Sorry, The Bride Is Not Here Today

The 20th

sorry, the bride isn't here today.

But the double update is here!!


19 – Sorry, The Bride Isn’t Here Today


Kyuhyun watched Minister Choi, who is now dead. He then talked to Jongin, who's behind him.

"Help me to clean up the mess"

Then, Kyuhyun pulled out several shots from his sniper, so people can run away from the crime scene. He smiled, remembering that the window is open.

Jongin cleaned up the mess. He cleaned the blood and broke the window. Kyuhyun and Jongin put the dead body inside the cupboard.

"Why are you giving some traces?" Jongin asked.

"They knew Black Ops's method" Kyuhyun simply said. "Besides, the suspects... they’re matched with the people around here"

The police arrived fifteen minutes later. Detective Kim Heechul lead the investigation, and he also brought Geunhae.

"What do you think?"

"He was stabbed" Geunhae said. "Then brought him to the cupboard"

She checked on the broken window and climbed down. She reached to the emergency stairs.

"Yah Park Geunhae, what are you doing?"

"The suspect ran through the window" Geunhae said. "But there were no footprints"

"Then the where did the suspect go?" Heechul asked.

"Gone, oppa" Geunhae answered. "Someone's falsifying the murder, looking like he was stabbed, when he's not"


The news spreaded everywhere.

The sudden blackout and Minister Choi is in the topic lately. People are anticipating on who’s next. However, it was a crime. Public humiliation and homicide murder is a crime.

But no one knows that it was Cho Kyuhyun’s fault. Even Geunhae’s hypotesis is not close to him.

Cho Kyuhyun paced back and forth in the wedding planner’s place. He asked Seohyun to come but Seohyun was in Busan for a business trip. But he didn’t care. The glasses he wore disguised him well.

His marriage counselor has came anyway.

“Geunhae-ssi” Kyuhyun stopped and looked to her. He ignored the uncomfortable look on her face.

“You’re ruining my schedule” Geunhae glared at him. “I haven’t agreed to your marriage counselor thing! Why are you calling me for this? You even ask me to wear disguises?”

 “Agreeing or not, you are needed” Kyuhyun calmly said. “Besides, I’m the target. I’ve given a day off, and I’m not gonna waste it”

“You... ARGGHH!!!” Geunhae marched to him, but she tripped on her heels. But Kyuhyun caught her quickly. They found their gazes on each other. He saw her face wasn’t Park Geunhae anymore.

He saw Han Jiae.

“Jiae...” Kyuhyun blurted out.

Geunhae narrowed her eyes. What is this guy talking about?, she thought. Kyuhyun leaned closer, as if he was looking to Jiae. Geunhae closed her eyes, afraid of what happens next. She’s afraid that he’s going to kiss her.


Kyuhyun quickly pushed Geunhae away from him. He saw the wedding planner was inside. She’s calling someone, so she didn’t see what happened.

“What? Just come later, arrasso?” she said. “Ne... I’m free after the lunch hour. Yeah. See you then, annyeong!”

"Oh, Mr Cho... You're already here"

The wedding planner was surprised on what happened. She never thought that the most successful businessman in Korea is never late.

"Annyeong haseyo" Kyuhyun greeted politely. "You must be Kim Taeyeon, right?"

"Ne" Taeyeon nodded. "You brought your wife too, sir?"

Kyuhyun widened his eyes. Park Geunhae? His wife? There's no way it is going to happen.

"No, no" he and Geunhae said in unison. "We're not together"

"Why him anyway?" Geunhae muttered.

"She's just my marriage counselor" Kyuhyun simply said. "The bride was actually going abroad for a business trip. But my marriage counselor has the same size as my bride"

"Well then, its a good thing" Taeyeon smiled. "Actually, Miss Seo sent me the data. Since she's not here, why don't we try on your marriage counselor? They have the same size too"

Same size, its just that she's chubbier than me, Geunhae thought.

"I haven't introduce to you yet" Kyuhyun suddenly said. "This is Kim Taeyeon, and Taeyeon, this is Park Geun-"

"Hye!" Geunhae snapped. "Park Geunhye!"

"Whoa" Taeyeon laughed. "Your name is the same like the President's name"

"People tend to say that when they hear my name" Geunhae smiled. Of course, she didn't want Taeyeon to think that she's Park Geunhae The Prosecutor.

