
The 20th

Author's Note:

I'm updating again. Seems like one chapter one day.

But maybe not going to happen in the future.

And please vote on the poll!

If you say yes, I'll continue.

And if you say no, they'll end in the next chapter (not the story of course!)

Anyways... enjoy!



Yeonhwa sighed as she looked to the forensics report. The court of Moreau is coming soon, but she doesn't feel confident. The evidence is not enough. Although Geunhae would help. But Geunhae still working at Kyuhyun's place.


Yeonhwa looked up from her food tray. The person who called her was Shim Changmin. "Mind if I sit here?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. Did he just said that? Like seriously, there's dozens of seats, waiting to be seated.

But Changmin read her mind, "The seats are all full. Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked.

"Sure" Yeonhwa approved, letting him sit next to her. They started to eat quietly.

For Changmin, its a rare chance for him to get to sit together with Yeonhwa. Although Yeonhwa is friendly and bubbly, she's a little bit better than Geunhae, who's less friendly around people. Yet he's under evaluation, whether he can make it into an investigator or not. But for Yeonhwa, Changmin was nothing but a co-worker,  which means just work and nothing much. Maybe they're not that close

"I heard that there will be some combat training in the attorney office" Changmin spoke up. "It sounded weird, isn't it?" He asked.

"I think its good for us" Yeonhwa replied. "Since we're actually need those kind of training. Well maybe its not important for you because you're working as a hacker"

"I'm different" Changmin said. "I'm under evaluation. The Head Prosecutor will promote me as a prosecutor if I can finish the case with Prosecutor Lee"

"That's a good news" Yeonhwa smiled. "So... Good luck then. It would ve good if you get promoted"

Just after Yeonhwa spoke, Prosecutor Lee passed. Beside him, stood Lawyer Kim. "Changmin-ssi, please bring the phone and credit card records to Court Room number 18. The lawsuit will starts in an hour, so I hope you can be quick" he said.

"Yes, sir" Changmin said. But Prosecutor Lee isn't happy about it. "Just call me Hyukjae" he smiled.

Yeonhwa noticed something odd. They were linking their arms. However, Lawyer Kim noticed it. "Yeonhwa-ssi, ah... You must be wondering about this. I haven't tell you guys yet" he said.

"Lawyer Kim and I are dating" Hyukjae declared. "If you have some free time, perhaps we can go to a restaurant this weekend"

"Well, why not?" Changmin said. "What about you, Prosecutor Jeon?"

"Yeah..." Yeonhwa lost her words. "Maybe. I'll think about it"

"Tell me if you say yes" Lawyer Kim smiled. "See you later, then!"

Yeonhwa puffed her cheeks and pouted her lips as she watched them go. But Changmin noticed her. "Something happened?" He asked.

"Nothing..." Yeonhwa sighed. "Its just that, they looked perfect together. I'm unsure about the weekend hangout, I felt uneasy"

"Why?" Changmin asked. "Do you have another plans?"

"No!" Yeonhwa quickly denied. "Its just... It made me feel lonely, going out with a couple. What if they ignore me?"

"Of course they won't" he reassured. "Besides, you have me. Uh, and you're feeling lonely? Are you even dating someone?"

"I'm dating no one right now" Yeonhwa shyly said. Then she looked at the clock, and suddenly remembered something. "I gotta go" she said. "There's a technical meeting for the combat training. You're coming, right?"

"Yeah" he said. "I'll catch up later"

“Everyone, welcome to the annual combat training!” Prosecutor Lee announced. “There will be some trainings to train our juniors. The first one is judo!”

Changmin tried to jump a bit to loose out his nervous feeling. But then he looked out, his opponent was Jeon Yeonhwa. Yeonhwa adjusted her belt, she was as surprised as he is, but then Changmin hid it well. He smirked, challenging her.

“Your posture is way shorter than me” he said. “Maybe you’ll be overwhelmed”

“Its fine if you’d like to take it as your advantage” Yeonhwa smiled. “But you know what my teachers taught, never underrestimate your opponent”

“Okay, on your positions!” the MC shouted. “Start!”

Changmin stepped in, trying to hit Yeonhwa, but Yeonhwa reacted quicker than he thought. She fended Changmin’s hand, then reached his shoulders. Changmin could reach her shoulder, but Yeonhwa was stronger. She pushed Changmin until he fell down.

“Come on, dude!” Yeonhwa called. “Is that all you got?!”

“Yeah, arrasso!” Changmin growled back. “I’ll defeat you!”

Changmin tried to catch Yeonhwa’s hand, but she always fend him. And so as Yeonhwa tried to catch his hand, he fended her hand. Changmin caught her shoulders and claimed her hands, trying to pushed her to the ground. Yeonhwa was surprised and tried to push him again, but Changmin was stronger. He pushed Yeonhwa and he got up, trying to flip her. But Yeonhwa took his shoulder and hit him with her elbow, making him fell down and quickly flipped him.

“You still need to learn, Changmin-ssi” Yeonhwa smiled as she bent down, anticipating his move. Changmin got up and tried to get away from her attack. They’re like running in circles.

