Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


I didn't dare stick around long enough for them to come back. The moment another employee entered I immediately changed out of my uniform and left. Why did Luhan have to do these things now that I was with Sehun? If he'd done these things before I met Sehun, maybe it would be okay.. Wait. what am I thinking about? I'm with Sehun, how can I have such bad thoughts? Ugh. I went straight home and made dinner for Hae Won. I didn't feel like eating, so I left what would have been my meal for Jongin in the fridge. I quickly finished homework and laid on my bed and quickly knocked out.


----The Next Day----


I quickly got up and ready and started to leave the apartment. There weren't any classes for Jongin's grade today because they had to prepare for testing and so he took Hae Won to school. When I ame out of my apartment, I was greeted by Tao's smiling face.

"Good morning beautiful! Are you coming with me to class today or is your boyfriend escorting you again?" Tao gave me a smile, but saw my frown. "What's wrong now? Boyfriend trouble? Tell me about it." he put his arm around my shoulder. 

I sighed. "It's complicated Tao.. everything is.." I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hmm.. I haven't seen you this down since forever, and since I just got back.. wanna do what we always did when one of us were down?" he smiled.

"What's that?" I looked at him confused.

"Don't tell me you've already forgotten. Ugh. This girl." he took out his phone and dialed a number. "Yah! Yoon Ji-ah! Sang Hee's having boyfriend problems, and she's feeling down. How 'bout we do what we always did before I left when one of us was down? We'll be there in a couple minutes." Tao turned towards me and grabbed my wrist. "Yah let's go!" 

"But what about class?" 

"You didn't used to be this uptight about ditching. Anyways, you're already super smart since Jongin tutors you! Anyways, with the way you're acting are you really up to see him today?" I shook my head. "Exactly! Then let's go. Yoon Ji's gonna pick us up in her fancy limo at the park.




"Will you two tell me where we're going now?" I asked confusedly.

"See I told you she doesn't remember!" Tao said with a whiny voice.

"Aish.. how can you not Sang Hee? Hm.. remember how whenever you, Tao, or I were feeling down, we'd all go to a little place my parents bought for me to just get away from everyone and relax?" Yoon Ji said with a smile.

That's when I remembered. Yoon Ji's parents had bought her a mansion and customized every room with something different for her. There was a movie theater, an indoor pool, a bowling alley, and a room where all her favorite snacks were. 

"You're going to tell us exactly what's wrong, and we'll help you. First things first, give me both of your cell phones!" Yoon Ji demanded. 

"But what if Jongin calls me?" I whined.

Yoon Ji glared at me. "Jongin thinks you're at school, what he doesn't know won't hurt him and he won't get mad at you for ditching. I've already told seonsangnim some excuses for all three of our absences."

"What if seonsangnim calls Jongin and tells him what homework I'll have to work on?"

"Ugh. Fine. I'll take care of it." She dialed Jongin's number on my phone, and her annoyed tone quickly changed into a sweet and kind one as Jongin answered. "Annyeong Jongin! Ah.. Neh I'm fine and how are you?" she said sweetly which made me roll my eyes and Tao laughed. "Ah. I called to tell you that Sang Hee looked sorta sick and I think she has a fever... Aniya. I'll take care of her. You go study for your exams. Aniya.. no need to thank me! I'm her best friend after all. Neh!" she hung up. "See all taken care of, now give me your phones. If you're feeling stressed out, any messages or calls are just going to stress you out more, and Tao you too. It applies to all of us." I groaned and Tao and I both gave her our cell phones and she put hers also into a bag. When we got the the mansion, she brought the bag and gave it to one of her many butlers and told him to put it somewhere safe and not give it to any of them until she said to and he took them somewhere.

"Now.. where to first?" Yoon Ji grinned.

"The pool!" Tao shouted eagerly. Yoon Ji even had a room filled with clothes, filled with swimming, formal, and casual attire, which also contained clothes for Tao since we hung out here often. We all went to change and headed to the pool.




