그 봄, 바람이 분다.

The 20th


everything that went in this chapter is too fast I guess, but I cannot delay on what's happening next. Enjoy this chapter called, 

That Spring, The Wind Blows!





3 – That Spring, The Wind Blows


“Two reasons” she said when she asked why. She was looking out to the window of the bus before she faced Kyuhyun. Her hands become sweaty and she felt cold sweats on her face.

“First, because it is a must” Jiae sighed. “Ah, I can’t believe I’m doing this. But, its only for the assignment... since you don’t know which place, so I’m handling this one. Sadly, I have that place... that place I don’t want to go the most”

Kyuhyun’s face straightened as he watched Jiae’s regretting herself. He cleared his throat, giving a signal to Jiae.

“And the second?”

“Right. The second” Jiae scratched her head. “Well...”

“I’m finally got a friend” Jiae told him. “I don’t wanna go to this place alone. I’m grateful that I’m going with you”

“Why are you like that? Where are we going actually?”

Kyuhyun asked her, but something else happened. The bus suddenly stopped, made their faces crashed each other. Worse, their lips. Kyuhyun’s lips landed on Jiae’s. They were paused for a few seconds before they pulled back.

“Kyuhyun, I-I’m so-sorry...” Jiae stuttered before Kyuhyun pushed her shoulders. Meanwhile, Kyuhyun sighed, somehow this girl has apologizing too much. Those regretting eyes... somehow he admired those stare of hers. For a few seconds, he was casted under her spell. Kyuhyun slowly nodded.

“Just forget it” Kyuhyun stood up, trying to get away her image. He’s avoiding those eyes, giving him a self-warning that the accidental kiss was suddenly made it like this. He adjusted his backpack before going out.

“We’re here. Yaayy” Jiae tried to cheer up herself as she stomped her feet on her way to the location. It was a secluded village, which has a beautiful scenery. The houses aren’t close to each other in distance, but still, its a beautiful thing to see. Kyuhyun was. Everywhere his head turns, weeds are everywhere. They’re like in the middle of no where.

“Jiae-ssi, where is the place?” he asked, coldly.

Jiae looked to the small path that looked like stairs. “We have to walk down. It’ll take thirty minutes” she said coldly too. Jiae stomped her feet again, walking down these natural stairs. The stairs become path, and the path gets wider to finally became a road. Along the way, Kyuhyun was busy looking around, admiring the beauty of the village. He’s not even wondering why Jiae suddenly became nervous. Jiae was sweating, trying to overcome her fears. She admitted that the village is beautiful, but it was one of her biggest fears.

“Why are you so scared anyway?”

Kyuhyun has been curious about her fear. But for Jiae, she gets more scared when he asked that. “Why are you asking?” she asked back.

“Well, I can’t ask that kind of question?” Kyuhyun threw back the question. “You seemed so scared. Why?”

“I....” Jiae looked down. “I’m afraid of bulls. I was almost killed by bulls in the village”

“That’s scary” Kyuhyun commented, which Jiae nodded in agreement. “I don’t even know when or where did that bull come to me”

“How did it happen?” he asked again.

“It was three years ago, and its the last time I went there” she answered. “I was playing at the farm, doing the usual chores. I’m really afraid of all of the animals, yet I only do the house chores, thanks to those animals.

“When I went to the market, that bull suddenly came” Jiae continued. “I was attacked, and then I got unconscious for a few days”

“Since that incident, I never dare myself to come to this place” she sighed. “Even when my mom insists”

“Well then, I saw them now” Kyuhyun replied as he looked out to the village. They reached the location. Hearing this, Jiae sighed harder. “Ahh eotteokhe???” she grunted as she walked faster into the house.

The house was pretty secluded, close to the lake and the forest. Almost everything was hand-made, yet it is full of plants and flowers outside, left a grassy stair to the terrace. It was beautiful, but its a place full of fear for Han Jiae. She stepped back as she saw someone appeared on the terrace: none other than her aunt, Kang Sunmi.


