
The 20th


A lot of free time this month, so I updated faster than I said.

Anyways... the teasers. 1st photo, Jiae crying. 2nd photo, Yesung. I took his childhood photo. And 3rd, Ryeowook. Giraffe resembles him, so I took the giraffe photo. I know, kind of stupid.

So, Yewook will be the cameo on this chapter.

And as I told you before, there'll be picspam.

Before we continue, I'll warn you something.

There'll be some foul, harsh language. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.

Enjoy the story :)




10 – Consequences


The next few days went very sweet.

Jiae and Kyuhyun lived like a married couple. Every morning, one of them would wake up and make breakfast. They didn’t talk about that night. For them, it was one commitment, one reunion, and none of them should break themselves now. So, they spent every day for a date.

But every actions has consequences.

Kyuhyun, as usual, he visited his mother’s grave. He can’t control his tears as he kneeled in front of his mother’s grave. He cried, he needed his mom to calm him down.

“Omma” he said. “I’ve been worried lately. I’ve made a mistake with a girl... I’m worried for the consequence. Yet I’m too young to do this...”

“I’m sorry” he cried. “I’m really sorry. I’m a bad kid... Why did I do that... I’m sorry, Eomma”

After a few days, he was worried. Something might happen, either to him or to Jiae.

He put another windmill toy, then cleaned the grave before he left.

Han Jiae was putting things inside the auditorium. Donghae asked her for help to prepare for the school recital, since everyone else was busy. Yet the job was kind of hard, putting some decorations. And when she asked for help, the school president was somewhere else, busy.

She looked to the piano in the middle of the stage. She stepped closer, smiling, remembering the times when she played the piano all time. Her father used to play piano to her and teaching her how to play. After he passed away, her mother sold the piano and told Jiae to never play piano again.

“Its been a long time” she murmured, letting her fingers ran on the glossy black skin of the piano. Her mind ran back to the past, recalling the memories. Her father’s voice echoed in her mind, calming her nerves. Jiae took a deep breath before she started to play the piano.

She concentrated. She remembered how her father used to play the song. She felt relaxed when she played piano.

Jiae suddenly stopped. There’s a lump going to . She has a bad feeling about this. She stood up and held her tears as she ran to the toilet, stepped into one of the cubicles. She vomitted to the toilet.

No. Why am I vomitting?, she asked herself.

That day, Jiae went to the drugstore to buy some tonic and the anti-vomitting medicine. She remembered if she ate properly, but she hasn’t skipped meals in these few days. Even if she tried to, there’ll be Kyuhyun who will force her to eat.


“Hey sunshine” Kyuhyun greeted. “Sorry I can’t pick you up”

“Its fine” Jiae smiled. “So... you’re working in here?”

“Yeah” he nodded as she looked around the restaurant. He invited her this weekend so she came, although she felt weird that he didn’t pick her up.

“Eoseo oseyo!”

They both turned around. It was none other that Kim Yesung. “Ah, hyung!” Kyuhyun smiled. “This is my girlfriend, Han Jiae”

“I’m Kim Yesung, the manager” he held out his hand. “Nice to meet you”

Jiae looked to Yesung’s small hand. She was about to took his hand, but suddenly Kyuhyun turned out to shook his hand. “Yeah, hyung, we better continue” he looked to Yesung’s eyes, but Yesung chuckled.

“You don’t need to be so jealous, Kyuhyun” he chuckled. “Does he do that to all guys?”

“Nah, its the first time” Jiae smiled. “Your hands are cute, Yesung-ssi”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes. “Seriously, Jiae. Small hands aren’t cute at all” he threw out his sharp words again. Jiae glared at him, “Yah, he’s your superior. Show him some respect!” she nudged his arm. Kyuhyun replied back her glare and leaned his face close to her. Jiae was scared, thinking that he’s going to kiss her. But he chuckled and smirked, “Yah, I’m your boyfriend. Show him some respect and show me some affection!” he smirked.

Jiae looked away and got herself away from Kyuhyun. “Kyu, this is public place. I’m not supposed to do that” then she turned to Yesung. “I’m really sorry, Yesung-ssi. He’s just jealous” she mocked.

