
The 20th


Sorry for not updating in a while. Slow-update is not my style but...

The school just get started so I'm updating slower than the usual.

Sorry for making you wait!







The four of them had an awkward breakfast. All of them are trapped in their own questions, kept themselves on their meals. Seohyun was clueless, although Geunhae is someone who wouldn't steal other girls's boyfriends, but she still not believing in her. The past is guiding her, cutting off their relationship. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, questionning Seohyun and Geunhae. He didn't miss that glare when she stepped in and saw Geunhae. Something's hidden. Of course, he didn't know that they're cousins in complicated feelings to each other. While Donghae felt like he's running to a wrong house. He's been tired, since he's in Black Ops for tortures he didn't want in a while. Geunhae watched them all with confusion. She blamed God for a second. Why does it has to be like this? And, she can't take off her eyes from Donghae.

"Well, I can't believe that there'd be so much guest" Seohyun spoke. "I guess I'm coming in the wrong time"

"No" Geunhae suddenly replied. "You're not wrong. This is my fault. I'm really sorry"

"Sorry?" Seohyun stared at her. "What do you sorry for?"

I shouldn't distract her. I should give some time for Seohyun and Kyuhyun.

"I just feel that this is my fault" Geunhae said out her honest thought. Then she turned to Donghae, working out on her plan. "Donghae-oppa, why don't we go to the kitchen and bake a cake? I wanted to eat your cakes after a long time we didn't see each other" Geunhae whined.

Donghae was about to answer, but the other guy cut him off first.

"Ya, Park Geunhae!" Kyuhyun exclaimed. "You call Donghae-hyung 'oppa'? And who are you using my kitchen without permission?"

"Its okay, Kyuhyun" Donghae answered. "We should leave you two together. Seohyun looked like she wanted to talk to you"

"Yeah!" Geunhae nodded. "Why don't we just go to the kitchen? Donghae-oppa is really good in baking cakes, and I'm going to help him"

"Well, what is your relationship with him anyway?" Kyuhyun asked.

But Geunhae and Donghae were gone to the kitchen.




"Tch" Kyuhyun breathed as he continued to eat. Somehow, Geunhae's words kept buzzing inside his head. This is not what he wants. Who is she, controlling his life?

"I'll feel better... if you date Seohyun"

What has made her like this? What did she do with Seohyun?

"Kyuhyun-ssi" Seohyun called him. Kyuhyun stopped and looked up to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Kyuhyun said, as if his voice was programmed. "You came back so quick"

"Yeah, Abeoji took over the business" Seohyun said. "He wants me to see you. He even gave me tickets for us to a Korean-Chinese Festival, held by himself"

"He set up a date for us?" Kyuhyun asked back. He saw a chance for him. "Who'll come there?"

"A lot" Seohyun answered. "I'm not really sure who. Abeoji was the one who held the guest list"

This time, he put his feelings aside. Another event, means another chance for one of his targets to come. Of course, he has to kill some people before he approached Seo Younghan.

But Seohyun dragged him back with her curiosity towards Park Geunhae. "Kyuhyun-ssi, you seemed so close with Park Geunhae" Seohyun said. Kyuhyun sighed, knew the sign.

"Why? You don't like it?" Kyuhyun asked.

"You seemed like you never date anyone" she concluded. "You didn't realize the effect when you bring a girl into your house when your future wife is here too"

"Effects? What effects?"

"Well, I don't know if you feel that. If other people came in, they might think that you and Park Geunhae are a couple" 

"What? Its not what you think, Seohyun-ssi"

"It isn't. But other people might think like that"

These demanding girls, Kyuhyun groaned in his heart. The one forced him to love the other girl, then the other girl was jealous and having some bad thoughts, forcing this marriage. He thought he was the one who should control them.

"She's just a prosecutor and I'm just helping her with the case" Kyuhyun said. "Besides, I like you"

Seohyun was startled. 

He likes me? Is that true?

She didn't know that Kyuhyun was just saying just to shut her up. He had to act like he loved her, instead of playing and getting distracted with Geunhae.

"I like you" Kyuhyun said. "I'm happy that your Dad put us up on a date. I was about to ask you for a date yesterday but you were so busy"

"Well, this is already a date" Seohyun answered. "Although there's another girl in here, who seemed to be earlier than me"

"She's just doing her job" Kyuhyun lied. Seohyun stared at his eyes, finding any lies hidden in his eyes.

However, Geunhae heard them from the kitchen.



He's doing it.

