Until I Met You

Sang Hee’s P.O.V




As the final bell rang, signaling that school was over, I literally ran to my locker. Finally! It’s friday. I felt happy, yet also anxious. Why happy? Because this whole week I had been avoiding my two beloved best friends. Luhan instructed me to do so, and to not tell them about the plot to ruin Sehun tonight. I went along with what he said because it seemed like Yoon Ji and Tao didn’t exactly trust Luhan. Another reason why I was happy was because tonight when I see Sehun’s face filled with shock and when he tries to beg my forgiveness as Luhan said he would, I’ll be able to make him feel how I felt when I discovered his precious Ha Ni. Then my pain will be gone.. or at least that’s what Luhan says. I was sort of anxious because what if Luhan was wrong and Sehun didn’t do these things? What if he just pretended like he didn’t know me? What if there was a flaw in this plan? Sigh. I guess I’ll have to put my trust into Luhan even if it’s hard. We’d grown a lot closer this past week, and he’d been there to comfort me when I didn’t feel too great. 


*Beep* There was a sound from my phone signaling that I got a text.

To: Sang Hee


From: Luhan


 Hey, I’m in the parking lot in front of your school. 

To: Luhan


From: Sang Hee


Alright! I’ll be out in ten minutes!

To: Sang Hee 


From: Luhan


Ten minutes? Okay, I’ll be waiting for you <3 If it takes over ten minutes I’m going in for you. Just in case anything happened to you. (:


My lips pursed into a smile. When I was with Luhan, I felt sorta happy aside from the pain I’d been feeling. I opened my locker and started grabbing some books, and putting away some. When I finished, I was about to close my locker when someone else closed it for me. I jumped back and gasped when I felt two arms go around my shoulders, and I screamed. 


“Tsk.. Kim Sang Hee! Since you’ve been avoiding us all week and now you’re even scared of Tao!” Yoon Ji shouted.


“It’s not like that! You guys just startled me..” I replied.


“Sanggieee~ Don’t you miss us?” Tao said with tons of aegyo in his voice.


“Ne.. but I’ve just been busy all week. Miahnae..” I said in a quiet voice.


“It’s okay! So why have you been so busy?” Yoon Ji asked in a suspicious way. 


“Ah.. it’s just Jongin has been pretty stressed out lately, and Hae Won won’t dare sleep without me in the bed with her.. I think something happened, but I’m not sure.” I said worriedly. 


“Oh.. Ne. If you need anything you can always come to the both of us! You know, Yoon Ji is pretty smart at figuring things out.. she’s the one who figured out the truth about Sehunnie! And we know it’s the truth because Sang Hee had her sources find out more about their family!” Tao said with a happy tone.


“The truth about ‘Sehunnie’?” I furrowed my brows. 


“Ne well, about Ha Ni being hi--”


“Hyung!” Sehun shouted across the hall and ran towards us. “Is Sang Hee talking now?” he said with a smile. “Annyeong!” Sehun said as he pulled me in for a hug. I pushed him away.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” I shouted at him, who had a painful look on his face, causing the attention of everyone around me. 


“Yeah! Who said you could touch her?!” “She’s mine! Get away!” “Don’t touch my queen!” I could hear comments from my fan boys yelling at Sehun.


“Yah.. this is none of your business. Scram!” Yoon Ji said in a calm yet icy cold voice. No one dared to defy the queenka and her deadly tone, so they all muttered stuff before they cleared the hallways. She turned back to me. “Why are you being mean to Sehunnie?” 


“Are you seriously asking me that right now?” I said with annoyance. Did they not remember that Sehun cheated on me with some other girl and was just using me?


“Attitude much?” Yoon Ji said. “I’m just asking. You did get our texts last week right?” 


“Your texts?” I asked puzzedly. What are they talking about?


“Ah.. so this is why..” Tao said with a smirk. 

“Could someone please explain to me what you guys are talking about?” I said with clear irritation in my voice. 


“Hmm.. well.. I guess we should leave these two alone and let them talk?” Tao said with an evil grin.


“Ne.. seems like the best thing to do in this case.” Yoon Ji looked at me and talked with her scary queenka voice. “Don’t you dare try to leave. Just listen to Sehunnie, mkay? I’ll text you later unnie!” Yoon Ji said as she linked arms with Tao and skipped out of the school.


As soon as they exited the building, I started to walk away from Sehun, until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.