“I’m not!” Kyuhyun protested. Jiae lightly hit her arm, but Yesung stopped them. He watched enough from the couple.

“Its fine, Jiae-ssi” Yesung said. “Its not like I’m stealing you. Besides, Jiae’s right. Kyuhyun-ssi, you better get back to work!”

“Tch. Jinjja...” Kyuhyun muttered. “Alright, alright. I’ll get back to work after I escorted my girlfriend. And please give her some discount”

“Of course” Yesung chuckled. “You two are reaaally sweet couple. Jiae-ssi, make yourself comfortable, because like he said, you’ll get discount, or a better one, maybe half-price!”

“Thank you” Jiae bowed. Kyuhyun brought her to the one of the seats.

“So, what do you want to order?” he asked.

Instead of losing her appetite, Jiae felt hungry. She skipped lunch in school because of vomitting. Weirdly, she felt really hungry.

“Chicken soup?” she asked. “Can you bring two bowls? I’m really hungry”

“Alright, sunshine” he ruffled her head.

The soup came in no time. As soon as she saw the waiter brought the soup, she quickly stood up and took the soup. Jiae ate as if she never eat for years.

“Aigooo Kyuhyun-ah... your girlfriend is really fierce when she’s eating” Ryeowook, the waiter and the chef of the restaurant laughed as he watched Jiae who kept eating like a beast.

“Kyu, can I have some more soup?” Jiae asked. “Also with bulgogi...”

“Okaaay” he answered, then nudging Ryeowook’s arm. “Hyung, she wants another soup and bulgogi”

“Tch. Don’t you feel weird?” Ryeowook asked. “She was supposed to eat a little. What happened to her?”

“I dont know” Kyuhyun sighed. “Come on hyung! She’s waiting”

He can only shook his head, seeing his girlfriend eating so much. Kyuhyun suspected if she skipped meals that she became this hungry. Its unusual. And she ate along his shift.

Jiae felt prickly inside her stomach after eating. She’s also sleepy and kept falling onto Kyuhyun’s shoulders. Kyuhyun smiled, looking to her sunshine sleeping beautifully. But he’s not stupid. He knew that her stomach is aching.

“Kyu... when will we arrived?” she said in her sleepy voice.

“Just wait, we will arrived soon” Kyuhyun put an arm around her neck and placed her head on his shoulders.

But Jiae couldn’t sleep. She kept clutching her stomach. Even after they stepped out of the bus, she still feel sick. Then suddenly prickles in her stomach disappeared, changed by the lump going to . She felt like she want to vomit.

As soon as they reached Jiae’s house, she quickly vomitted to the bathroom.

“Aigo, Jiae-ya...” Kyuhyun covered his nose. “I told you not to eat too much”

Jiae got up and cleaned . “Its weird” she said. “I was really hungry, but everytime I eat, I’ll vomit afterwards...”

Kyuhyun turned her body and place his hand on her forehead. “But you don’t look sick” he said. “Just take some rest, okay?”

Jiae nodded. “Yes. And you too” she said as she played with his fringe. He smirked as he brought Jiae to her room. He pulled the blanket.

“If there’s anything, just call me, okay?” Kyuhyun asked her. Jiae nodded as she tried to close her eyes, but she opened it again.

“Kyu, I can’t sleep...” she sighed. “I felt tired but I can’t sleep”

“Don’t think too much about it, slowly you’ll sleep” he brushed her fringe, so he can see her pretty forehead. Kyuhyun slowly landed his lips on her forehead.

He’s so sweet, she thought.

“Maybe I should sing a song so you can sleep” he murmured. Jiae turned to him. “What did you say, Kyu?” she asked.

“Just sleep, okay?” he smiled, reassuring her. Jiae pouted and turned back. Then slowly she heard a soft voice, singing to her.

It was Kyuhyun. He sang to her a song. She smiled, got what she wanted after waiting. His beautiful voice. She turned back and watched him singing to her.

“Thanks, Kyu” she smiled. She slowly felt sleepy and drifted to sleep.