“You’re really good at this” he said. “You should be a judo athlete”

“Is that a compliment?” she replied.

“Yeah it is” he smiled. “I learn this from TV, so you better watch out”

His foot was on her knees and he climbed up. His other foot was behind her neck. And in one move, he flipped her to the mattress. His feet held her hand, but she woke up and pulled his feet with the other hand. He sat up, reaching her shoulders. Surprised, she suddenly released his feet and quickly flip him again.

She finished right on the blow of the whistle. Yeonhwa won, she smiled triumphantly as she watched Changmin who’s lying down.

“You’re good” she said. “You did a good job when you flipped me”

Yeonhwa bent down and reached out her hand. “Get up, dude” she said. “You’re tired already?”

Changmin sighed as he got up. “Unlike you, I had a... GOD! CRAMP! Cramp cramp cramp~” he yelped like a kid. Yeonhwa chuckled and helped him.

“Yah, you’re a dude, how come you can be like that?” Yeonhwa said. She lifted his cramped feet and Changmin yelled louder. “It hurts! Hajima, Yeonhwa-ssi! Please stop!” Changmin yelped.

“Calm down” she said. “Your pain will be gone soon”

And its true. Changmin was busy yelling, until he forgot that the cramp has gone. “Aigo!” he yelled. Then he realized, the cramp was gone. He looked up to Yeonhwa.

“Thanks” he said. For the first time, he realized that she’s pretty.

“No problem” Yeonhwa smiled and when she realized the look on his face, she quickly marched out from the room.

What’s wrong with him? Why did he look to me like that?

The office hours has ended, but Geunhae and Yeonhwa are stuck together in the office, working on the report for the whole night. After finishing the report, Geunhae and Yeonhwa had ramyeon and sat on the photocopy machine.

Of course, Yeonhwa told Geunhae about what happened. And Geunhae gave her an embarrassing reaction.

“I think you two might look perfect” Geunhae commented. “I know Shim Changmin. He’s been working with me too, and also he’s a dilligent person. How did it happened?”

“Well it was during the lunch hour” Yeonhwa said. “He sat with me because the other seats are taken. Then there comes this Prosecutor Lee with Lawyer Kim...”

“Ah, that couple?”

“What? You knew it too?” Yeonhwa asked. “Crazy. You know a lot about office’s rumors”

“Jooyoung and her assistant always gossiping” Geunhae replied. Yeonhwa narrowed her eyes, then she continued her story.

“You said nothing’s coincidence, but I do think this is a coincidence” Yeonhwa said. “They asked Changmin to go out for a dinner in the afternoon, and worse, they also asked me”

“And what did you say?” Geunhae asked.

“I said that I’ll think about it. I do want to say no because I felt lonely. I mean, they’re a couple...”

“But you have Changmin” Geunhae cut her off. “And it wouldn’t be that bad. Changmin is single and so do you”

“Don’t tell me you’re considering this as a double date” Yeonhwa assumed.

“Almost” Geunhae smiled. “Anyway, you need some hangout. And, a boyfriend”

“You too, ” Yeonhwa answered. “What about you?”

“I can have a boyfriend later, but this jerk...” Geunhae sighed, referring to Kyuhyun. “He asked me out too”

“What?” Yeonhwa looked shock. “You’re lucky. You’re so lucky”

“No, I’m not” Geunhae shook her head. “I know he’s just using me. And there’s no way he’s going to date me. He’s engaged to Seohyun”

“Seohyun? Seohyun, your cousin?” Yeonhwa shocked at what happened.

“Yes” Geunhae sighed. “And you know Seohyun, she’s...”

“Just ignore her, girl” Yeonhwa said. “You’re as clear as water. And, she lacks her trust, so she can’t see you, who’s always obvious on what you do. You’re doing it because its your job, not to take him away”

Geunhae looked down. She always tried to get things straight with Seohyun, but she knows that Seohyun refused everything from her. She doesn’t know why, but she always tired to see this side of Seohyun, where she warns her and claims what’s hers. She’s been doing this since both of the girls are in college. She’s good in front of anyone, except Park Geunhae.

“Yeah, but I’m tired” Geunhae said. “When she’s in France, I can calm down and not regretting anything. I mean it was better when she was gone, but it would be better if we just finished this fight. She made no sense”

“But you have to be patient” Yeonhwa held her hand. “One day, she’ll understand you. Just do the job. You’re doing this for your job”

“Right” Geunhae nodded. “And about Seohyun, maybe I should talk to her”

Yeonhwa hugged her. “Guys” she muttered. “They always confuse us”

“Agree” Geunhae smiled as she hugged her back.

Its been a long time since they spent a moment like this. They’re best friends after all. A little encouragement from your friend is never wrong.

So, Yeonhwa accepted the offer.

She woke up early in the morning for no reason. She did her morning routines, but she thought too much about the hangout. For Yeonhwa, this hangout is nothing like the other hangouts she had with Geunhae or any other girls. She sometimes hangs out, but it was only once in three months. She still feel embarrassed and lonely at the same time.