"So, why don't we try some dresses?" Taeyeon offered. "Geunhye-ssi, follow me"

Kyuhyun sat down and sighed. He never felt guilty when he kill his targets, but playing on Geunhae and Seohyun made him feel guilty. But some sacrifice is needed to get his plan done.

Thirty minutes later, Geunhae came out from the fitting room. The dress was a big one, with a long tail behind the dress. The dress reminded him of Lady Diana's wedding dress. But he can't stop staring at her.

She's so pretty, he thought.
 Geunhae looked pretty, very pretty indeed. He didn't know that he's not himself, staring as if he admired her.

"How do I look?"

"Hideous" Kyuhyun lied. "The dress is too big. It'll be hard for her to walk"

"What?" Geunhae was taken aback. "But this dress-"

"Eyy just change okay?" He cut her off.

"I wasn't protesting" Geunhae pouted. "The dress reminds me of Lady Diana. Well then, it seems like you have a different taste"

"Well I don't want her to trip on the way to the altar with that dress" Kyuhyun said. "Go and change, now! Ppalli ka!"

"Arrasso!" Geunhae fired back.

And so she tried the second dress.

"Too simple"

Then the third dress.

"Too much"

Then the fourth dress.

"Too y. I don't want my hormones becoming unbearable on my wedding day"

Fifth dress.

"Too short"

Sixth dress.

"Too old"

Seventh dress.

"Too pale"

Eleventh dress.

"Geez, are you a human or a bird?"

Geunhae was already boiled. "THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT?" She shouted. Geunhae marched and pulled his collar. "Its already eleven dresses and you still say no? What kind of dress do you want? They're all beautiful here! Don't you see Taeyeon-ssi was exhausted?"

"Well duh, we haven't find the perfect one!" Kyuhyun shouted back. "We can't just take one dress and go! What if she doesn't like this dress?"

"Geez, you're torturing me!" She barked. "Cho Kyuhyun, you're so dead if you weren't her future husband"

"Well if it was you, we can take one dress and go" Kyuhyun said. "Too bad you're not the bride"

"Can't you see that Taeyeon-ssi is exhausted?" Geunhae asked. "We could've take Seohyun's choice! Why trying hundreds of different dresses? This is crazy! Do you even have a heart?"

"No" he simply answered.

"Lets just get out of here" Geunhae turned to Taeyeon. "Why don't you bring Seohyun next time?"

"Tch." He looked away. "Take five"

"What do you mean take five?"

"Oh you don't want a break?"

"Oh you want me to tell the world that you're a mean groom?"

"Geunhye-ssi, do you want to sit down and have a break or not?"

"Yes! Give me a break!" Geunhae shouted and marched back to the fitting room. Allergic of his face in all of sudden, she decided to stay in the fitting room. She was about to sleep when she suddenly heard a voice.

"Don't you feel hot and stuffy inside there?" Kyuhyun asked.


Three hours later.

Geunhae tried hundreds of the wedding dress, but still, she hasn't got a yes from Kyuhyun. He knows how to torture her. Geunhae thought all wedding dresses are pretty. Although she's uncomfortable for the reality, that she's not the one who's married.

Seohyun chose the wrong guy, she thought. She must've be angry if she's in Geunhae's position now, reminding that she doesn't like bossy people. Well, her future husband is.

For Kyuhyun, Geunhae looked beautiful in all wedding dresses. He smiled when he saw her coming out with that innocent and clumsy face in a wedding dress. But his mouth kept lying and lying. Its not boring to see her as a one day wedding model. Still, he hadn't got the right dress.

"Hey, how's this one?"


He looked up. He really wanted to say that she's beautiful, but the dress wasn't for her. In his opinion, the dress is beautiful.

"Beautiful" he suddenly said. "I mean, yeah... This one's fine"

"Finally!" Geunhae excluded. "Something that you like!"

"We're taking this dress" Kyuhyun decided.


“Oseo oseyo!”

Kyuhyun barged into the Tiffany&Co., with Geunhae behind the bride. Her mind tried hard to think.

“Um, I....” Geunhae didn’t know what to say.

“If a man propose me with this ring, I’m definitely going to marry him!”

