Lost (Part 2)

The 20th


Author's Note:

So here's the part two. Still with action!

I'm sorry for the late update guys. I was on a trip (again) and I had no time writing.

Took hours on this, trying to write in one shot, one chapter at a time.

So, enjoy! And share your thoughts!

Will Kyuhyun and Geunhae find Sooyoung? What will happen to them?



23 – Lost (Part 2)


Seohyun sat down as she sipped her wine. After years, she got her chance to prove what she’s been believing as a lie. Her hate is obvious, so obvious that no one noticed the reason she hates Park Geunhae. Park Geunhae has nothing to be hated, but the truth that she is someone else is something she doesn’t realize.

For fifteen years, Geunhae’s not realizing it.

Geunhae herself had struggled enough. She’s lost in a snowy highway with Kyuhyun who she wished she had finished her time with him, who is suddenly turned from a child to a man. How can he not? He suddenly put on his jacket on her shoulders.

“Don’t faint at the first place” he said. “We still had a long way to go”

“Its not like I’m going to” Geunhae threw back his jacket. She liked his sudden warmth, but she was too realistic.

Seohyun deserves that more than me, she thought. Geunhae ignored him as she started to ush the car. “I hope there’s a gas station near here” she sighed.

“In a street like this?” Kyuhyun asked. “You’re kidding me”

“Hey, I’m just hoping” she replied. “Don’t be too pessimistic. There might be one around here”

They pushed the car for hours, and nothing happened so far. After one hour, Geunhae gave up and shrugged on the back of the car. The road is no longer flat, instead it was serpentine and steep. "We can't do this anymore" she said. "I'll call Leeteuk"

"Tch. Girls" Kyuhyun muttered under his breath. "Well, there's an abandoned house over here" he pointed to the house on the cliff. "We have to keep pushing" he said.

"Fine" Geunhae replied impatiently. And so with the power of two people - a man and a girl - they reached the house within half an hour. Once they reach the house, both were panting and they knocked the door. Strange, the door suddenly opened by itself. Kyuhyun took a step. "We should check on this house" he said. 

"Kyuhyun, don't you think this is weird?" Geunhae asked. She had nothing to do but to follow him inside. The things are untidy inside and a fireplace is still firing up in the house. She looked around again, and found out pictures of someone. Someone familiar, that she can't believe she was in that person's house.

"We're in Choi Sooyoung's house" she concluded. She took out her gun and looked around. "Miss Choi Sooyoung? Are you in here? Please answer me, this is the prosecutor" she said, calling her name. 

"She's not here" Kyuhyun suddenly said. Geunhae turned her head in suspicion.

"What makes you think she's not here?" she asked.

"The door's unlocked, the fireplace is still firing, and the things are just untidy here and there..." he replied. "How could possibly be here? She's not here indeed!"

Geunhae kicked the nearest door and aimed her gun. No one was there. "You're right" Geunhae said. "This is not good" she kicked another door and no one was there. She checked all rooms, and no one's here, none other than herself and Kyuhyun.

She walked back downstairs. She looked up to the light bulbs that are dead, meant that someone crashed the fuse. The fireplace was also hidden enough, not visible from the outside. But there was some blood around the couch, another sign of fight that happened in this house.

"She's kidnapped" Geunhae gasped. "There's not even any signs of where she's going. Perhaps to Black Ops's hideout"

Kyuhyun widened his eyes. Geunhae always had this impressive double-deduction as usual. "They baited me. Or they forced Choi Sooyoung to work for them. Since it is about nuclear, its not possible to destroy the country with nuclear" she said.

"Stop suspecting and start working" Kyuhyun said. "She might be dead at any time"

"Well you should" she turned. "I thought you were supposed to work on her last tracks. She's still in Canada, I believe"

"I didn't bring my computer with me" he scoffed. "Too bad. We came here to get nothing, and nothing is going to bring us home"

"I'll call Leeteuk then" Geunhae walked outside to call Leeteuk. She dialed his number for a few times, since the signal is hard to bear with in this area. After the fifth time, she's connected to him.

"Eo, Geunhae-ah?"

