Until I Met You

Sang Hee's P.O.V


"Sang Hee unnie! Get up! Hurry it's 7:30 already!" I heard a voice say as I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes to see my sister in front of me wide awake and all dressed.

"Hae Won.. what are you doing all dressed this early in the morning?" I said groggily.

"Unnie! It's not early! It's already 7:30!" she shouted. 

"Mwo?! 7:30?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?" I shouted as I ran to grab my clothes and dashed to the bathroom.



Kai's P.O.V


I woke up as I heard yelling from Hae Won's and Sang Hee's room. That's strange. I walked over to see Hae Won sitting on the bed laughing.

"Hae Won? Why are you laughing? And why was there yelling?" I asked curiously.

"Hehe.. I told unnie it was 7:30 and she ran as fast as she could to the bathroom.." Hae Won giggled.

"That's not very nice is it Hae Won?" I said starting to smile. I could see Hae Won start to frown.

"But oppa! It's better if I did now then have her late right?"

I laughed. "I guess it is, but I should probably tell her." I made my way over to the restroom and knocked on the door.

"Oppa? Hae Won? Look I don't have time. I overslept and I'm going to be late for class!" she said yelling.

"Sang Hee.. Hae Won was just joking with you because she was worried that you would really wake up late and end up in a situation like this," I said slightly chuckling. I heard the shower stop running, and the hair dryer turn on. I wonder what's going through her head. Then after ten minutes, she turned off her hair dryer, and slightly opened the door. 

"Oppa.. What day is it today?" she asked.

"Uh.. Tuesday? Wae?" I asked questioningly. Why would she ask for the day? I saw her start to smile as she closed the door again. Girls are weird. I walked towards the kitchen and started making breakfast for the three of us. Hae Won was already sitting on the kitchen table, waiting for me.

"W-was Unnie mad?" she looked scared.

"I don't think she was. She didn't say anything and continued getting ready. Then she asked me what day it was today. Sang Hee is weird." I responded.

"O-oppa.. It's Tuesday today right?" Hae Won said nervously. Was there something I wasn't getting? What's Tuesday? I'm so confused. Then I saw Sang Hee come out of the bathroom, all ready for school. 

"Hae Won-ah.. ready for school?" she smiled sweetly and I laughed at her reaction. "Let's eat breakfast and off we go." Oh! So that's what Tuesday is. Sang Hee and I take turns taking Hae Won to school, and picking her up before work starts. And today was Tuesday, which meant it was Sang Hee's turn. So that's why Hae Won was nervous.

"Oppa! Save me!" Hae Won yelled as she ran and jumped into my arms. "Unnie's gonna get me!" 

"Don't worry Hae Won-ah.. I'll make sure she doesn't!" I turned towards Sang Hee. "Sang Hee! Don't you dare lay a finger on my precious Hae Won or I won't get you your favorite brand of ramen anymore!" I yelled, trying to look serious when I was actually trying to suppress my laughter, and I could see that Sang Hee got what I was doing.

"But Oppa! She tricked me! And please buy me my ramen, that's the only type I'll eat! I'll starve if I don't get it!" Sang Hee said pleadingly when really she was probably going to laugh.

"Only if you don't do anything to Hae Won! Then I'll continue to buy your ramen, call?" 

"Call!" she said and started to laugh. Hae Won looked pretty pleased that Sang Hee wouldn't do anything to her. "Well, we'd better start going if we're going to make it on time. See you later Oppa!" Sang Hee said as she went to grab her bag and Hae Won's backpack.

"Byee oppa!" Hae Won said as she ran out the door, and I smiled as the door shut. Then I started getting ready for class.




Sang Hee's P.O.V


"Yah.. why did you trick me earlier hmm?" I started to say to Hae Won as we walked to her school. Hae Won's school was 20 minutes away from mine, so either Kai or I had to leave early to drop her off everyday.

"Uh.. because if i told you it was time to wake up and if you asked what time it was then you would just go back to sleep again," she quickly responded. Smart kid.

"Well you could've told me after I started head to the bathroom, so I wouldn't rush.. I didn't even have enough time to let my conditioner soak in!" I joked with her. 

"Miahne.." she said looking down at the ground. I ruffled her hair.

"I was kidding. Don't be sad," I smiled at her. How about after I pick you up, we get some ice cream before I head to work?"

At this she looked up at me and smiled brightly. "Okay!" I laughed at her. Oh Hae Won. I smiled at her and realized we were near her school now.

"Kim Sang Hee?" a voice called out to me, and I looked up with surprise at who it was. "Oh so it is you! Huh? What are you doing here? And are you going to introduce me to this adorable young lady?" Sehun said as he bent down and squeezed Hae Won's cheeks. It's strange seeing Sehun so nice, but I sorta like it. When he plays with Hae Won, I get to see his aegyo side, which is too cute.

"Oh. Um.. I have to drop my sister off before school. And uh, Hae Won this is Sehun and Sehun this is Hae Won, my younger sister." As I said this Hae Won slightly bowed and smiled at him.

"Annyeongsayong. Are you Unnie's boyfriend? Can I call you oppa?" she said with a giant smile plastered on her face, seeing that I started to blush.

"Hae Won-ah!" I said as I was about to scold her. 

Sehun chuckled and slightly bowed as well. "Annyeongsayong. I'm Sehun, and yes you can call me 'Oppa'. You're so darned cute." he ruffled her hair. "And no I'm not her boyfriend, but I will be." 

"Really? Well, you have my approval!" she said and smiled at him with her thumbs up. Oh gosh. My sister. If you could only see how red I was.. 

Sehun laughed again. "Really? Yay. Then does that mean I can go ahead and get her to be mine?"

"Yup. Well, you still have to deal with my big brother, but I can get him to say yes. You just have to promise me one thing!"

Sehun raised an eyebrow at her and looked at her curiously. "And may I ask what that one thing is?"

"You have to treat her like a princess, don't make her cry, and always protect her!"

"Deal!" he said almost too quickly. Wait, so Sehun wanted to be my boyfriend, and promised to do all these things to a six year old? But, I just knew him yesterday and his first impression wasn't the best one. I guess, there really is more to people than what really seems. 

"Hae Won-ah, shouldn't you be get to class before you're late okay? I'm going to head to school, so I won't be late. Alright, I guess I'll see you around Sehun." I said as I started running to school.




I got to school in time with five minutes to spare. I ran to my locker and grabbed my books and headed for my classroom. I was greeted by a bunch of "Hi's" as I walked by and of course I said greeted them too. Then I bumped into someone, and almost fell backwards until he caught me. 

"I'm so---" my eyes went wide when I saw him in front of my face. "Oh Sehun? Are you stalking me?" 

Then he pulled me back up to a standing position. "You know, I was expecting a 'thank you for catching me.'  And no I'm not stalking you. I'm a new student here now. Looks like we'll be going to school together from now on."

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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4