Sehun's P.O.V


I walked into the classroom and noticed that Sang Hee wasn't here yet. Strange.. she normally came in early to talk with her friend Yoon Ji. I looked around and realized that she wasn't here either. She wouldn't ditch.. right? I dialed her number and left numerous messages. Ugh. Why isn't she picking up? If she was ditching she would at least answer her phone right..? At that moment, seonsangnim came in and announced that Sang Hee was sick, while her friend, Yoon Ji had to attend an important social event that her parents had to go to. Sigh.. it was going to be a long day without Sang Hee here. Maybe I'll visit her after school..




Sang Hee's P.O.V


"Yah! Tao! Stop splashing me with the water and just dry yourself!" Yoon Ji yelled at Tao who just laughed. 

"Aniya! I want to stay in the pool forever!" Tao splashed her yet again. 

"Huang Zitao! Stop it now!" 

Oh how I've missed these days where the three of us would hangout and just mess around. We finished drying up twenty minutes later, and headed to the snack room. 

"This is so yummy!" I said as I bit into some kind of green tea cake.

"Of course it's yummy, it's made by the best chefs in the world!" Yoon Ji replied before taking a bite of another pastry. "Oh.. why was it that we're ditching school again?"

I stopped smiling and just ate my piece of cake quietly.

"The perfect Miss Kim Sang Hee has boyfriend problems!" Tao said with a proud smile.

"Yah! Why are you smiling at something like this?" Yoon Ji flicked Tao's forehead.

"Oww! Aish.. why are you so mean to me?" Tao whined as he rubbed his forehead.

"Now what's the problem unnie?" Yoon Ji finally said looking at me.

I sighed and told them everything that happened yesterday. Tao furrowed his brow, but stayed quiet knowing that I couldn't afford to lose this job, but Yoon Ji was the complete opposite probably because she didn't know about my home situation. I guess it was time to tell her.

"What the hell do you mean you don't know what to do?! Hello?! Obviously, you quit your job. I mean you shouldn't let anyone threaten you like this. Anyways, it wouldn't really matter if you quit your job right because you said it was only for experience. Well, if being forced to cheat on Sehun is job experience then you are working for the wrong job!" Yoon Ji said with obvious anger in her voice, but I couldn't help but feel hurt by her last statement and I felt tears well up into my eyes.

"Yoon Ji, just shut up. You don't know anything about her home situation. She needs job!" Tao started to raise his voice.

"What do you mean by needs?! Does she need to cheat on her first boyfriend? Does she need to be treated this way, by basically her boss?!"

"Just shut up!" Tao was practically yelling at Yoon Ji now, which surprised the both of us because Tao was always so calm and quiet. He turned to look at me. "I think it's about time you've told her about.. you know.."

Yoon Ji looked at both Tao and me with a puzzled look. I sighed, "Yoon Ji.. I'm not exactly what you think I am, and the only reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't want to be pitied by or judged for not being rich. Yoon Ji.." I explained my whole situation and how I got there. I told her about the incident with my parents, and why I really worked, and why I lived in an apartment alone with my siblings. When I finished, I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my face sharing the past memories that I have always dreaded. Tao was already by my side, holding and calming me down and handing me tissues, from which the maids brought in the middle of my past, while Yoon Ji sat with a depressed look on her face.

"I- I'm sorry unnie.. I should've known before saying those things. I was just.. mad because Luhan did those things to you.. Miahnae.." she looked down at the floor. 

"Come here.." I said as I motioned her to come over. I pulled her in for a hug and let the tears that were left in my eyes fall. I'm glad I finally told Yoon Ji about my situation. Now there was nothing to hide between Tao, Yoon Ji, and I. We were perfectly secret free, and I could tell my two best friends anything. 




A/N: Hi guys... I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating for a while. It's just that I've had so much tests, homework, projects, stress, and drama all piled up and I haven't had time to update. For now, I'll update as much as I can. As soon as summer comes, I'll definitely update more. Please don't unsubscribe. <3 Leave comments on what you think about the story so far too (: I've gotta know how my readers feel about it right? Hope you'll subscribe and leave me comments. I'll be overjoyed. :) <3 Thanks guys. <3


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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4