Don’t worry, Yeonhwa. There’ll be Changmin.

Yeonhwa even confused on what clothes that she will wear. She opened her Looklet, trying to make another outfit, but she had no idea on what she’s wearing.

“Ah, eotteokhe... what should I wear...” Yeonhwa paced back and forth in her room.

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby, Gee gee gee gee babe-babe-babe, ba-ba-babe

She jumped in horror when she heard her cellphone’s ringtone. She took a deep breath before she marched to the phone. But the caller ID made her more nervous.

Shim Changmin.

She sighed and bit her nails as she answers the phone to avoid his speculations. “Yeoboseyo?”

Y-Yeonhwa-ssi...” he stuttered. “I don’t know the directions to the restaurant. I’m kind of, um... lost

“Omo” Yeonhwa sounded more nervous. “Well... do you know where you are?”

Uh... I’m... I’m in front of Songjin Bank” Changmin said. “Its in the Gangnam. Do you know the directions?

“Eo” Yeonhwa said. “Alright then. Just wait there, and I’ll pick you up. Its close to my apartment, though. So just wait there!”

Ne, arrasso” he said. “Be careful on your way here

Yeonhwa ended the call and rushed in all of sudden. She took the first blouse and the first jeans she took from her bed, and quickly put her cellphone and her wallet in her sling bag. She stepped into her shoes and forcefully ing her feet into her shoes. Then, she rushed out of the building after she locked her apartment.

“I hope he’s still there” Yeonhwa bit her lip as she ran to the crowd. She just bumped on people and shouted sorry as she rushed to the Songjin Bank. The nervous feeling inside her made her rushed to the place, and she reached there five minutes faster than she thought.

Luckily, Changmin is still there.

“Hey” Changmin greeted. “You’re so fast”

Yeonhwa threw her gaze away and glanced to the bank. “Oh god, I forgot to send some money to my mother” she facepalmed. “It won’t be late if I can transfer some money first, right?” she asked Changmin.

“Do what you have to do” he said. “We’re not late, and it should be not late enough”

Yeonhwa and Changmin stepped inside the bank and lined up to the ATM Machine. The person who’s in front of the ATM suddenly shot the machine and broke into it. Yeonhwa rushed to that person.

“Ahjussi, what are you–”

“Young lady, you better shut up” he said. He then shot the CCTV cameras, which made the whole bank surprised.

“Yah, ahjussi!” Yeonhwa stepped forward but he pointed a gun to her. Changmin stepped forward, covering her, but the man shot his feet.

“No! Changmin!”

Lee Hyukjae kept looking to the two empty seats in front of him. He looked to his girlfriend with worry. “Hyojin, where do you think they’re going?” he asked.

“They might get lost” Kim Hyojin answered. “They should be here soon. Don’t worry, chagi”

“Maybe they feel embarrassed” Hyukjae sighed. “I mean, they’re both single”

“Don’t think that way” Hyojin pouted. “Oppa, just drink some tea first. You haven’t touch your tea”

Meanwhile, on their nine o’clock, Kyuhyun was busy eating. While next to him was Park Geunhae was watching him in confusion, sometimes took a sip of her coffee. Geunhae glanced at Hyukjae and Hyojin, and there’s no sign of Changmin or Yeonhwa, or both of them.

“They had delicious meatballs in here” Kyuhyun said. “I should come with Seohyun next time”

“Yeah, why don’t you ask her now?” Geunhae asked. “She’ll be glad to sacrifice her time just to eat with you”

“I’m afraid that she doesn’t like this place” Kyuhyun answered.

Geunhae crossed her arms in front of her chest. “What is your purpose anyway? Why me, when you have Seohyun?”

Kyuhyun stopped and looked to him. For once, he felt bad. He’s indirectly two-timing. He felt bad on Geunhae. He wanted to help her and talk about the case, but on the other side, he’s not that good on dating. He doesn’t want to try what he and Jiae have tried when they were dating. Besides, its different. Its a mission that he made and he should do it.

“Because I want you” he said.

“What?” Geunhae looked shocked. “You’re...”

“I want you to be my marriage counselor” he said. “I’m new to this thing. I need some advice. Her father is busy, so I can’t meet him. And I have no parents, no one to ask for advice. Since I’m helping you on the case... you should help me on my marriage too”

“So...” he hesitantly look at Geunhae. “What do you say?”

Geunhae blinked, trying to think properly. Why he’s so insane?

Suddenly, her phone ringed. “Sorry” she mumbled as she got a call. It was from Leeteuk.

Kyuhyun sighed as he watched Geunhae’s worried face when she got a call. He hated that something always interrupt him. He was so close to the answer. But then, he felt weird for being so nervous, hoping that Geunhae would say yes. He quickly normalized his face when Geunhae ended the call.

“Kyuhyun-ssi, I’m sorry” she said. “I have to go”

Geunhae stood up and ran out of the restaurant. Kyuhyun stood up, following her outside, suddenly had a bad feeling. He tried to stop her, but he can’t.

“Geunhae! Wait!”

But he’s too late, because she already took his car and drove away from the restaurant.














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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????