Promise Me

The 20th


6 – Promise Me


“Its a yes, I like you, Han Jiae

Jiae looked to the ceiling as she smiled upon those words. She can feel herself blushing until now. She held her bunny doll as she glanced to the calendar. Sunday.

Its been 24 hours since Kyuhyun confessed to her. Jiae never thought a cold guy with sharp words like him, can have her as his crush. Of all people, she was the one he likes. Jiae smiled, feeling lucky at the time.

Her hands reached the curtains. Sun blazed through her eyes, made her closing the curtain again. She slowly woke up, looking for her phone. She scrolled to find the person she wants to talk first in the morning.


“Hi...” Jiae greeted. “Are you awake?”

What?” he yawned. “You seemed to miss me so much, huh?” he asked in his sleepy voice. Of course, Kyuhyun just woke up, if it wasn’t her calling.

“Yeah” Jiae smiled. “Wake up, sleepyhead”

But I still want to sleep...” he said again in his sleepy voice. Jiae frowned, about to lose. He can hang up in any minute, but she thought again, he might not. He knew that she missed him so much. Even if its just twenty four hours.

So this is what it feels like when you’re dating” Kyuhyun concluded.

“What?” Jiae’s not understanding his words.

Morning calls? You’re calling just to say you miss me, right?” he chuckled.

“I’m serious about that” Jiae answered.

I miss you too” Kyuhyun said. “Jiae-ya?


I think I’m gonna start calling you sunshine


Because you just gave me a morning call

“Do you like it?”

Of course, sunshine...” Kyuhyun with his husky voice, making her shiver. She smiled, laughing to her new nickname.

“Never thought you’re romantic when it comes to dating” Jiae chuckled.

I’ve been studying it...” Kyuhyun answered. “I watched romantic movies and read romantic novels... But then I decided to make my own later

“Can’t wait” Jiae smiled as she looked to the time. “I think I’m gonna miss breakfast if I stayed longer”

You’re hanging up?” Kyuhyun sounded cute, but not wanting her to go. “You haven’t even got me a nickname...

“Hmmm...” Jiae started to think. “Kyu? I have no other idea than Kyu”

You sounded cute when you said it” Kyuhyun again.

“You’re teasing me again...” Jiae laughed.

I like to, sunshine” Kyuhyun said in his husky voice. “Sunshine, can we meet? I’m planning to go on a date for today

“Lets go, then” Jiae said. “Just wait in front of my house”

Sure. I’ll get ready” Kyuhyun answered. “Bye, sunshine

He hung up, leaving a blushing Jiae who can’t stop smiling. For the first time, Kyuhyun sounded so husky to her. She never felt this close, yet this comfortable with him.

“Sunshine” she mumbled her own nickname and laughed to herself.

“Where are you going?”

Jiae stepped back in shock as she saw her mom was standing in front of her room. Yet the gesture, putting her hands on her hips, something that has been an alarm for Jiae on certain situations. The famous gesture of her mother she knows about, means there’s something wrong and she’s been suspected.

“I’m... going out” Jiae said the simplest answer. However, her mother preferred detailed answer, but she wouldn’t like her daughter’s answer, according to Jiae’s assumptions. “Kyuhyun asked me to...”

“Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun” her mother cut her off. There was some silence, which Jiae scared of what’s coming next.

“Are you two dating?” Mrs. Han asked. “Because if you two are, then...”

“Then what?” Jiae’s impatient to hear what’s next.

“You haven’t answer my question, dear” her Mom answered, seemed annoyed. “Are you two dating?”

Jiae took a deep sigh.

This is it.

But before she answered her Mom...

“I heard your voice, calling him this morning” Mrs Han smiled. “You never sounded happier than before”

Jiae’s eyebrows furrowed, not understanding her words. But her mom seemed to have a positive reaction. She hoped so.

“Tell him thank you” Mrs Han said. “I was about to set you two for a date this summer, but –”

“Mom!” Jiae automatically shouted, feeling embarassed. “Mom, stop. I thanked you so much you appreciated us, but...”

“Your welcome” Mrs Han chuckled. Jiae pursed her lips, but then she smiled, grateful that her mother was happy of her relationship. But she never thought that Kyuhyun was the one that her mother wants her with. Out of all boys out there. This is more than just being  good neighbor. “I wish nothing but for you two a long-lasting relationship”

“Now, dress up. I’ll teach you how to make a delicious lunch for your boyfriend”

Jiae’s smile grew wider as she stepped back to her room before she went to the kitchen.

Kyuhyun pressed the doorbell for the umpteenth time.

No sign of Han Jiae or her mother.

He leaned to the wall as he looked outside. Sometimes he’s fanning himself with his hand, since the day was really hot and getting to the summer. He looked to his book, which is mainly about health. He remembered the assignment earlier on school yesterday, where the students were assigned to make a review about the book. But he prefer something more modern, something fictional. He hoped Han Jiae can help him.