“Sunmi!” Jiae replied, almost faking it. Kang Sunmi refused any other name than her name, so she wants everyone to call her just with Sunmi.

And of course, Kang Sunmi is not alone. Beside her, stood her husband, Lee Seonghun. They both stepped forward and hugged Jiae.

“Aigo! You’ve grown to be a pretty girl!” Seonghun ruffled her hair then he took a glance at Kyuhyun, while Sunmi seemed excited. “Jiae-ya! You brought your boyfriend too?” she excitedly asked.

“Anieyo~” Jiae pouted. “Kyuhyun is not my boyfriend. He’s just my friend, and we’re here to spend the weekend”

“Spend the weekend?” Seonghun asked. “Whoa, jinjja? In what order?”

“Well, just to do some assignment” Jiae smiled while she turned to Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun-ah, meet my uncle and aunt, Seonghun and Sunmi” Jiae said, pulled his hand to introduce him.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Uncle, Aunt...” Kyuhyun smiled as he bowed politely.

“You don’t have to be so formal” Sunmi smiled back. “Just call me Sunmi and Seonghun. I hope you’ll get used to everything in here”

“I’ll try” Kyuhyun said.

Once they got in, Sunmi and Seonghun immidiately helped Kyuhyun and Jiae unpacking things. The house they lived was big enough, at least for Kyuhyun and Jiae to get separate guest rooms.

Just in time they arrived, Sunmi just cooked lunch. All these incidents made Jiae ate more and more. But for Sunmi, she thought that Jiae was complimenting her food, when Jiae was actually still thinking about what happened during the half of the day. It was probably an expression of her mood, or maybe her stress killer.

“Eat slowly, will you?” Sunmi shook her head. She moved her gaze to Kyuhyun, who seemed more attractive to her. “He supposed to taste more of my food. What do you think, boy? Is it good?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “Its good, really” he smiled a little before he continue to eat. Sunmi smiled. “Well, I’m glad. There’s a lot to show in the ranch, but maybe the girl next to me wouldn’t guiding you along the way, although she has to” she said.

“My hate for animals is still alive, Sunmi” Jiae commented. “You can do that instead of me anyway. I don’t think Kyuhyun is interested”

“Do you?” Seonghun asked, looked to Kyuhyun for an answer. Kyuhyun cleared his throat, and has one answer. “Its interesting for you guys to live here. We can do a lot of things for the project” he said.

“Although its a benefit for us, still” Jiae cannot face her fears. “I’m still traumatized”

“The bull has sold to another town” Seonghun told her. “There’s nothing to worry about! Instead, you should see the ranch, its been better, because the animals had gone cuter”

“I haven’t seen them” Jiae said.

“You should, Jiae-ya” Seonghun answered. “You’ll feed the chicks after lunch”

Jiae shrugged on her seat, knowing she can’t argue that.




The four of them went to the ranch after the lunch. Seonghun and Sunmi had to take care of the chickens and the horses. They were grateful that Kyuhyun and Jiae are helping them. But still, Jiae can’t face her fears. She’s afraid to animals, which made it weird for Kyuhyun, how can a country girl afraid of those creatures?

Kyuhyun stopped sweeping when he saw Jiae scared to feed the horse. He rolled his eyes before he walked to her. “You’re scared of horses?” he seemed annoyed with her fear. Jiae sighed, deep inside she wanted to throw the grass to him.

“I don’t need your thoughts” Jiae pouted. “That’s not helping”

Kyuhyun grunted and he gripped on Jiae’s hand, then he moved it to feed the horse. Jiae widened her eyes, scared. “Yah!” she struggled but Kyuhyun’s too strong. Jiae stepped on his foot, which made him immidiately loosened his grip. But he saw the horse’s head is moving.

“Oh God, no!”

