
The 20th



“Kyuhyun? What are you doing in here?”


“Can’t you see this?” Kyuhyun asked, grabbing the shades from her hand. “This is mine”


“Yeah, but you dropped your sunglasses on the crime scene” Geunhae grabbed back. “Which means I have to borrow it for a while”


“Did I give you permission?” Kyuhyun’s eyebrows furrowed.


“Do I need a permission?” Geunhae asked back. “The warrant... Should I bring it back? Tch, you’re too sensitive over your belongings. We’ll bring this shades back without any scratch”


“Sir, we have to catch the flight” Jongin informed Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun nodded and just left her like that.


Although he was actually watching from the window.


“You seemed to have some sympathy to her”


Kyuhyun turned. He looked to the sniper. He was none other than Poseidon, the right hand of Black Ops.


“You seemed so brave to shoot her head” Kyuhyun said. “Its too fast to kill her now”


“What? You’re worried, Kyuhyun-ssi?” Poseidon asked back.


“No. I’m not” Kyuhyun said calmly. “It was a nice threat anyway, Poseidon-ssi. Poseidon, or should I call you Kim Minjun?”


“Anyway you like it” he said. “Besides, she wouldn’t find us”


“We should get to our next target” Kyuhyun said. “The daughter of a WPP scientist, she’s a good asset for you guys”


“Can’t wait” Kim Minjun smirked as they headed to the airport.



“The cause of death is very obvious. He was shot”


Geunhae watched as Kangin explains the autopsy report.  “Who do you think for the suspect?” Kangin asked.


“Someone who’s been longing to kill him” Geunhae concluded. “Someone who is one of Minister Choi’s victim”


“I looked to his life record” Kangin replied. “And he’s revealed to have three wives. But he has more than three”


“It would be hard for the legacy” she said. “The suspect might be in the Black Ops”


“I thought they had no connection at all” Kangin’s face straightened.


“He was killed during the blackout, how is it going to be someone else?” she asked. “The only trace they left is the gunshot”


“Black Ops’s method is leaving no traces” he examined. “But not for this body”


Suddenly, the DNA Test is out, appeared on the screen. Kangin approached the monitor and the results is not what he expected.


“This is not Minister Choi” Kangin said. “They exchanged the body. Why did I realized it lately?”


Geunhae examined the body’s face. He’s not Minister Choi indeed. Although he may look alike, but the biggest possibility is....


“Someone is hiding the real Minister Choi from us” Geunhae concluded. “Kangin-ssi, we need to find out if this man was killed with the same weapon”


Geunhae would never believe that the case will go this way. Kyuhyun should be here to help her.


But where were you when I need you?




Kyuhyun was lucky to get to Canada by a private jet. No one would've know the real him, who's behind the screen, controlling everything.

He looked to his emails. An email sent by Park Geunhae suddenly appeared on the screen.

To Mr Cho Kyuhyun,

As my duty of a prosecutor, I have to contact you, since we're cooperating together. I've read your education records and you've been taking on forensics and computer on your college years. Then you also followed economics and business. So I hope you can help on this investigation.

This investigation had come to a twist. Minister Choi is not on our autopsy table. The suspect exchanged the body with someone who looked like him. We also need your permission to use your computer, since you have the most complete database in the world.

We hope for your cooperation.


Park Geunhae

Kyuhyun smirked. He felt happy that he's on both sides. And for Geunhae, there's nothing to worry about. Although he did a lot of things: leaving his fiancee is one of them.

His mind flew back to the time when he saved her from Poseidon.

"I promise, we'll get married soon" Kyuhyun kissed Seohyun's lips before he left. "See you at the altar" he smirked.

Kyuhyun took his motorbike as he sped up to the demonstration. He saw Park Geunhae was egged by the workers of Minister Choi's company.

He saw Poseidon who's preparing his gun. Kyuhyun quickly prepared his earphone and wore a glasses, made a quick scanning on himself. He looked like a bodyguard, so no one suspected him.

He can see Poseidon who's aiming Park Geunhae.

Stupid! Why did you just stay there, Geunhae?

Kyuhyun ran and jumped to save her. The bullet went to the banner behind Geunhae. Good thing that she can't see him.

He followed Geunhae to Poseidon's car. He, again, had to take his motorbike to follow the car. The car led him to the bookstore. Poseidon was running towards the bookstore, but he hid himself a block away from Geunhae. But Kyuhyun managed to reach her. Although Geunhae was a good fighter, doesn't mean he's not. He predicted her moves and told her to shut up. He dressed like a bodyguard, so she can't see him.

Kyuhyun volunteered, so he can hide Poseidon from her. He dragged him to the bookstore and aimed the gun to him, ready to shoot him.

"She must be your girlfriend, huh?" Poseidon cynically smiled. "You're going to shoot me for this?"