He got a call, in all of sudden.

Eyy Kyuhyun-ah!

It was the same person who called him when he was at the ranch.

I just want to remind you that you have two weeks” he said. “Hyungnim will see you and burn your house if you don’t do it

“Shut up. I know what to do” Kyuhyun said. “I’ll sell things one by one. Isn’t the one I gave you last month was enough?”

Eyyy hyungnim is in danger” he answered. “Aren’t you afraid?

“No” Kyuhyun straightened his face. “Not at all”

Aigooo, uri Kyuhyunnie is so fearless, isn’t he?” he teased. “We’re not afraid to do anything, since you have nothing left... Wait, maybe your girlfriend? She’s a good one for your debt to pay, huh?

“Don’t you lay a finger on her!” Kyuhyun raised in anger.

Why? She’s ugly, but she’s good enough to pay your debt!” he said. “We can make much money buy selling her as a hostess! Why are you dating her?You could just give us and find a better one!

“She’s mine, so what?” Kyuhyun asked. “Look. I’ll tell you when the time come. Which is two weeks later. So don’t come any closer to the neighborhood. I have my own weapons”

He quickly turned off the phone, and sighed deeply.

“Han Jiae...” he gasped as the door opened, revealing Jiae who’s ready for the date. She checked on the plants first, avoiding Kyuhyun, because Jiae’s too shy. Luckily, he knows that.

“Kyu!” she squealed happily. “There you are!”

Kyuhyun ran his hand to his hair, smiling. “You looked... pretty” he said.

“Thanks” Jiae smiled. “By the way, where are we going?”

“You’ll see” he smiled as he took Jiae’s hand. Something Jiae never expect before. He never seemed this happy. On the other hand, she’s happy. She was the reason.

They hopped onto the bus. But still, Jiae doesn’t know where are they going.

Where are we going, actually?

Jiae looked outside. She still not know much about him. Although she knows Kyuhyun for years, Kyuhyun barely shows his attitude. She only knows him outside. Not his past, or his story, not anything. A weird thing for her, especially if she’s his neighbor.

“Kyu...” she called Kyuhyun, who’s almost asleep in his reading.

“Yes, sunshine?”

“I wanted to ask you” Jiae said. “I want to know your favorite food...”

“Mwo?” Kyuhyun laughed to hear that. “Well, I was about to ask you to a jajangmyun shop, but you seemed to bring your own lunch”

“My mom insisted” Jiae smiled. “She taught me to cook for your lunch. Maybe, we should go picnic or something?”

“Sure” Kyuhyun smiled. “I’ll take you somewhere. But its a surprise”

“Really, Kyu?” she asked. “You’re hiding something as always”

“So what?” Kyuhyun smirked. “I do have my own ways for this”

“You mean... you never dated anyone before?” Jiae asked. “Then, you know barely about dating, right?”

“Yeah. I know about love, but I dont know about dating” he answered. “This is the first time, and I’m trying out some things we can do on dating”

“I’m glad to hear that” Jiae his hair. Kyuhyun was upset, but in a split second, it felt comfortable on him. They looked to each other. They leaned closer to each other, eyes on each other.

“You have something on your eye” he said. Jiae widened her eyes as she bit her lip.

“Jinjjayo?” Jiae asked. “I guess I have to clean it...”

“Don’t” Kyuhyun raised his hand to stop hers. “Just... close your eyes”

Jiae closed her eyes, and slowly Kyuhyun leaned in, his lips touching hers. They kissed. Kyuhyun smiled, thankful they were sitting on the back, and the bus was barely filled with a few passengers. He used his book to cover them. She tasted sweet on him.

They slowly opened their eyes and released themselves. Jiae’s face looked weird, yet both of them are blushing hard.

“Jiae?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

“Um, I...”

“Was it too fast?” he asked again. Jiae chuckled.

“No, its not” Jiae said. “I always wanted to do this. And I’m happy that you’re my first”

“Me too” Kyuhyun smiled back.

They exited a train, but this time, Jiae’s eyes are blindfolded.

“Seriously Kyu, where are we going?” Jiae asked.

“Just follow me” Kyuhyun said. He called a cab and they went along to somewhere.

“Ya, don’t open your blindfold” Kyuhyun warned when he saw her hands running to her head.

Jiae sighed and let Kyuhyun guided her. And they stopped, but she’s not allowed to open her blindfold yet.

“We’re here” Kyuhyun said. Jiae felt water rushed to her feet. She’s no longer standing on the ground. The ground felt rough, but it went smooth as the water pulled away from her feet, ran away, leaving the remain ground that held her feet.

She opened her blindfold. The first thing she saw was a sea. She looked around, the place is not too crowded, not even quiet enough. Kyuhyun was smiling to her, as he took a strand of hair from her face.