Jiae gave medicines for her new vomitting habit, but it didn’t work. Every morning, she had to run to the bathroom to vomit. Not to mention that nausea feeling after eating, and it happen everytime she finished a meal. And it gets worse after Kyuhyun left.

She felt her front body was growing. She put back her bra into the cupboard and sighed. Jiae was confused about there was no bra that fits her.

She saw her mom’s room downstairs as she sprinted there. She took her mother’s bra and wear it. “I don’t feel stuffy with Mom’s” she smiled.

“Jiae!!” her Mom shouted from the kitchen. “Ppallii! You’re late for school!”

“Ne, Eomma!” she called back.

She never told anyone about the weird things. Not even Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun thought it was only her false eating habits, like skipping meals or eating something spicy.

As days passed, she felt her body was burning. Like a fever. She tried hard to study and live life normally. But these weird things are blocking her way. Jiae’s not used to this, because the symptoms got worse.

“Jiae, are you okay?”

She turned and found Kyuhyun. Jiae put her arms around herself, feeling cold. It was a rainy day and she walked home with him. Kyuhyun looked worried, thinking the worst consequence that could happen to her, no, to both of them.

“I’m fine!” Jiae smiled, convincing him. Kyuhyun smiled back, but he knew she was lying. His smile fell to a frown. “No, you’re not” Kyuhyun said coldly. He put his arms on her waist and pulled her closer as they walked to her house.

“We’re here” Jiae said. “Thanks, Kyu. The journal, its your turn, right?”

Before Kyuhyun can answer, she opened her bag an gave the journal to him. But she suddenly felt weak, dropping the bag. She felt her breathing was abnormal and her eyes felt like it was stung. Her legs felt weak and she felt her body was really light. She slowly saw everything was black. She heard Kyuhyun’s voice, but she can’t reach him.


Kyuhyun caught the fainted Jiae. He hugged her and tried to carry her. “Oh no” he mumbled as he carried her inside the house. He found her mother who looked worried and continued carrying her upstairs, to her room.

“What happened to her?” her mom asked.

“I don’t know, eommonim” Kyuhyun sighed as he looked to Jiae. “She’s been sick these few days”

Mrs Han looked outside. “I’ve made some cookies for you” she said. “Let me take care of her”

Kyuhyun nodded, knowing that his role’s over now. Her mom will take care of her. But still, he’s afraid of what might happen. Mrs Han’s not letting him go, probably because she wanted to know these weird symptoms that happening to her daughter. So he sat down and ate some snacks to suppress his worry.

Thirty minutes later, her mom went downstairs. She quickly drank the tea, her expression was worried just like him. “Its been so weird...” she said. “Do you know what caused her like this?”

“I don’t know” he answered. “She refused to go to the doctor too”

“Alright, I’ll take care of her from here” Mrs Han sighed. “Please tell the teacher that she can’t attend school tomorrow. And, you can go home now. Thank you for helping her”

Kyuhyun nodded before he left the house.

Jiae woke up and found herself in the bedroom. She tried to remember what happened before she ended up here.

Why did I end up here?

She walked to the corner where her school bag lies. She took a plastic bag and brought them to the bathroom. Her whole body trembled.

Jiae was surprised upon her doings. She looked to five different brands of pregnancy tests. And they all gave the same answer. She gasped, her tears fell to her cheeks.

No. It can’t be. Its not supposed to be like this.

“No...” she tried to remind herself. “No. No. No”

Until she finished and back to her room, she kept crying and crying. She doesn’t want to do anything so she tried to sleep, but she can’t. Her eyes rapidly opened and closed. Jiae can’t stop thinking about what just happened to her. She felt confused, but then fatigue took all of her, drifting her to sleep.

Jiae opened her eyes. She was in a dark alley. No one’s there. It was dark, but dim enough for her to see. Cold air hit her body as she tried to walk. But then, she heard screams.


“You son of a ! You better stay in hell!”

“No! Please! Someone! Help me!”

“Scream as loud as you can. No one’s coming!”

Jiae stepped back as she heard those horrible screams. The first one was sounded like a boy and the other one was sounded like a scary guy. The next thing she heard was the sound that made her startled, coming closer to the place.

