Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


"Sang Hee unnie! Let's go shopping after school!" Yoon Ji said as she skipped towards me. 

"Yoon Ji, you know I have to get to work after school," I replied to her as I saw her pout.

"I know that, but can't you take a break from work just for one day? You work every single day of the week and you're never free! I mean why do you even work? It doesn't seem that much more fun than going shopping.."

Park Yoon Ji was one of my closest friends and I've known her since the first day of high school, yet I was never able to tell her the reason why I worked or about my past. I felt guilty for not telling her, but I just didn't think she would be able to understand. Park Yoon Ji's parents were the owners of some large and successful entertainment company. All her life she got everything she wanted, from shoes to even a one of a kind, designer dress. While, me, Kim Sang Hee, struggled with work, helping out with the bills and trying to get food on the table every night, and on top of that keeping my grades up. I've always wondered about how my life would be if I came from a rich family, with loving and alive parents, and everything I wanted. I probably would have more time to do things like go shopping, have fun, or even having nothing to do at all. 

"Sang Hee! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!" Yoon Ji yelled as I snapped back into reality. That's right, there's no time to think about things like that, as I brushed away my thoughts.

"Uhh.. you're talking about how I overwork? Well, um.. it's because I want the job experience? " I quickly responded.

"Ugh. Of course it's for the job experience. Is there anything you can't do? Your grades are the top of the class, yet you continue strive to be the best you can be and now you're working only because you want the job experience? You know.. normal people prefer to spend their free time doing fun things and not working.." 

I laughed as she rolled her eyes. She can be such a drama queen sometimes, but I love her. The bell rang, and we started to headed off to class. 




"Are you sure you don't want to ditch work and come shopping with me?" Yoon Ji asked hoping I'd change my mind and say yes.

"Yes I'm sure," I smiled as she groaned. 

"Ugh.. alright then. I'll see you tomorrow Sang Hee! Bye!" her limo had arrived and she stepped in and turned back once again waving to me. 

I walked off and headed to work. 




When I got to Cravings, I quickly changed into my uniform and started working. There weren't a lot of people here today, so it was a pretty easy day at work, so far anyways. Then a tall, handsome guy came into the restaurant. I walked over and asked for his order with a smile. He ordered a chocolate bubble tea. I couldn't stop staring at him. He was just too good looking. 

"Excuse me, miss, I know that I'm attractive, but can you please refrain from staring and just bring me my drink?" he said with a voice filled with arrogance. 

Taken aback by his words, I quickly apologized and walked away, making his order. How can someone be that handsome, yet be that cocky? I guess looks do deceive. I returned to his table with his order and started to walk away when he said.. 

"What you're not going to stare at me this time? And what happened to service with a smile? Did you come to realize that there was no way that I could ever be attracted to someone like you, so now you can't even serve my drink to me with a smile?"

I scoffed at his words. I wanted to say something back at him. I really wanted to, but if he were to file a complaint to my boss, I'd probably be fired and seeing how much I needed this job I turned around to walk away and I saw him smirk. Okay, being fired or not, I am not just going to ignore this guy. I turned around and as soon as I was about to unleash my anger, someone put their arm around my shoulder and pulled me in. I glanced up to see who it was, and I blushed realizing who it was.  Luhan looked back at me and smiled. 

Luhan's father had owned the restaurant, and many other kinds of restaurants that were doing well. Luhan had often came by and hung out around here, instead of the other ones since the scenery was so "relaxing" as he would say. Each time he came by the restaurant, we seemed to grow even closer. Luhan was always so sweet and kind towards me that we quickly became friends. I guess at times, I would consider Luhan as someone that I would eventually become more than friends with, but then I would remember my busy life and how I didn't have the time to think about boys and relationships.

Remembering that his arm was still around me, I could feel my face flush. 

 "Oppa.. w-what are you doing?" I whispered to Luhan.

"Just trust me," he whispered back as he winked. He then turned his attention back to the jerk sitting at the table across from us, and his expression switched from kind and caring to a cold one. 


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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4