“So” he said. “I’m hungry. What did you told me about your homemade lunch?”

Jiae smiled. “You’re too early to be hungry” she chuckled. “We have to build the tent first”

“Alright, Sunshine” he smiled. They started to build the tent and in a few minutes, they already sat together as they watched the beautiful beach. Jiae attempted to feed him, since she knows Kyuhyun wants to. But when she opened the lunchbox, it was empty.

“Last time I checked on my lunchbox it was still full with food” Jiae mumbled. “Heokshi... neo... you ate it already?”

Kyuhyun smirked. “I was hungry and you were asleep in the train and in the taxi” he said. “So I ate them all. Mianhae”

“Aish, neo... you’re not forgiven” Jiae joked as she tickled him. Kyuhyun was laughing of her tickling hands, sending him shivers to laugh.

“Mianhae... Please stop” he said as he pouted his lips. Jiae pinched both of his ears then pinched both of his cheeks. She pouted. “I was hungry, and then you made me lost appetite...” Jiae said.

“You need to eat, baby” Kyuhyun pinched her cheek. “Lets find a restaurant. Arraso?”

“I said I lost my appetite” Jiae answered. “Seriously, Kyu. Not even a single grain of rice? You have to be punished”

“Punished?”  Kyuhyun asked. “I’m punished? On the first date?”

“You have to” she smiled. “Its a consequence”

“Ahh...” he smirked as he laid down. “Unlike you, I wanted to sleep...”

“Well I want to...” she followed me. “But I didn’t punish you to sleep”

Kyuhyun got up, giving up. He regretted, he should’ve eat half of the lunchbox. He pouted before he said his words. “What do you want me to do, then?” he asked.

“Can you sing for me?” he asked. Kyuhyun looked to her in a second, then he nodded. He stood up and sing. He stared at her with his cute face before he sings.

kom sema-ri-ga han chi-be-yi-so...

Jiae bursted out to laughter as she saw Kyuhyun sang and danced to the famous Three Bears Song. “Aigo, Cho Kyuhyun!” she laughed really hard, but Kyuhyun kept singing and dancing to the song.

Appa-gom, omma-gom, aegi-gom” he continued. “appa gommun tung-tung-hae, omma gommun nal-shin-hae ae-gi gommun neomu kiyowo, usseuk, usseuk, cha-rhan-da

Jiae, once again, bursted out in laughter. Never crossed in her mind of this side of him. Of all people, he would act hilarious in front of his girlfriend only. Jiae couldn’t stop her laughter as he watched Kyuhyun singing Three Bears Song. She was thinking that he’ll sing a ballad for her, but he sang this nursery song instead.

“Why are you singing that song?” she asked after twenty minutes of laughing. “I thought you’re singing a ballad song”

Kyuhyun laughed, thinking how stupid he was. “I know... I thought of that song right away. Pretty stupid, right?” he smiled.

“It was funny” Jiae said. “But I won’t tell anyone. I never heard someone’s boyfriend singing this song for his girlfriend”

“I’m sure there’s no such stories like that” Kyuhyun grinned. He felt stupid but seeing his girlfriend’s reaction was not bad, he smiled and admitted that it wasn’t bad at all. He just did things spontaneously. He was embarassed too, he kept fanning himself with the fan.

“Its so hot in here” he quickly change the topic. “Should we go buy some ice-cream?”

“One large scoop of mint ice-cream, please”

They reached the ice cream parlor, and Kyuhyun took the initiative to order a large ice cream for two.

“With waffle or no waffle?”

“With waffle” he said.

“And the topping?”

“What do you like?” he whispered to Jiae. She looked to the menu.

“Chocolate caviars and biscuits” Jiae answered. “Do you want to add your favorite toppings too?”

“Yeah” Kyuhyun nodded before he told the waiter. “Chocolate caviars, biscuits and waffles with chocolate sauce and chocolate stick”

Kyuhyun gave some money to the cashier. Jiae, however, looked unsatisfied, wanted one cone of ice-cream for herself. But she followed Kyuhyun to their table. Kyuhyun, despite his quietness, he can read Jiae’s expression.

“You seemed weird” he said. “You don’t like sharing ice-cream?”

Jiae looked down. “Ani” she answered. “Its just weird... and I never tried this before...”

“Me too” Kyuhyun said. “I told you, I’m not good at dating. I just made it up and try it out with you”

The waiter came with the ice cream. They started to dig some ice cream and shoved it into their mouths. The ice cream wasn’t just ice cream inside. The ice cream was in a large size, with waffles below it. The waffle was so hard and crunchy.

“Chocolate stick?” Jiae offered. Kyuhyun took the chocolate stick than just broke into two. “Sure, lady” he smirked as he dipped the chocolate stick into the ice cream and ate it.