"Hey, I know she's your precious target" Kyuhyun smirked. "But it would be too reckless, right? Don't be so careless, Poseidon"

"Lets consider it as a threat, shall we?" Poseidon slowly stood up. "Besides, it would be reckless if we stay here longer, right?"

Poseidon was right. He quickly went into the car, not the car he used before, of course. Jongin was inside, before he went into the bookstore. But then, he realized that his shades had gone.

"Something happened, Sir?" Jongin asked. Kyuhyun nodded. "My shades!" He grunted.

"Dont forget to remove your disguise first, Sir" Jongin said. Kyuhyun stopped and opened his suit. He changed his clothes in no time.

He was right when Geunhae squatted down, looking at the shades.

"Hey, that's mine!"

And you know what happened next.



Jongin watched Kyuhyun in worry. He's been drinking wine and not drunk yet. However, his behavior lately made Jongin wondered. What is really happening to Cho Kyuhyun?


"Why did you do it?" Jongin asked. "Why did you save her?"

Kyuhyun didn't know why. There's just this feeling that against himself, which wanted Geunhae to stay, not disappearing. Deep inside, he needed her presence.

"I don't know why" Kyuhyun sighed. "I'm so weird, huh?"

"Exactly, sir" Jongin agreed. "And if you're smart enough to know why, you know that its because of that prosecutor, right?"

"Mwo? Park Geunhae?" Kyuhyun was shocked.

"Well, from what I saw" Jongin started his opinion. "Ever since you're working with her, you're a bit... Changed. Its not that you started to be happy, but somehow I see you dont like her to be gone, when she is supposed to"

"To the point, alright?" Kyuhyun's eyebrows are twitched, not getting a point from this explanation.

"You're not yourself when you're with her" Jongin stated. "When she's around, you always acted playful in a cold way, but also you cared for her"

"Me? Caring for her?" Kyuhyun couldn't believe what he just heard.

"You saved her from some rapists" Jongin proved. "You also saved her from Poseidon, and you bought her that ring so Seohyun might not suspecting anything when she found that the ring was gone"

Kyuhyun looked down. He realized that he cared that much about Geunhae.

Dear Sunshine,

After fifteen years, I have found another weakness.

Park Geunhae. Jongin told me that I saved her a few times. I was just keeping her from danger. As much as I wanted this plan to be done well, I don't want her to know what's behind my back. It made me feel guilty.

I wasn't myself right now. What have I done to her? What if I hurt her?

I'm not letting her involving on this. That's why I changed Minister Choi's body with another person. I don't want her to know.

Why is this fear exist? Why am I afraid to hurt her, when I can hurt other people easily?

Isn't she a perfect er? Isn't she a distraction?

It was just like you. I wanted to be as successful as I can during the school years. But you are my distraction, Han Jiae. You really are.

Ever since our first meeting.

Why is it happening to me and Geunhae as well?

I have to wake up. I have to wake up from her. I have to erase her and focusing on my target. She will, however, stand on my way and telling me to stop. But why her? Why not someone else? Why her, when I don't have enough reason to hurt her?

I have to be focus. There's a scientist in Canada, daughter of a WPP, an institute that was closed ten years ago. She is a nice asset, someone that I should get.

Perhaps she may lead me to you.

Sunshine loves Kyu and Kyu loves Sunshine.

Cho Kyuhyun


Kyuhyun looked to the pictures of his targets, as he drank the wine. They are meant to be punished. And they are all had a criminal record.


"Park Geunhae..." Poseidon said. "She seemed not ordinary for you"

"She's not ordinary" Kyuhyun looked to the pictures. "Because she's a distraction"

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Stick to the plan" Kyuhyun said. "Find that scientist, and force her to work for us. We'll start with some bigger threats for the show of him"

"Ah, you're talking about him?" Poseidon asked.

"Yes" Kyuhyun said. "Seo Younghan"

He smiled, imagining how he can cut off his head and burn

His mind flew to what happened after he exchanged Minister Choi's body.

Kyuhyun went to his basement. He found a dead Minister Choi, lying on his autopsy table. He prepared his tools and started to cut his fingers.

"You Hana..." He grunted in anger. "I thought I am going to be happy with the new family that God sent to me..."

He picked up all the fingers and burned them.

"But you are a devil that sent to kill my step mother..." He smirked. He cut off his head and cut him in seven pieces. Kyuhyun smiled when he saw blood coming out of his skin. He also took out all the blood from him.

After his blood was all out, Kyuhyun took out his knife and carved some words on Minister Choi's body, before putting him into a coffin and put his head in the sea.

"I am a dirty . God, give me hell"



Another fact that I should give you is that he's a psychopath...

I'll update soon for more of his crimes!

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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????