"This gets crappy" Geunhae said. "Choi Sooyoung was kidnapped. Can you track her last moves? She must be here around Canada"

"I'm working on it" Leeteuk worked on his laptop and tracked her cellphone. "Her cellphone was dead, and her last position was five miles away from the North Vancouver highway, near the sea. I believe her position has moved again, since they can't make a murder in someone else's country"

"Thanks anyway. We've got enough clue" she said. "I'm currently one step behind them. I'm in her house right now and the car has ran out of gas, unfortunately. Please come here as soon as you can"

"I got the address" he replied. "I'll be there soon. Wait there, baby sis"

Geunhae ended the call and she suddenly saw a figure from the outside. She gasped. She followed the black figure, but she lost the tracks and one step behind. Geunhae ran back to the house, reassuring herself that Kyuhyun is still here.


Geunhae looked inside. She found him who was struggling against a kidnapper who closed his mouth from the back. A knife was on his neck, and a gun was pointed to her. 

"Bent down" the kidnapper ordered. Geunhae pulled out her gun and stepped forward. Kyuhyun struggled and stepped on his feet, but the kidnapper put his knife deeper on his neck. "I said bent down, Park Geunhae" he said. "Or he'll be dead"

Geunhae was about to pull the trigger but her gun suddenly tossed across the room. Then the kidnapper started to shoot nonstop, which made Geunhae ran as fast as she can towards her gun. Kyuhyun shouted in fear, although his voice was muted by the kidnapper's hands. Geunhae reached her gun and ran back to the kidnapper. The kidnapper was about to shoot her but Geunhae was fast. She avoided some of his shots then shot his right shoulder, so she's not shooting Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun fought his kidnapper back and now he's free. 

But the next thing that happened was worse. 

"Geunhae, watch out!"

There were continous shooting from the outside. The kidnapper himself was not alone. There were a few other shooters who are waiting for them in the house. Kyuhyun hugged her and they kneeled on the ground. But a bullet was shot on Kyuhyun's right shoulder. Geunhae grabbed both guns and they ran into one of the rooms to find a shelter. Things started to drop down and the walls started to get perforated. Geunhae closed the door and gave him a gun. She faced backwards and leaned closer, wrapping his jacket on his right shoulder.

"If anyone comes in, just shoot" she said. "I'm going to stop your bleeding for a while"

But Kyuhyun suddenly hugged her and turned her around. Now she's the one who faced backwards. This made her worried. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Turn back! You're bleeding!"

"No!" Kyuhyun replied, being stubborn. "Shut up, they're coming!"

"Stubborn!" Geunhae shouted and pushed him to the wall. "Cho Kyuhyun, turn your back now!"

But Kyuhyun grabbed her shoulders and embraced her. He placed his forefinger on her lips. Geunhae's eyes widened, shock in all of sudden. Her face flushed, turning red.

Stubborn. Why are you protecting me?

Just as soon as they quieted, the snipers started to get in. Kicking doors and shooting nonstop. Both of them are trembled. Although Kyuhyun was on Black Ops's side, he didn't expect this sudden shooting. Yet they didn't know that he was inside. Geunhae trembled, feeling any bullet can hit her back at any minute. Kyuhyun was heading to the door in purpose, so that he can use his other hand to shoot the snipers on their heads. 

Suddenly, a bullet shot into the door. To the closed door, Kyuhyun aimed his gun. The gun had only five bullets, means he has only five chances. 

He aimed his gun a little bit above the hole and took his first shot.


The first bullet penetrated the door, piercing the sniper's heart. His friend saw him and broke the door. 

Kyuhyun knew it. The other snipers are coming into the room. He took a deep breath and shoot their heads. His shots were accurate, exactly on their heads. One shot at the time on the snipers. There are four snipers, and four of them are dead. Kyuhyun panted, the pain on his shoulder suddenly hit him. He shrugged, suddenly fell on her embrace.Geunhae caught her as their knees reached the wooden floor. Geunhae saw him stared at her before she heard his order.

"Geunhae, help me..." he gasped. "Help me... Pull out this bullet"

"Kyuhyun, you're-"

"The bullet has a venom" Kyuhyun said. "I'll faint in five minutes. If the bullet stayed in my body for another five minutes, the venom will spread over my body, right to my heart"

"How did you know?" she asked.

