuri commented, looked to the emptied hallway. Yoona smiled to her and took a glance at the door next to her. “You better look by yourself” she said.

She peeked to the door and she can’t believe what she just saw.

Kyuhyun. He was lying on a bed. His eyes closed, made her concluding that he was sleeping. She smiled, breathed in relief. Part of her was relieved, and another part of her was admiring his sleeping figure.

“Are you going to class?” Yuri asked. “We’re already late”

“I think I’m not going” Jiae answered. Yuri and Yoona smiled as they exchanged looks, feeling giddy of Jiae and Kyuhyun’s lovey-dovey. They quickly walked to their next class, leaving Jiae alone.

Jiae slowly stepped into the nursery room, taking a closer look. She gasped in fear and shock, not believing what she just saw.

“Kyuhyun...” she gasped.

His face, his handsome face. His right eyelid was still a big purple ball, his lips has a big cut and the rest of his face was full of scars.

“You can managed to sleep, even with those scars?” she whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me, Kyu? Why?”

She looked for the first-aid kit. Jiae started to clean his wound carefully. Especially that big purple ball on his eye. She applied some ointments on his face and also gave a bandage to his right eye.

When Jiae finally put the bandage on his eye, Kyuhyun’s eyes opened.

“Jiae...” he mouthed slowly. He sounded weak. “Why are you here?” he asked.

“I’m the one who should asking that” Jiae answered. “What happened to you? How did you end up like this?”

“Its not your problem” he smiled weakly. “Just... go to class”

For Kyuhyun, he was trying to keep her away from his problems, in the most polite way he could. But for Jiae, Kyuhyun was simply kicking her out.

“No” she said in her firm voice.

Kyuhyun straightened his face. “Jiae, please, just go to class–”

“For once” she cut him off. “For once, just give me a chance to stay here and taking care of you”

“You already did” he said.

“Why are you like this, Kyu?” Jiae asked. “Why are you refusing my help? I was trying to help you. Was it wrong?”

Kyuhyun looked down. He felt guilty for her, however. He doesn’t know that he needs someone right now. Someone, who would just stay next to him, it would’ve just calm him down and made him into a better condition.

“Its fine” Jiae smiled, ready to go. “If you don’t want to tell me, its fine. I’ll go then”

“No” Kyuhyun caught her arm. “Stay”


“Please” he begged. “Stay. Stay until the next bell rings”

Jiae slowly nodded. She held his hand as Kyuhyun slowly caressed her head, smiled back to his forced smile.

I’m sorry I can’t share my sorrow to you.

Pulling you into my arms and stay by my side for a moment.

That’s the best I can do.



The bell for the next period rang.

Jiae, who was sleeping on Kyuhyun’s chest slowly woke up. Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes, feeling the weight on his chest had already lifted.

“Go to class” he said.

“Kyu...” Jiae took a glance at the clock. “I think we skipped all the way to the lunch”

Jiae got up. “I’ll go get you some lunch” she offered.

“No, no” Kyuhyun shook his head. “Go. Don’t worry about me. Eat with your friends, Jiae-ya”

Jiae felt slowly boiled up. Kyuhyun’s now refusing her and indirectly pushed her away. “You... No. I’ll feel bad for you if I go now. I’ll get you my lunchbox and we’ll eat here together” she said.

Kyuhyun sighed. If Jiae wasn’t his girlfriend, he would’ve shout at her and told her to leave him alone. He thought Jiae’s not understanding him, but his heart needed her at times like this.

But doesn’t mean he still the old Kyuhyun.

“Don’t you understand?” he raised his voice. “Go. Leave me alone” he said. Kyuhyun stood up and he walked out from the nursery room, leaving Jiae who held her tears.

Jiae clenched her fist, holding her tears.

No, not now. You’re not that easy, Han Jiae. Hold your tears.

She’s not letting herself drowned in her sorrow. Kyuhyun’s words hanging on her mind, echoing again and again. She felt a tear running out of her eye as she wiped it away. Jiae let out a heavy sigh before she stepped out of the nursery room.

When Kyuhyun came out, many people are wondering what happened. Mostly thought that he’s in a quarrel with a bunch of loansharks, or maybe bullies. But Cho Kyuhyun is too rough for bullies, yet he’s scary enough for bullies to step back. Kyuhyun, who’s back to his old-self, walked as if nothing happened. He, once again, built walls around him.

“Han Jiae!” one of the girls suddenly said. “What is she doing in the same room, with my oppa?”

“How did she get in there?” the other girl said. “How dare she... ugh”

The others keep whispering, making their own speculations as it turns to gossips. Surely they don’t like Jiae and Kyuhyun together, especially Kyuhyun’s fans.

“Were they making out?”

“It can’t be! Kyuhyun’s face, he looked so bad!”

“Poor Oppa...”

“What is Han Jiae doing anyway? Are they making out or something?”

“Could it be... Han Jiae’s fault?”

“Han Jiae is definitely knocking him off!”

“Geez, they could probably making out, maybe more than that!”

“How dare she did that to Kyuhyun Oppa?”

Jiae couldn’t take it anymore. The gossips are buzzing in front of her face. In all of sudden, someone pulled her outside to the rooftop, pinned her to the wall, slapping her hard.

It was Kang Seyoon. The two-faced who locked her in the cabinet, the famous student, known for her intelligence, and her daring personality. Not to mention her ex-boyfriends are the famous student.

“You bastard!” she yelled. “What did you do to him?”

Kim Yeseul followed up, kicking her leg. “! You’re a , you know! You made him like that!” she shouted. Jiae furrowed her eyebrows, feeling that these girls are just cursing nonsense, not knowing anything. Speculations won’t solve anything, she thought.

“What do you think I was doing?” she asked.

“Must be something” Seyoon said. “He seemed beaten up since he walked into the school. It means you did nothing but to make out with him”

“Making out?” Yeseul laughed. “No wonder he left you like that!”

“You’re dreaming” Seyoon slapped her face. “Kyuhyun is the sky. You can’t reach him that easy, even with one making out session”

“You seemed so cheap” Yeseul said. “Girls, where’s the water?”

One of her friends about to splash her with water, but suddenly someone blocked Jiae, hugging her. Jiae can’t see who hugged her. She looked down.

“Get lost” he said. “I’m a sky for you, because you hurt what’s mine. Don’t ever think of reaching me”

The girls are lost in their words. “But, Oppa... did you and her...” Seyoon about to say something but he cut him.

“Its none of your business” he said again. “Its clear enough for everyone. Stay away from my business”

The girls slowly left the rooftop building, leaving Jiae with him.

“Sunshine...” he gasped, hugging her body, then released her after a while. But suddenly, there’s someone else.

“I can’t believe you’ll get a girlfriend, Son” the man said.

“W-Who’s... that?” Jiae stuttered. The son sighed as he looked to his father then to his girlfriend.

“She is Jiae” he said to that man. “And Jiae, this is my... this is the man who was married to my mother”




Finally, I was able to open a bit of Kyuhyun's past.

Slowly, I'll show some of his past. It'll be revealed later as the story goes.

So, what do you think???

Please subscribe and comment!

And, anticipate for the next update. I'll give you more about Kyuhyun's father :)






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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????