Jiae shouted in fear as she pulled Kyuhyun, which made the horse bite his hair, and Kyuhyun immidiately stepped forward and take a grip on Jiae. He was glad to be safe, but the position is awkward. His hands were on her arms, while her hands are on his shoulders. Jiae closed her eyes, she felt scared. If she open her eyes, her mind will be lost. Both blushed as they slowly released themselves. However, Kyuhyun was mad.

“Why did you pull me?” he grunted.

“I-I was scared!” Jiae said. “You seemed so mad when I’m scared. I’d rather go then”

“Wait” Kyuhyun pulled her again. “You need to face your fear”

“Why do you care so much about it?” she asked. She didn’t expect this side of Kyuhyun. He was supposed to be cold and ignoring her, but he suddenly help her to feed the horse.

“Come on, he’s not gonna bite you” he glance at Kiyoung, the horse. “He seemed to like you”

Jiae glared at him, but Kyuhyun smiled and gripped her hand again, giving another attempt to feed Kiyoung. Kiyoung ate quickly, which made Jiae stared in horror. She knew she can’t let go, because Kyuhyun is holding her hand. She quickly released her hand after Kiyoung chewed all the food she gave.

But she felt a weird feeling. Suddenly, her hand landed on Kiyoung’s head. Kyuhyun is still holding her hand, making her caressing Kiyoung’s head. “His head is soft, and he likes to be touched like this” Kyuhyun said. Jiae slowly followed him, and she agreed. Kiyoung’s head was soft. She smiled as she kept caressing Kiyoung’s head.

“See?” Kyuhyun realized her smile. “I told you he’s not dangerous”

Jiae nodded. Soon, Kyuhyun released his hand and let Jiae caressed Kiyoung. She then stopped, her cheeks turned pink. She slowly likes this new side of Kyuhyun, a nice guy who helped her. She always looked at him as a mysterious guy to stare from far. But this Kyuhyun, she never see this before. He never did that to anyone else.

And as for Kyuhyun, it was his reaction to Jiae’s fears. It seemed too obvious, so obvious that he needs to get rid from her. He didn’t realize that Jiae, who grew up in a village like this, was afraid of animals.

Seonghun suddenly approaching them, smiling at Kiyoung. “There you are. You better clean him up. Its his afternoon bath” Seonghun said.

 “Ne” Kyuhyun nodded. Jiae stepped back, feeling something bad about this. But Kyuhyun nudged her arm. “You better help to wash him” he said as he passed a sponge to Jiae. He unlocked the gate and Kiyoung came out, approaching to Jiae.

“Kyu... he’s going to...” Jiae stepped back but Kyuhyun took her hand once more.

“I told you, he’s not going to harm you” Kyuhyun moved her to the side. “Just wash him already” he said, passing a bucket of water and a dipper. They started to clean Kiyoung. Kyuhyun’s brushing and soaping him, while Jiae’s rinsing him. But Jiae’s fear made her clumsy, accidentally flushed the water to Kyuhyun.

“Yah!” Kyuhyun immidiately paid her back with soap bubbles.

“That’s cheating” Jiae sprinkled some water to his face. “I was giving you water, how come you gave me some soap?”

“You did flush me first!” Kyuhyun landed his sponge on Jiae’s nose. “Aish, you evil!” Jiae pushed him, grabbing the sponge in a quick motion and spreaded soap bubbles all over his face. Kyuhyun did nothing but to close his eyes. Jiae laughed.

“Omo!” she laughed. “Your eyes, I should really clean it”

Kyuhyun stayed still. He can’t talk or open his eyes, afraid that the soap will harm him. He smiled as he felt Jiae’s hands are washing his face away from the soap. He liked this. He somehow started to enjoy her being closer to him.

“I’m sorry” Jiae smiled apologetically. Kyuhyun smiled, accepting her apology.




Kyuhyun walked out from the bathroom and intended to do the project, but Jiae was nowhere in the house. “Jiae?” he looked around but there’s no sign of her.