“Ugh. Stop being stubborn and just hear me out? Please?” Sehun said using tons of aegyo. Ugh. Even when I’m mad at him he can have this effect on me? Aish. 


I groaned. “Fine.” 


He clapped his hands together and smiled. “Okay.. so would you like me to explain about Ha Ni?”


At her the sound of her name, I bit my lip and slightly nodded. 


Sehun chuckled at my reaction and I glared at him. “Her name’s Oh Ha Ni, yes, as in Oh Sehun. She’s my cousin. We’ve been living together ever since we were young since our parents were always doing business abroad. The reason why I wanted to get her something memorable and something that would cause her to think of me when she saw it was because she’s my cousin and I love her. She’s basically my younger sibling. And that thing about me smiling about her telling her friends and calling me “Oppa”, it was as in like a brother. So stop worrying your pretty little head and just forgive me, you dork.” I said and I flicked her forehead.


I stood there with my jaw hanging wide open. When Sehun laughed, I quickly closed it and tears rushed into my eyes. Sehun noticed at looked at me worriedly.


“What’s wrong? I thought it was a good thing..” 


“You jerk.. do you know how down I’ve been feeling because I thought you were cheating..” I said as I closed my hands into fist and started hitting his chest.


“Yah! You could’ve just asked me about Ha Ni and I would’ve explained the whole situation, but no.. you just had to over think the situation and ignore your friends all week hm?” 


“Shut up..” I said quietly as Sehun put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. 

“I missed you Kim Sang Hee..” I heard Sehun mutter quietly. 


“Yah! What the hell do you think you’re doing with my girl?!” Both Sehun and I turned around to see an angry Luhan. It’s been over ten minutes..


“Excuse me? Did you just say your girl?” Sehun looked up at Luhan in annoyance.


“Why yes, I did.” At that moment Luhan grabbed my wrist and pulled me over next to him. “So are you telling Sang Hee more lies?” 


“Bwo?! More lies? Shouldn’t I be asking you that? Why the hell are you telling her that Ha Ni is my girlfriend anyways. You and I both know that Ha Ni is my cousin!” Sehun shouted.


Luhan scoffed and looked towards me. “And you’re going to believe him?”


“Well... Yoon Ji did tell me that she searched up their family.. and she has great connections since her family is so powerful..” I whispered.


“I can’t believe you’re siding with Sehun right now..” Luhan said as he rolled his eyes at me.


“Why did you lie to me?” I said feeling hurt that Luhan, the person I’ve grown so much closer with this week would fill my head with lies.. but I was still wondering why he would do this to his so called best friend.


“Why? Course to get to Sehun when you started avoiding him, but I guess there’s always another way to hurt him..” he answered in a whisper, and cleared his throat. “Since we are telling each other the truth, how bout we let Sehun in on our little secret, Sang Hee?” 


I gave him a confused look.


“Aw.. now don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already. All those gentle kisses that led to passionate make out sessions. I’m hurt that you forgot how intimate we were before I told you that lie about Ha Ni.” 


My jaw dropped. Crap. I looked over to Sehun who’s face was filled with hurt, but then he looked over to me. “Sang Hee.. I know he could be lying seeing how he lied to you about me so much.. just tell me the truth and I’ll believe you a hundred percent.. Did you do these things with Luhan while we were dating..?” Sehun said and held his breath awaiting my answer. 






A/N: Hey guys! Omg. I know I haven't updated in like FOREVER, and I'm so sorry for that. Sigh. I thought summer break was time for me to rest, but I guessed wrong. ;-; Guess who's mom signed her up for summer school.. me. 3 Ugh and the teachers there assign like A TON OF HOMEWORK. Sigh. I'm back to sleep deprived, but I was finally able to update today since there's a test tomorrow, I don't have a ton of homework. ^-^ Thank you so much for all the subscribers who didn't unsubscribe during my hiatus. I love you guys so much! <3 Ahaha. Hope everyone's enjoying the story. (: If you are enjoying it, don't be shy and feel free to leave comments! Heheh.. hope you guys comment and subscribe! ^-^ Going to work on the next chapter and study a little bit for that test! (: Byeeeee~ <3



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kellyynguyenn #1
Chapter 2: aigoo so good :) update yo:D
kellyynguyenn #2
Chapter 1: nhanh lên unnie! update! lalalalalala
angrymaknae #3
Chapter 1: update asdfghkjkl cant wait!
nguyenjane39 #4