“I never tried mint, actually” Jiae said honestly as she shoved some ice cream into . Kyuhyun smiled. “Me too... I never ate ice-cream this much. With so much toppings and such...” he said.

“I know” Jiae understood. “Pabo. Why are you buying a large size anyway? By the way, don’t worry. I’ll help you”

Kyuhyun saw Jiae with some ice-cream stain on her lips. “Um, Jiae...” he called. “You have...”

“Eoh? Where?” Jiae who knew about it, quickly wiped her lip. But she wiped it on the wrong part. Kyuhyun leaned closer and kissed her in all of sudden.

The kiss was pretty long. He moved the ice cream bowl to the side as he continued to kiss her. She was surprised at first, but then she kissed him back, since his lips tasted so sweet on her. It tasted like ice-cream. She tried hard not to make any sound when he suddenly her lip, the ice-cream stain on her lips. She automatically smiled and he deepened the kiss.

Jiae quickly pulled away after she felt something cold on her nose. She touched her own nose and looked to it. Ice-cream. The kiss was a perfect distraction to made him touched her nose with ice-cream.

“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!” she dipped her finger into the ice-cream and laid her finger on his nose. Kyuhyun laughed and did his revenge. They started to play with ice-cream for the next five minutes.

“Are you a man or a fox?” she asked. “Really? Pulling a prank while kissing?”

“You sounded like you like it” he smirked. “You looked pretty with ice cream all over your face”

“You too. You looked handsome” she smiled. She looked outside, there’s a couple on a bicycle. “I want to go on a bicycle” she said.

Kyuhyun turned to see the couple on the bicycle. “Well then, lets finish the ice-cream and we can go cycling after that”

After they finished the ice-cream, they bought some watermelon ice-pops and rented two bikes. They cycled along the beach, chasing each other on their bikes.

“Kyu, have you tried this?” Jiae who’s in the front. She stopped her bike at edge. Kyuhyun decreased his speed. “What?”

She gripped on the handle and took off her feet away, letting the bike sped up on the inclined road. She cheered in glee as the wind blew her hair. Kyuhyun followed behind her and did the same thing.

“Woo-hoooo!!!” Jiae cheered happily. “Kyu-aaaahhh!!!”

“I never tried this!” Kyuhyun shouted. “But it was fun!!”

“I know, right??”

They cycled until they got tired and stopped at a bench. They sat together, felt tired of cycling.

“It seemed so beautiful” Jiae smiled. “How do you know this beach anyway?”

“I used to go here with my parents”  Kyuhyun answered. Jiae nodded, thinking she shouldn’t feel bothered about his past. Besides, she really likes him now. Probably more than that.

“I want to ask you something” Jiae said. “What do you see from me? What do you see from me, that made you like me?”

Kyuhyun was a bit surprised. She asked the same thing, but still, too much words to say when it comes to his feelings. “Well you’re not a queenka or anything” he said. “You’re not even pretty”

“I know” Jiae looked down. “I’m not pretty, I’m not y, I’m not the girl that every guy likes”

“Don’t say that” Kyuhyun pouted. “You’re beautiful. You’re different. You stood out of the other girls. You know how to befriend me and you know how to keep it in distance. You’re not bothered by my cold personality, and you’re not giving up on it”

“You’re also not acting like a liar” he continued. “You said out your feelings. It didn’t hurt my pride at all. I like your innocence and your honesty after all”

“You made me forget who I am” Kyuhyun smiled, caressing her face. “I forgot my name, my past, my guards when I met people. I dont look for a girl who’s flattering me too much, or a girl who has great physical features. I’m just looking for a girl like you”

Jiae smiled, blushing upon his sweet compliments. He was honest about her.

“Then what about you?” Kyuhyun asked. “What do you see in me?”

“A strong, cold guy with a warmth inside” Jiae said. “You’re a caring one inside. You seemed to be afraid of what you left behind. I’m afraid that you saw me as someone who pitied you. I lost my father before I saw the world, so I know how it feels. I want someone who feels the same too. But slowly, I have no reason to like you. It just came like that”

“Thanks” Kyuhyun smiled upon her sweet words.

“Kyu” she called again. “Can you promise me? Can you promise... to never leave me?”

“What if I can’t do it later?” he asked.

“I...” Jiae lost her words. “I’m afraid if someday we have to leave ourselves”

“Don’t fear on that” Kyuhyun put an arm on her shoulder. “If we have to, then I’ll find my way back to you”

“Thanks” Jiae smiled. Kyuhyun hugged her.

“I promise” Kyuhyun said. “I don’t know how long I can keep my promise but...”

“Promise or no promise, I’ll always love you” he said as he kissed her lips.


So, what do you think?

The Three Bears Song, here's the link! Please watch!

Their first date... I'm not sure what to say. It just came out from my fingers like that.

And by the way, thanks for those who subscribed and commented!

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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????