“Stupid, why am I finding her?” Kyuhyun asked to himself. He felt stupid for falling to her, but he needs to. After all, he likes Jiae, and nobody cares.

“You’re looking for Jiae?”

He turned, and found Sunmi who’s been watching him. “She’s going outside to the lake. Just walk from the backyard. The lake isn’t far from here” she said.

“Thanks, Sunmi” Kyuhyun said before he sprinted to the weed fields, trying to find Jiae. The sun is setting down, the day’s getting dark. He admired this beauty of the village, but where’s that girl?

“Jiae!” he called her name.

Probably she’s already at the lake.

He suddenly ran faster to find Jiae. He looked to the lake and run towards it. Somehow, he felt this weird feeling. He’s afraid. He’s afraid that Jiae might lost.


No answer. Where could she be?

Suddenly, she found someone who’s dipping her feet into the lake. Its Jiae. Kyuhyun narrowed her eyes, he ran faster, sprinted to her.

Jiae felt someone behind her back. It was Kyuhyun. She could felt his breath blew her, made the hairs behind her neck suddenly straightened up. Her cheeks turned pink, liking this feeling. She watched her reflection on the water, Kyuhyun is right behind her.

“Why aren’t you calling me?” Jiae suddenly said. “You already found me”

Kyuhyun sighed, turned her back to face him. He looked worried. “I thought it wasn’t you” he answered.

“Its me” Jiae looked to his eyes. “How did you find me by the way?”

“Sunmi told me that you’re at the lake” he answered. For the first time, he never felt this weird feeling. He started to fall to her. Its hard for him to try not to, but in this situation, he can’t help himself. And so did Jiae. Its too much like a tale to her. Its too much fictional to be happening to her.

“Why are you acting this way?” Jiae asked him, looking down. She’s afraid to look to his eyes.

“I... I don’t know” Kyuhyun answered.  “I just...”

“Its not the way you are” Jiae cut him off. He gasped, not believing what he had heard.

“You knew too much” he said the same words. “You’re too kind to me. You’re not avoiding me, yet you’re not approaching me. Why are you so weird?”

“I dont know” she answered. “Call me weird, but I did that because I want to be close to you”

Somehow, that answer made him trembled. No one ever said that. This girl is weird.

“You always ignore me” she continued. “I thought, all you think about is yourself. You’re always a loner, ignoring everyone, including me. But for me, its alright. Maybe that’s what people say about unrequited things. I can’t expect you to pay back of what I’ve done to you”

“Seeing you in school is fine for me. Its the least I can get, but at least you’re there. I can’t be selfish, although I want to get closer to you” she said as she looked down. Jiae is confessing to him.

“I know, I’m not acting like your fan or something” Jiae said. “If it wasn’t for that punishment, we wouldn’t be this close. If you dont want it, I can back off”

“The thing is...” Jiae looked up to his eyes. “I like you”

“I know this is stupid” she said. “I’m a girl. I should wait. But in this situation, its useless. I just want to say that. You don’t have to answer me”

Jiae turned back, she’s back-facing Kyuhyun. “I like you. I want to be close to you, at least to be your friend is enough. The reason I’m weird is I’m afraid that you’ll hate me. I know its wrong for me to do, but I can’t help it!”

“You don’t have to answer” Jiae sighed. “I’ll leave if you dont want me to bother you”

She turned her back, but Kyuhyun’s gone.

That spring, the wind blows. Kyuhyun watched her from a distance, watched how the wind blows on her, made her beautiful. He, once again, played with his pride, running away. He can’t answer, somehow. He can’t face her.

And so he’s gone, back to the house.

Without answer.





sorry for the long wait. I was going on this exhausting trip... so I didn't touch my laptop for a few days...

But, the wait is over.

So, what do you think about this chapter??

And what will happen next??







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Sad. No one commented. Is it lame or something? Tell me if something's wrong, readers. Writers also make mistakes :)


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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????