Until I Met You

Sehun's P.O.V



School passed by pretty quickly, and I saw Sang Hee down the hallway about to leave through the school entrance. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Sang Hee-ah! Let's go get some ice cream!" I said to her trying to display as much aegyo as I could to convince her.

"Aish! Sehun, why are you so cute?" she pinched my cheeks, but then frowned. "I'm sorry.. I have work today. I can't go. Mianhae.." she looked to her feet avoiding eye contact with me.

"Hmm.. but if you didn't have work would you go?" 

"Of course I would! But I have to work! I've gotta p--" she looked around the room to see if anyone was there, but to her favor no one was. "I have to pay living expenses to help my older brother and I must ensure my dongsaeng a safe home.." 

"Umm.. you promise that you would go with me if you didn't have work? No matter how you didn't have work?"

"Yes! I promise that if I didn't have work somehow, I would go with you!" she stuck out her pinky towards me and took my hand and we pinky promised like kids.  

"Hmm.. I've got an idea!" I took out my phone and dialed Luhan hyung's number. "Yobosayong? Hyung! Will you do your best friend a favor? Um.. well, can I borrow your waitress for today? Please hyung? It can be my... welcome back present? ...jinjja! Ne.. I'll take good care of her!" He looked at me with a devious smile. "So um.. your schedules all clear. Now let's get some ice cream!" I grabbed her hand and walked out the door.

"Y-yah.. Sehun. Who did you just call?" she asked curiously. She looked lost, but still cute..

"Oh just Luhan hyung. He is sorta the owner's son and the manager so um he's allowed to do those things,"

"Yah! But are you sure it's okay? To just skip a day of work? And when am I supposed to do homework?" she started to complain and I brought my finger to shush her lips. "Next time, it'll be my lips." I winked at her and saw her blush. "You promised didn't you? I'll bring you before 7, okay?" I said smiling at her, and saw that she stayed quiet even after I removed my finger.

"Fine. I guess we can go get some ice cream..OH BUT WAIT. I need to pick Hae Won up and drop her off at home!" she said with her eyes wide as she started heading out the door.

"Yah! Sang Hee!" 

She turned around and looked at me. "Ne..?"

I walked over and grabbed her hand in my hand. "Let's get Hae Won together. We can let her get some ice cream too. If you and your brother are both working for living expenses then she probably barely gets any am I right? Let's go."



Sang Hee's P.O.V


I couldn't stop staring at him or help smiling either, as we walked to Hae Won's school.

"Are you staring at me?" Sehun flashed his adorable grin at me.

"Ah.. aniya.." I said as my face heated up, and he chuckled at me reaction. The rest of the way there was pretty quiet and I held my hand in his.

I walked towards Hae Won's classroom with Sehun. 

"Annyeongsayong. I'm Hae Won's older sister, and I'm here to pick her up." I bowed respectedly and so did Sehun.

"Ah Ne.. Hae Won-ah! Your unnie is here!" the teacher turned and called for Hae Won.

"Unnie!" she ran and hugged me, and turned to Sehun. "Sehun-oppa too! Why are you here?"

"Oh I thought that you would like to go get some ice cream with your unnie and me?"

"Ice cream! Jinjja? I haven't had ice cream in forever!" Hae Won squealed excitedly.

"Ne. Let's go!" he said as he took Hae Won's hand.

"Hae Won-ah. Go say bye to your teacher!" I told her.

"Oh yeah. Ne. Annyeongsayong seonsangnim!" she said and bowed, as did I and Sehun.





Hae Won was amazed at the many flavors of ice cream she could choose from. In the end, she chose strawberry, Sehun got chocolate, and I got vanilla. Hae Won quickly devoured her ice cream and had to go to the restroom leaving Sehun and I alone finishing off our ice cream.

Sehun looked like he was enjoying his ice cream. Ah.. I knew I should've gotten chocolate.. but the vanilla looked good too! Maybe I should ask him for some..

"Sehun-ah..." I said as cutely as I could and Sehun looked up from his ice cream.


"Can I have some of your ice cream?" 

"Nope! It's mine!" he said.

"Waeyo.." Hmm.. Hae Won uses aegyo when she wants something.. maybe I should try? "Pweasee oppa? It looks so yummy.." 

Sehun started laughing. "Why are you so adorable? Fine, I'll give you some, but you have to give me something too.." he started to grin.

