Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


I gazed back at the jerk again, surprised to see his expression transition from pride to utter shock.

"Now was that any way to treat a beautiful, kind young lady like this one? Haven't your parents taught you any manners? I guess you really have changed. What happened to that once gentle and caring side of Oh Sehun? I prefer that one more, over this one. Maybe you acted that way to get her attention? Well, I'm not sure why you acted this way, but I am sure that you should get your act together. After all, you can't be treating my girlfriend like this without even having the chance of getting to meet her. Even after you meet her and you still don't like her, you should at least be respectful.." Luhan lectured him. Did Luhan know him? And his name was Oh Sehun? How did they know each other? AND GIRLFRIEND?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? I turned to look at him with confusion, and she just gave me an assuring smile that seemed to say "Just play along." I nodded my head back at him, as I felt his arm go around my waist, to this I could feel my face flush once again.

"Mwo?! Hyung.. th-this is is your girlfriend?!" Oh Sehun said looking wide eyed at me and glanced over at me which seemed like he was getting a better look at me. 

"Wae..? Does she seem beautiful now that you actually got a chance to really look at  her? Well, that's too bad because she's mine!" Luhan pulled me close and gave me a peck on my cheek. Oh my gosh. Luhan just kissed me. LUHAN JUST KISSED ME. I felt so happy. I never knew Luhan considered me as more than a friend.. or is he just doing this to get this jerk Sehun off my back? WAIT.. Sehun just called him hyung.. Do they know each other?! I looked back and forth to Luhan and Sehun with a confused look on my face, and Sehun seemed to notice.

"Oh.. Well, since you are his girlfriend, I believe I should give a proper introduction." He stood as he started to walk over to us. "Annyeongsayong! My name is Oh Sehun. I'm Luhan's best friend. You can call me Sehun oppa, or just Sehun if you want. Whatever's fine with me," Sehun said respectfully which surprised me. 

"Ah..Ne. Annyeongsayong.. I'm Kim Sang Hee. Nice to meet you.. I guess.." I put on a fake smile. I still felt uncomfortable especially about what happened earlier. Funny how someone's personality towards you can change in just a flash. "Well, I'll be getting back to work now.." I said awkwardly and walked away and started taking other customer's orders.


Luhan's P.O.V


I watched as Sang Hee shyly walked away and continued working. She's too cute. I smiled as she walked away.

"So Luhan Hyung.. is Sang Hee..  really your girlfriend?" Sehun looked at me with curious eyes.

"Nope." I chuckled as Sehun briefly smiled and his expression relaxed, so she did catch his eye. Interesting..

"Then wae? Why'd you say that she was? I thought you were serious when you kissed her cheek!" 

"Well, let's see.. you were teasing her and at first she seemed to ignore it. But then you had to say something else which made her look like she was about to do something that would probably make you mad. And you'd threaten to get her fired since you knew the owner's son personally. Then she'd be all worried and she's got enough to worry about.. You shouldn't mess around with girls like that even if you are joking dongsaeng.."

"But hyung!" Sehun started to whine. "I was just starting to have fun! This was the first time I was actually having fun since I came back from that super long plane ride from the States!" 

"If you want to have fun, don't pick on girls. It's not nice, Oh Sehun." I leaned forward and flicked his forehead. 

"HYUNGG!" Sehun pouted and whined. Oh how I've missed you Oh Sehun. You're just too cute. 




Sang Hee's P.O.V


I was finally home after a long day of work. I went into my room, which I shared with my younger sister and jumped onto my bed and laid there. Then I saw the door open.

"Unnie! You're home! I'm hungry!" Hae Won, my younger sister, shouted.

I stood up and walked over to her and pinched her cheeks. "You're hungry Hae Won? How about unnie goes and makes you some ramen hmm? Then you can tell me about your first day in first grade yeah?" 

Hae Won nodded and followed me to the kitchen. "I made two friends today unnie! We learned some addition and how to spell words!" Hae Won said as I boiled the noodles.

"Really? That's great!" I said and she continued on about her day. When the ramen finished, I took out some kimchi from the fridge and we both started eating.  When we finished, Hae Won ran to our room and I let her play with her toys for a while until 8:30. I got her ready for bed, and tucked her in. WIthin five minutes Hae Won was fast asleep. I then went out into the living room where there was a desk that I shared with my two other siblings, and sat down and started doing homework. I didn't have a lot of trouble doing homework since Jongin oppa, who prefers to be called Kai, always taught me ahead of time over the summer. I really am thankful that I have Jongin. He's the greatest older brother anyone could wish for. As I finished my homework, as if on cue, Jongin walked in. 

"Oppa! You're home. Did you eat yet? Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you some ramen?" I asked him as he looked up and laughed at me. 

"Look at you. You're done with homework, and the first thing you do is ask whether I ate or not instead of heading off and getting ready for bed?" He ruffled my hair. "I've eaten already, don't worry. Go get some sleep. I'm going to finish off my homework before getting some sleep. Goodnight Sis!"

"Goodnight!" I said as I walked towards Hae Won's and my room. Hae Won, who was laying next to me was peacefully asleep. I felt tired, but I couldn't sleep. With everything that happened today.. first of all, lying to someone who is basically my best friend about my life. Sigh. I guess I'll tell Yoon Ji the truth.. eventually. Maybe the next time she asks, I'll explain the reason why.. or at least try to? I feel guilty if I don't tell her, but I'm scared she won't understand if I do. Then Luhan kissed me. Not full on lip or anything, but just the cheek. But still. Luhan kissed me. I touched my cheek, remembering the moment again. But what if he was just doing that to help that Sehun guy get away from me..? But why would he want him to get away from me.. could he possibly.. also have feelings for me? I smiled under my covers. That Sehun guy was weird. One moment, he's a conceited jerk, and the next he's a respectable gentlemen, and then he acts like a little kid. Okay, so I admit, I was looking at Luhan and him while I was working. Sehun was just so cute and comfortable around Luhan. He didn't seem like the jerk I'd met at first. I gradually drifted into sleep, when drowsiness took over me.




A/N: Thanks to those who subscribed. Hope you can recommend this story to your friends if you like it so far. Sorry if I didn't update, but I've been so busy with school work and studying. :p I'm so tired. Well I hope you're liking this story :D Comment and tell me what you think so far! <3 


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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4