“Jiae! Jiae! Jiae, help me!”

She ran to the source of the voice. She ran faster, but she’s not getting closer to the source. She kept running and running, but there’s no progress. As she ran, the voice slowly changed. From a boy who called her name, suddenly the boy’s voice turned more... woman-like.


She opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was her mom.

“Jiae, wake up! For God’s sake wake up!” her mother called her. Jiae’s eyes widened, knowing this familiar tone. The cold, cruel voice her mom showed when she acted naughty. She’s in big trouble.

“Eomma...” Jiae stuttered, afraid of what her mom’s saying. Specifically, about what happened to her.

A hand landed on her cheek, slapping her in all of sudden. Jiae was surprised upon her mom’s action. Her mom was slapping her. Something that she never done to her. Mom, why is she torturing me like this!, she thought, biting her lip in fear.

“Eomma...” she gasped again. Her mom stared at her with anger.

“You...” her mom can’t express her anger with words. “I don’t even know where I should put my face” she said in anger.

Jiae called her again, but she slapped her daughter once more.

“You think you can hide this from me?” her mom pulled her hair, made her falling to the floor. “I’m so disappointed... So disappointed that I should torture you!” she shouted.

Tears start to fell from Jiae’s eyes. She was scared of her mom’s new side. She was feeling guilty indeed. But she can’t hide her fear.

“You know girls who did this?” her mom asked. “They called ”

Jiae looked to her mom. She had referred Jiae in a very bad way.

“Don’t look back at me, ” her mom muttered in anger.

“Mom, please...” Jiae pleaded. But her mom was already angry.

“Get out from this house” her mother said. “Come back when you aborted the baby”

“Mom...” she looked down. “I... can’t”

Another slap landed on her cheek. “Then get out of here” her mother demanded. “Now”

Jiae cried as her mother pulled her arm and pushed her out of the house.

“Mom! Please! Open the gate!” she knocked the gate when her mom closed the gate in front of her nose. But there’s no use.

Jiae slowly slid to the ground. She hugged her knees, crying, regretting her mistakes.


Kyuhyun was sitting inside his room, closing his book after doing a homework. He can’t stop thinking about Jiae. He wondered if she’s fine. But so far, there’s no phone calls. Jiae must be really sick. He sighed, worried of what happened.

And so he wrote the journal.

D – 46

Its been four weeks. And Jiae’s condition got worse.

I’m really afraid. I’ve asked Dr Kim about her symptoms and he said that is the symptoms of pregnancy. My fear got worse.

I’m afraid that she’s pregnant.

I’m really a sinner. I shouldn’t do that when I stayed over.

Jiae has been really sick. And I really hope she’s not pregnant. I don’t want to. I’m afraid. I’m not ready.

Why am I so stupid?

Why I’m not aware of this?

Why I’m being such a bad boyfriend of hers?

I’m just giving her another train of misery. I’m ruining her life. I’m ruining the moment, where she supposed to be a happy girl going to be mature.

Even if she said so, I already knew. Even if this is going to happen, I have to be responsible of my mistakes. Even if someone has to be punsished, it has to be me. Even if anyone find out who’s wrong, it will be me.

I’ve got the hardest consequences for what I’ve done.

But I just don’t know what to do.










Comment replies!

ElfyPuhl  on Jun 11, 2013 22:21:59 says about chapter 9x
It is great, you know. Haha! I was just curious why Kyu smirked in the end instead of smiling. o_O

Its more 'Kyu', I guess. kekeke. No, he's not hiding anything.


zarkyu  on Jun 11, 2013 12:19:51 says about chapter 9

Omo!!!!! Sweet make up!! And the hint that jiae gave to kyu was totally metaphor! Lol nice one!! Love it! Happy that theyr together now!! Thanks to everyone who helped them

You mean 'if you have nightmares, you can always come inside me'? kkk 




I just like to upload pictures of him. Kekeke.

Theme of today: Sleepy Kyu.





And that's all.... hehehe.




Next, another big news from Kyu and Jiae.

What do you think about the next one?




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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????