"What do you want?" I asked him curiously. What could he possibly want that he won't just give me the ice cream?

"A kiss from you." he grinned even wider than before. 

"What? Never mind. I don't want the ice cream. I'll just eat mine." I looked down at my cup where it was empty. When did I finish it? 

"Fine by me. I'll just eat this yummy and sweet chocolate ice cream all by myself!" he then started to scoop some into his spoon and ate it. "Mmm.. it's so tasty.."

Oh.. it looks so yummy. Sang Hee! Get a hold of yourself. You will not lose your first kiss just because of some ice cream. But it looks so good. And a kiss couldn't be too bad right? No. Control yourself. Ah ha. He never specified where I had to kiss him.. Kekeke..

"Oh fine. I will. Close your eyes and come here.." I saw Sehun immediately close his eyes and scooted closer to me with his lips puckered. Hah. I bent over and kissed his cheek and moved back.

"Yay. Chocolate ice cream!" I grabbed his cup and ate.

I could see Sehun blushing. "Y-Yah! I meant a kiss on the lips not the cheek!"

I stuck my tongue out. "But you said you wanted a kiss, not where you wanted it. Hehehe.." 

Sehun groaned. "Fine, I'll let it go this time. But you better know that.." he moved his face inches away from mine. "I will definitely get my kiss from you on the lips next time."

"Unnie!" Hae Won said as she came out of the bathroom and Sehun adjusted himself to an upright position. "Unnie..? Why are you so red? Did Sehun oppa do something to you to make you blush? Sehun! You have to wait for my oppa's approval first or else he'll get mad!"

"Aish.. Hae Won. How do you even know these things?" I asked her.

"Unnie, kids know a lot of things these days. It's probably because Jongin Oppa told me that if a boy ever makes you blush to tell them that they need his approval first!" she said proudly. Aigoo.. Kai what are you teaching her?

Sehun started to chuckle. "Don't worry Hae Won! I didn't do anything too bad to need approval yet, but I guess I should talk to your oppa first right?"

Hae Won nodded her head. We started to clean up and left the ice cream parlor. On the way back, Sehun held onto my hand and we talked with Hae Won about how she was liking school. 



"Hae Won, go in first. I'll be right in." I said to Hae Won, when we arrived at our apartment.

"Neh. Bye Oppa!" she said as she walked in.

"Bye Hae Won-ah!" Sehun said with a smile.

"Um.. Sehun.. can you not tell people at school about my living situation?"

"Well, of course I won't but can I ask why you just can't tell the truth?" he asked back.

"It's sort of because.." I started.

"Are you afraid of what they'd think?" Sehun asked.

"What? I truly don't care about what people think, but it's what they do. Sehun, they treat people who are of lower class than them terribly. This really nice kid who was on scholarship, left after only a month because of the way they treated him. Even if I tried to step up and stop them, but they didn't. I just don't have the time to deal with drama and being tormented at school Sehun. Do you understand why I don't let anyone know?"

"Now seeing it from your point of view, I do. But I have another question. If you can't tell anyone at school about this, including your closest friend, why can you trust me so easily and tell me? I mean we've only met for like two/three days.."

I smiled at him. "I'm not sure why Oh Sehun, but there's just something about you that makes me trust you so easily. You don't seem to care about useless things like that.. Hope I'm right." I mumbled the last part to myself, but Sehun heard it.

"I'll show you that you are 100% accurate." Sehun flashed a smile at me. "I'll be leaving you to your homework! See you tomorrow! Oh wait! Give me your cell phone." I grabbed it out of my pocket and handed it to him, and he put a number in. "There! Now I have your number and you have mine. Call or text me anytime you want for any situation because I'll gladly answer!" he turned around and walked away.

The rest of the night was just a normal night, homework, dinner, then off to bed. Right before I was about to sleep my phone vibrated and I looked to see who it was.


From: Sehun Oppa (:

To: Sang Hee <3

Goodnight Sang Hee! Sweet dreams! I'll see you tomorrow.



I smiled dumbly at my phone screen, and texted back a 'goodnight'. Oh Sehun, what are you doing to me? I couldn't stop smiling, and drifted into sleep with happy thoughts.



A/N: Hope everyone is liking my story so far. It's my first one so I'm not really sure. Leave comments and tell me what you think? And if you do like it, subscribe? :D <3 I'll try to update more when I'm not really busy! ^-^








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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4