"He... he told me..." Kyuhyun gasped. "Geunhae, quick!"

Geunhae ran to the drawers, looking for a pinset and a scalpel. Sooyoung is a scientist, fortunately, so she has a pinset and scalpel. When she got back, she found Kyuhyun opened half of his shirt, revealing his bleeding shoulder. Geunhae opened the skin, but he suddenly screamed. 

"Hold on" Geunhae said. "The bullet is not deep"

The cold scalpel suddenly touched his flesh, reaching deep to the bullet. Its hard for her, not only to penetrate through the flesh, Kyuhyun was also screaming, which made her worried.

"Kyuhyun, are you alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine" he lied. "I'll hold on. I have to"

"Tell me if you're going to stop" she said. "I reached the bullet"

Geunhae took the bullet by the pinset and put it on the tissue. "Phew. Finally. It got out" she said. "I'll get some first aid and some bandage to close the wound"

She's going again to find the first aid box. Once she got back, she started applying some ointment and closed his wound with a bandage. Done with the bandage, she stared at his back. His back was not too muscular nor too thin. She just sighed.

"What?" Kyuhyun asked. "You're not staring at my back, right?"

"As a matter of fact, I was" Geunhae smiled bitterly. "Its like an angel who just lost his wings"

"I'm an angel?" he scoffed. He was sure he was totally not an angel. He thought himself as a devil. Who would've said that he's an angel? What part of him that shouts 'angel'? What did he do that he was called an angel? He never felt himself as something good, because he knew what he was doing was not a good thing. He doesn't deserve to be called as an angel. He's not even an angel for his girlfriend, not even his mother, or himself. Not for anyone.

"Well, you saved me" she said. "But just forget it, Kyuhyun. Forget the angel thing, its just a parable"

"So am I an angel or not?" he asked.

"I'm not sure..." she smirked. "You're more like a devil"

"That's evil" he said. "Really? You two-faced brat, you said I was an angel..."

"You wish" she stuck out her tongue.

"Yah!" he barked. "You really two-faced for this"

"You're really questioned that?" Geunhae asked. "You're an angel tonight. You were stubborn, but you did it for my safety" she confessed. "Something that people never did to me"

"Yeah, but thanks to you..." Kyuhyun buttoned his shirt. "You made me freezing"

"I'm freezing too, by the way" Geunhae said. "We should find some blanket"

"Should've be done a few minutes ago" Kyuhyun said. 

"Whatever" Geunhae straightened her face as she took a blanket and they sat near the fireplace. Kyuhyun was next to her, sleeping.

"It must be hurt...." she murmured. "Pabo. Why are you so stupid, letting that bullet into your shoulder?"

Soon, she fell deep into her slumber. Kyuhyun watched the fire, but he felt uncomfortable with his shoulder. He started to bent down and sleep on her lap.

For once, you made me felt comfortable. Why does it feels like this?

Kyuhyun got up and leaned to her face. Geunhae looked so... beautiful. Why?

But when Geunhae turned her head to the side, he backed off. He can't do it now. Not now. He took some deep breaths, telling himself to get a grip. He then lowered his head to her lap. Geunhae's hand suddenly reached his cheeks.

"Just sleep..." she said. "Lets just sleep for awhile"

Kyuhyun smiled and nodded in agreement. His eyes closed, he never felt so much comfort.

Yeah, sleep. So we can forget how terrifying it was.

So I can forget who I was.

So I can forget this devil.

So I can smile, over the fact that you were the angel.

So I can smile to the angel up there called Han Jiae.




Author's Note:

Aww Kyu. Both of you are angels, alright?

You can understand him, right? 

His soft side towards Geunhae sometimes made you feel giddy... Kkkkk

No, I'm not confirming any of his feelings. Not yet.

And his loyalties and his heart are the most confusing thing on this story, right?

Hehe. I'm sorry for confusing you all. We'll know it all soon :) don't worry

Soooo... please comment and subscribe! Share your thoughts!

Sooyoung will be on the next chapter. Still, I'll write more action-sugar-coated-with-romance-type chapters!

Good night / morning / afternoon to wherever you readers are. Ppyong!!





















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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????