Geunhae gasped from the kitchen. Away from the loud sound of mixers and knives hitting the table, she was actually peeking to see what's happening. Of course, she has to tell Donghae about it.

Geunhae stepped back, running away from the scene, but she bumped something when she walked back. She struggled, but she can't move. She looked up and Donghae was hugging her.

"You don't have to do this" Geunhae pushed him away from her. 

Donghae looked to her, feeling hurt at the time. He sighed and stepped away from her.

"Lets just get back to the kitchen" he said. Geunhae nodded and they went back to the kitchen.

"You seemed so close to Kyuhyun" Donghae said. "Pretty close for a client"

"He's hard to be cooperative" Geunhae answered. "Always asking something in return. Unlike you, who's willing to do anything without anything in return"

"Is that a good or a bad one?" Donghae asked.

"Good one, of course" she smiled. "I thought you're done with the baking"

"Yeah" Donghae handed her the cream. "Give some cream here. You should help me on this"

Geunhae nodded and helped him giving some cream on the cake. Donghae then cut the cake and shoved it to . But she took the cake and ate it by herself.

"Thanks, Oppa" she smiled. "Its delicious as usual. I like it"

Donghae smiled back, fakely. "But doesn't it feel different?" he asked.

"It does" Geunhae took another bite. "It tastes different"

Donghae sighed, feeling that things aren't the way they were before.

"I think..." he said. "Its because everything has changed..."

Geunhae looked up, looking back at him who's leaning on the kitchen bar. Donghae's eyes, he was saying something with his eyes. She sighed as they looked to each other. 

"Although I didn’t want it” he continued. “I wished that one day, we will be together”

Her eyes widened upon his words. She can’t believe that he still love her.

"If I ask you to get back together, would you say yes?"

Geunhae forwned. She realized that Donghae still loves her. Certainly she had a sweet love story with Donghae, yet he understood her well. But he was doing the opposite. On once, he can't fulfill Geunhae's wish to break up.


Donghae is also the reason why she keeps avoiding the other guys, especially Kyuhyun. If it wasn't because of the job, she wouldn't do it. But he came back for her. Somehow, Geunhae, who waited for him, hesitated.

Geunhae didn't know what to say.


It was her cellphone. Geunhae got her first call after her day with Kyuhyun yesterday. Yet she felt more relieved to know that the call was from Kim Heechul.

"Eo, Oppa?" she started calling. "Hm? where? Good. You're calling on the right time. Yeah. Of course. I don't want to stay here any longer!"

Donghae watched her. He knew that she'll be delaying this question. She always thinking about her career only, although he understood that. But he can't wait any longer, especially when he still loves her.

He spotted a ring, hanging on Geunhae's finger. His mind was full of questions towards Geunhae. He knew that it was a wedding ring, and Geunhae doesn't like jewellery. Is she engaged to someone? Or worse, marrying someone? 

It can't be.

Donghae shook his head. there's no way Geunhae will be in a marriage now. Its just... well, Geunhae is someone who's not easily fall in love. Besides, she's busy on building her career.

But still, its a wedding ring.

There's a possibility that she'll be getting married. Donghae sighed in worry. Even Geunhae's voice sounded vague to him. What would he do if she's getting married? Should he be happy? Or should he fight, and win her back?


He looked to her eyes. Please tell me this isn't true.

"I have to go oppa" she smiled. "Oh, and can I take some of these cakes too? They're so delicious, and you should also give them some of your cakes" she added, referring to Seohyun and Kyuhyun.

Donghae didn't have a time to talk to her. He shrugged to the kitchen bar, regretting it.



Geunhae sighed as she stepped into Heechul's car.

"Something happened, Geunhae-ah?" 

Geunhae smiled fakely. "Well if its the most successful CEO Korea taking me to a wedding planner, forcing me to wear hundreds of wedding gowns and made me stuck with his bride's wedding ring and doing things that he should do to his future wife instead of me...." she said all in one breath. "Then of course, something happened"

"I don't know what did he do, but we need to get there quick" Heechul said. "And if you ask for my opinion, Cho Kyuhyun perhaps... he likes you"

"You're bluffing" Geunhae frowned. "You told me that there was a demonstration at the Minister Choi's office"

"Yes. The workers are protesting and also the netizens are coming for the demonstration" Heechul reported. "They want their salary, and also to express their hate for Minister Choi. They wanted you to close the case and not giving him any kind of funeral”


“I can’t do that” Geunhae said.




