Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


Huh.. I wonder what time it is.. I reached in my pocket to grab my phone when I realized it was dead. 

"Tao... what time is it?"


"Wow.. already? Oh! I need to check on Hae Won!" I stood up and rushed to the door. 

"Don't worry about Hae Won. I already put her to sleep before you came in."

"Jinjjia? Gomawo!"

I laid on the couch for another hour before there was a knock on the door. Tao answered it and in came a worried and frantic Yoon Ji. 

"Aigoo.. Sang Hee, what happened? You look like a mess!" she started to feel my forehead and pushing my hair back.

"A random stranger gave her alcohol.."

"Mwo?! Yah! Sang Hee! Are you crazy? Drinking alcohol?! And getting it from a stranger?! For all you knew, he could've been some creepy molestor!"

"But he wasn't. And I'm fine so.."

"Aish!" Sang Hee reached out to stop me, but Tao grabbed her wrist. 

"You can slap her when she feels better. So calm down and let her explain why she's like this, while you two eat my kimchi soup." He passed the both of us bowls of soup and we started to eat. 

"Ahhhh.. I haven't had this in forever! So yummy!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Ne.. it's been a while since you've cooked for us.." Yoon Ji pouted. 

"Aish.. do you two miss my cooking so much?"

"Ne!" Yoon Ji and I both chirped.

"Alright. Now tell us what happened Sang Hee.."

Then I remembered. The pain rushed through me and I started to cry again. Tao grabbed a box of tissues and Yoon Ji comforted me. I then slowly started to tell them what happened.

Sehun's P.O.V


I wonder why Sang Hee ditched work.. Was she not feeling okay? Huh..  I dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail.. was her phone off? I kept calling, but it would go to voicemail each time. I called Luhan hyung.

"Hyung.. did Sang Hee say anything about not going to work?"

"Oh.. ah ne! She's not feeling well, so she didn't come today."

"Jinjjia? Alright, talk to you later, bye!"

I headed to the market to buy some medicine and other things. I guess I should buy soup too. Sigh.. I hope she's not feeling too bad..

Yoon Ji's P.O.V


Sang Hee had gotten a headache and fell asleep on Tao's lap since Tao and I stayed quiet. Tao seemed pretty calm while Sang Hee was awake, but now that she was asleep. His other side was revealed..

"I'll kick his .. who does this Oh Sehun think he is? Playing with our Sang Hee's heart?!" Tao scoffed. "Makes me sick.." 

"Yah.. why don't you calm yourself down? You're going to wake Sang Hee up!" 

"Calm myself down?! How can I? This guy is just barging into her life, and thinks he can play with her heart?"

"Do you actually believe this?"


"Have you seen how sweet he is to her? Even during school! He's always taking care and worrying over her!" 

"What if it was all an act? Like Luhan told her! Or he was just using Sang Hee before this Ha Ni girl came back..?"

I rolled my eyes. "Tao. Do you not hear yourself? You're repeating exactly what Sang Hee told you.."

"And so?" 

"Aish.. you're dumber than you look!"


"Don't you 'yah!' me. Just be quiet and listen. Where did Sang Hee get this information from?"

"Weren't you listening? Luhan!"

"And what has Luhan been doing to Sang Hee these past couple weeks?"

"..... kissing her or who knows what else.."

"Exactly! He did this knowing that she was Sehun's girl correct?"

"...He did.."

"Which means.. he could also be lying about this cheating and Ha Ni girl.."

"Yeah but.. she said she actually heard Sehun say himself that he wanted the girl to know that he loves and cares for her whenever she saw the present!"

"But what if she was a close friend to him? Or.. a sibling?" 

"Huh.. but what if Luhan was telling the truth.."

"I highly doubt that. There's only one way to find out.."

"We're going to ask Sehun about his relationship with this Ha Ni girl?"


"And what if Sehun is lies and pretends that she's his sister or whatever?"

"Then we'll go straight to the Ha Ni girl herself!"

"How's that possible? We don't even know her last name!"

"Don't you know I have connections?"

"Right.. your family being owners of a large and popular entertainment company.. you have all sorts of connections.."


There was a knock at the door, Tao went to answer it and a worried Kai came in. 

"Is she alright?" Kai asked with a frightened expression.

"Ne.. she's sleeping now." Tao answered.

"What happened to her?" 

Tao was about to explain, but what we heard from Sang Hee would probably enrage him. 

"Miahnae Kai oppa! We can't tell you that part because we're still trying to find out! Her side of the story seems a little.. suspicious, so Tao and I are going to find out the full story! I'll tell you as soon as I know the whole truth! No worries Oppa! We'll take good care of her!"

"Ah.. be sure to tell me as soon as possible alright? I'm not going to stop worrying until I find out why my baby sister's like this.." 

"Ne! I'll be sure to!" I said with a smile. 

"I guess I'll take her back now.." he picked her up into his arms with ease, but Sang Hee seemed to wake up.

"Jongin? What are you doing here?" Sang Hee asked in a whisper.

"Tao told me about your situation, so I came over after work. I'm going to carry you back to our apartment." Kai answered her.

"But oppa! I want Tao and Yoon Ji to stay and comfort me! Can they stay over at our apartment?"

"But Tao's right across from us.." Kai said.

"Oppa..." she whined. 

"Only if it's fine with them." He looked up at us. "Tao? Yoon Ji?" 

"Heh.. I sorta already told my parents that I'd be staying over.. so I'm good." I answered.

"I guess if that's what Sang Hee wants.. I will."

"Alright then." Kai said as he carried Sang Hee over to his apartment as I brought my stuff over also. Tao brought a sleeping bag and some other stuff even though he lived across the hall.




A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated for a couple days! Please forgive me! <3 


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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4