She remembered something. Seohyun has a favorite ring. A ring that she always wanted and saved her money just to buy that ring. Her mind flew to the college years, where she and Seohyun were like sisters.

“I’m home!”

“Eo, Seohyun, neo wasseo” Geunhae greeted as Seohyun stepped into their room. Seohyun had been smiling, holding a Pororo book and shifted to her bed.

“What’s up, Seo?” Geunhae asked. “You seemed so happy. You fell in love with Pororo?”

“Of course not” Seohyun pouted. “Eonni, take a look at this”

She opened her Pororo book and found a brochure. It was a brochure of Tiffany&Co. “I saw a Tiffany&Co store, just opened this morning. They gave brochures and this wedding ring”

Geunhae looked to the brochure. The wedding ring was beautiful. It was a simple, made of silver with little diamonds in the middle. Seohyun smiled, liking her reaction.

“Its beautiful” Geunhae mumbled.

“I know, right?” Seohyun agreed. “If a man propose me with this ring, I’m definitely going to marry him!”

“You’re thinking of marriage?” Geunhae asked back. “Aigo, Seohyun-ah, its too early. We’re still in college”

“I can save some money to buy that ring later” Seohyun said.

“Good luck with the ring, then” Geunhae smiled. “It looks beautiful on you, I bet”

Too bad that everything has changed between them.

Geunhae remembered well the ring, since Seohyun talked about it a lot. Even when they split up, Seohyun is still looking at that ring. She imagined Seohyun wearing that ring. It fits her, actually.

She looked around, finding if that ring is still on the store. Its been five years, she hesitated if the shop still selling that ring.

“Ah, we have some limited edition rings, if you want” the employee said. “We sold back the old models that was famous years ago. I think you’re going to like it”

Famous years ago? Bingo.

“Can you show me those limited edition rings?” Geunhae asked. The employee nodded and took a box and opened it. “Here you go, Miss”

Geunhae gasped. Its the same ring!

“Kyuhyun-ssi, why don’t you go with this one?” Geunhae offered. “Seohyun will like this ring. She’s been wanting this ring for years!”

“Wanting this ring for years?” Kyuhyun asked. “How do you know?”

“I overheard from her” Geunhae lied. “I heard she likes this ring very much. So why don’t we take it?”

“She has a good taste” he commented. “We’re taking it”

“For you and your girlfriend here?” the employee asked.

“You’ve mistaken that” Kyuhyun said in a weird tone. “She... She’s not my girlfriend”

“Ah, I’m sorry, Sir” the employee said. “I should measure your finger first, so we can get the perfect size for you, and the bride...”

While he’s measuring his finger, Geunhae took the ring and looked at it. Seohyun was right. This ring is beautiful. She forgot herself. Geunhae usually lost her interest in anything feminine. But since the ring is meaningful and also a beautiful one, she decided to take a look at it.

At one time, she felt lonely as well. She wanted to get married.

Geunhae took the ring and wear it on her annulary. It was fit to her finger. She smiled, breathing in the sudden excitement.

“You’re not supposed to do that”

Geunhae turned to Kyuhyun and took off the ring. But the ring was just too narrow and she can’t get it out from her annulary. She tried to take it off, but the ring just won’t go out.

“Ah, eotteokhe?!”



sorry for the lame chapter... It was a fluff again after the previous one.

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Author, where are you? Will you abandon this story too? Sigh. I feel sad.
lulu88 #2
Chapter 26: Please update soon , I really want to know what's going to happen to them .
heyyy when are u going to update this? =(
lulu88 #4
Chapter 26: Ahhh! I just can't wait to know about the confusing things about them .
Always great job author_nim .
And pleaaaaase update soon ^_^
Chapter 26: Wow! I like the scenes in this chap!
Chapter 26: I love this chapter!!!!!! Daebakkkkkk!! Worth waiting for!!!
Chapter 25: I knew it!!! Geunhae is Jiae!!!
lulu88 #8
Chapter 25: So geunhae is Jiae , what is Seohyun going to do ?????
please update soon ^_^
oblivionvip #9
Chapter 25: oh em~ holeeeh shiiiz~ plot twist!!!! I seriously love this story, I swear to God :)) please update soon and hwaiting with this fic^^
Chapter 25: Oh goddddd it's sunshine??? Jiae????????