As soon as they reached the Minister’s Building, Geunhae was secured by some police and escorted to the podium. She has to give some words to shut them down, since she’s in charge of this investigation. Of course, Geunhae couldn’t just shut the investigation.


It was really crowded and also in chaos. People were gathering, brought banners and boards written curse words upon Minister Choi. They also wrote about their demands, from asking compensations and also to shut down Minister Choi’s companies, and worse, the demand to close the case. They think that The Minister deserves a right punishment.


“Park Geunhae! You’re just ruining your career by this case!” the provocateur spoke up. “We want him to be punished! He deserves it!”


Geunhae sighed. “I, Park Geunhae, are warning you all. This demonstration won’t give you anything, so please calm down. The workers will be given a compensation, so please everyone, calm down”


“How can we calm down when you all still treat him like a Minister?” the provocateur shouted back. “How can we calm down when the company is not giving us any compensation? Minister Choi is a douche! He should rot in hell!” he added, which made his followers shouted in agreement.


“We can’t just see him from one side only” Geunhae said. “It was all coincidence. Someone is trying to set him up! Someone is trying to expose his mistakes and made him fall! And worse, that person is also killing him!”


“Close the case and reshuffle the whole ministry!” the provocateur shouted, followed by his followers. The guards tried to shut them down for a moment before Geunhae started to speak again.


“We’re not closing the case” Geunhae said. “I, as the head investigator, am not going to close this case. I believed that there is something else in this case”


The crowd boo-ed her in disagreement. The next thing she saw was eggs flying to her. Geunhae closed her eyes and defended herself with her arms. She peeked behind her arms and found one guy who’s in a white ski-suit, with attributes to make him look the same with the others. But she didn’t realize that the guys was quick enough to aim her and attempted to shoot her. He was too fast and doing it in one motion.


The moment she heard the bullet shot, she closed her eyes, thinking that she was going to die. The bullet wasn’t going to her. She opened her eyes and she found herself lying on the stage, with someone was holding her waist and her right shoulder.


“Thanks” Geunhae muttered. She got up and trying to find that bastard who attempted to kill him. He just got out from the crowd.


Geunhae ran to chase that man who tried to shoot her. The shades guard – who saved her – followed her, in case Geunhae might get shot or something. The sniper ran really quick, since’s he is too brave to try killing her in public.


He got into his car. Geunhae grunted as the engine started. She knew that he locked the door so Geunhae shot the window and unlocked the door from the outside. Just as she stepped in, he sped up his car, but Geunhae managed to get in. But he was too good in driving that he turned to the nearest turns and drifted. Yet he’s driving in full speed. Geunhae suspected if there’s a NOS or something.


The sniper went to the wrong way. He stopped his car in the middle of a traffic jam. Geunhae took her chance to shoot him, but he yanked her arm quickly, which made her gun threw away. The sniper ran out from the car. Geunhae had no choice but to chase him without her gun. She chased him and he turned to hide after five blocks. Geunhae was about to reach him but someone caught her, pinned her to the wall. Her arms was locked by him, but Geunhae saw a glimpse of shades on his face.


“What are you doing?!” Geunhae whispered and used her foot to kick him. But he reacted quickly, by kicking her back and pushed her to the wall to shut . Geunhae kicked him again and turned.


It was that shades guy who saved her. He put his finger on her lips, trying to shut her. Geunhae widened her eyes. Stupid, but he’s right. The sniper must be close and trying to run away.


The shades guy signaled her to stay. Geunhae sighed as she shrugged and thinking about the shades guy who saved her. She can’t identify who he is.


Who are you?


Why did you save me?


Geunhae shook her head. She just can’t stay shut like this. She opened her cellphone and opened the GPS, informing the others to come to the location. She looked around and find if there’s any security cameras, but there’s none. The sniper was smart enough to drag her this way.


“Why is it taking so long?” she asked herself. This is fishy. What is that shades guy doing in there? Is he alright?


Geunhae then attempted to get out from her hideout. She looked to the alleys, but there’s no sign of him. She only found the shades.


Could it be...


“Yah, that’s mine!” someone called her. She looked up.


It was another guy, not that shades guy. He’s just wearing a casual outfit, coming out from the bookstore. He’s even holding a book, means he just went into the library. But Geunhae knew well who he is.


“Kyuhyun?” Geunhae asked. “What are you doing in here?”



So... tell me your thoughts!

And see what happened to the shades guy on the next chapter!

Who do you think he is?



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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????